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How do you think first half of SA will end?


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There has been tons of theories on this. One is @RSharas favorite idea, about resurrecting the Oathpact, and having our new Radiants become Heralds. Another one is that Roshar is destroyed. 

My personal thought is that the Champion thing will be resolved at the end of 5, and I think that Rayse might be done for. But exactly how it ends... no idea.

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Kaladin will forgive himself, learn how to be happy, find himself a girlfriend, and get a happy ending.

Shallan will forgive herself, overcome all inner struggles and get a happy ending.

Adolin will revive the sword, become an Edgedancer, and get a happy ending.

Adolin and Shallan will have 10 children with rainbow hair color.

Szeth will kill that evil Herald, and become a leader of Skybreakers instead of him. He will learn how to make own decisions and how to be free. He will get a happy ending.

Venli will reject Odium and lead Listeners against him. She will be their new leader once the war will be over. She will get a happy ending.

Taln will be sane again. He will get a happy ending.

Renarin will find the strength, become a full Radiant, save his spren from Odium's corruption, and get a happy ending.

Odium will be destroyed. Big victory and happy ending for everyone.

Humans and Listeners will become allies. All of them, and spren, will live together in Urithiru like a giant family, dance and sing happy songs.

Dalinar will die and be forgotten just like all dead characters in Sanderson's books are forgotten by everyone on the next page after their deaths.


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34 minutes ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

Adolin will revive the sword, become an Edgedancer, and get a happy ending.

Adolin and Shallan will have 10 children with rainbow hair color.

Those two are off, but otherwise it's funny, have an upvote, friend!

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Rayse Dies, Somebody else (maybe Moash) takes up the Odium Shard.  Dalinar fully ascends to the Honor Shard, rebranding it Unity.  Having finally accomplished those two things, Cultivation retires (may or may not choose to die Go Beyond) and voluntarily gives the Cultivation Shard to somebody new (Im guessing either Navani to pair with Dalinar, or a Singer to balance the Human perspective of Unity).

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2 minutes ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

Really? He probaby doesn't fit, at least by Sanderson's standards (and he's the author, so his views are only views that matter).

Well, I think he fits perfectly. We are discussing our personal assumptions here, right?

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3 minutes ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

Yes. I just tried to think what Sanderson will write...knowing Sanderson. If I remember correctly, he said somewhere that he doesn't find Adolin's actions to be dark.

Well, if the theory of "Dark Adolin" can distract you from your gloomy thoughts about Dalinar's fate and make you feel better, I would gladly tell you my thoughts on it in PM. Otherwise too many other people here can feel bad, and this is also possibly offtopic.

Edited by Sedside
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36 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Rayse Dies, Somebody else (maybe Moash) takes up the Odium Shard.  Dalinar fully ascends to the Honor Shard, rebranding it Unity.  Having finally accomplished those two things, Cultivation retires (may or may not choose to die Go Beyond) and voluntarily gives the Cultivation Shard to somebody new (Im guessing either Navani to pair with Dalinar, or a Singer to balance the Human perspective of Unity).

May I ask why do you think that Cultivation may want to give her power to someone else? She's alive and well, so why could she decide to change it?

Also, what would change if Moash takes up Odium? Odium is Odium, it doesn't matter who holds him. I think, Shard devours everyones personality and stay more or less same. That's why I thought Odium should be destroyed (splintered, merged with another Shard...whatever).


I forgot to mention Navani in my post. If Dalinar dies, she dies too.

6 minutes ago, Sedside said:

Well, if the theory of "Dark Adolin" can distract you from your gloomy thoughts about Dalinar's fate and make you feel better, I would gladly tell you my thoughts on it in PM. Otherwise too many other people here can feel bad, and this is also possibly offtopic.

It's an interesting theory, I would like to read it. Though nothing will help me with gloomy thoughts about Dalinar...unless someone concvnces Sanderson to write a good ending for him. So, nothing. 

I read familiar theories about Adolin, but it was mostly pre-Oathbringer, and based on the whole Sadeas situation.

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On a more serious note than my first post, some ideas about the second half:

Odium will be dealt with, one way or another. During the gap, some rebuilding takes place, like trying to make peace between humans and listeners.
Maybe the Fused won't be gone completely, but without Odium, they won't pose as much a threat as before.

In book 6, we will have a still shaky truce between humans and listeners, constantly being strained by the Fused. A solution for dealing with the Fused, maybe enabling them to move on the Beyond, is the ultimate goal for the characters, as well as a way to release the Heralds from the Oathpact for good. (Hence Ash's and Taln's books.)

Also, Aimia will play a bigger role.

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2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

There has been tons of theories on this. One is @RSharas favorite idea, about resurrecting the Oathpact, and having our new Radiants become Heralds. Another one is that Roshar is destroyed. 

My personal thought is that the Champion thing will be resolved at the end of 5, and I think that Rayse might be done for. But exactly how it ends... no idea.

I think the Everstorm gets taken care of somehow, otherwise the Fused would never go away. Probably involves the contest of Champions. 

I would not have thought Rayse would die in the front 5, but we got an awful lot of him in Book 3 when I didn't expect him to show up until later in the Front 5. Maybe he won't last past front 5 after all. 

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3 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

My personal thought is that the Champion thing will be resolved at the end of 5

The champion thing ended with Oathbringer. 

Odium chose his champion (Dalinar). Odium lost the contest of champions. 

It happened, so why is everyone ignoring that it did, and that that thread is over?

Edited by Lord Mistborn Skybreaker
Missed a comma
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17 minutes ago, Lord Mistborn Skybreaker said:

The champion thing ended with Oathbringer. 

Odium chose his champion (Dalinar). Odium lost the contest of champions. 

It happened, so why is everyone ignoring that it did, and that that thread is over?

Dalinar didn't accept being his champion did he? Also, Dalinar never appointed his own champion. It would be odd if the contest of champions was finished before either side had a champion. Not sure why your post was so hostile, but good luck with that.

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It still matters

"You have agreed to a battle of champions. You must withdraw to prevent this contest from occurring, and so must not meet with Dalinar Kholin again. Otherwise, he can force you to fight." OB Ch. 122

Dalinar can still make it happen if he can find a way to find a way to "meet" Odium again. 

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10 minutes ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

May I ask why do you think that Cultivation may want to give her power to someone else? She's alive and well, so why could she decide to change it?

It's a relatively far-fetched (and mostly thematic) thing, but the whole nature of Cultivation is for things to grow and change, it would drive the holder to avoid any kind of long-term stasis, and thus be more open to Cultivating a heir/successor.  I entirely think she has a goal of Cultivating a successor for the Honor Shard, so why not one for her own.  She may choose to retire and live on as a Sliver, perhaps go Worldhopping. Or she may choose to follow Tanavast into the Beyond.  But for basically the same reasons you are saying that Navani will Die if Dalinar does, I think Cultivation is going to move on to whatever she decides will be her new stage in life.


10 minutes ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

Also, what would change if Moash takes up Odium? Odium is Odium, it doesn't matter who holds him. I think, Shard devours everyones personality and stay more or less same. That's why I thought Odium should be destroyed (splintered, merged with another Shard...whatever).

The Intent of the Shard is what it is, but the Interpretation of that intent (as well as how well the person resists it's influence) makes a lot of difference.  Sazed could be interpreting Harmony very differently, just as Ati could have with Ruin.  The Vessel's Personality Filters the Intent. And then there's the fact that shards can ad do drive their Vessel's Crazy over time, which is going to have a big effect, and I think arguments could be that Rayse is pretty darn crazy (though he also may have started that way)

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29 minutes ago, Lord Mistborn Skybreaker said:

The champion thing ended with Oathbringer. 

Odium chose his champion (Dalinar). Odium lost the contest of champions. 

It happened, so why is everyone ignoring that it did, and that that thread is over?

Dalinar refused. That is why I think it isn’t over. And Honor hasn’t picked a Champion yet.

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Moash will be Odium's Champion.

I definitely expect a Maya revival by the end of Book 5. But I don't want to turn this thread into yet another argument about Adolin so I won't be discussing the details here. There's lots of other threads for that.

Dalinar may ascend to Honor at the end of book 5, but that might also not happen until the back half. Or at all, but I think it's likely.

T will die before the end of book 5.

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5 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

There has been tons of theories on this. One is @RSharas favorite idea, about resurrecting the Oathpact, and having our new Radiants become Heralds.

NO. :P That's right up there with people believing Odium is Passion and Timbre=Eshonai in my most hated ideas list :D

Edited by RShara
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23 minutes ago, RShara said:

NO. :P That's right up there with people believing Odium is Passion and Timbre=Eshonai in my most hated ideas list :D

What will you do if SA5 ends with the revelation that Odium is in fact Passion, that Timbre is Eshonai, and that Kaladin, Shallan and Lift are our new Heralds?

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Just now, Toaster Retribution said:

What will you do if SA5 ends with the revelation that Odium is in fact Passion, that Timbre is Eshonai, and that Kaladin, Shallan and Lift are our new Heralds?

Since at least two of them are already false by WoB, I'm not concerned :P

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