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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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18 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“Let’s go,” he said, walking to the front reception.

“Does anyone want to follow her?” He asked, gesturing to Georgia-Grace, there was a possibility for chaos’s if left unchecked.

"No." Lena shrugged. "If she digs her own grave, she digs her own grave. And from what I've seen of her so far, she works better on her own anyway."

She followed Alask over to the front reception and added quietly. "I can answer some easy medical questions, so if they try to test us, just let me speak. Straightening she smiled at the person there.

"Hello." She greeted them and made sure her smile was cute and harmless. "We are from a voluntary group focused on medical aid and wanted to ask if you have some classes available, where we could improve our knowledge."


15 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Anyone mind if I RP done NPC's to help this thread keep flowing?


Of course not ^_^ That's why I asked in the first place if you want to rp your own NPCs.


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The man at the desk, literally only there in case they had visitors, beamed. "Of course! It's wonderful to have you- I'll give you a general idea of where things are and call someone over to help guide you around- thank you for coming today." He smiled, turning and leaning down, humming to himself as he looked through a small box next to his chair. "Ah, perfect. Here." He pulled out a rather nice looking layout map of the buildings. "I'm afraid we only have blueprints right now- we we're hoping to have the art teacher make some better ones for public use but... I'm afraid that something happened to him and we haven't been able to find him. it was so soon after the genocide too..." He seemed to grow quiet for a moment, shaking himself before smiling. "Anyways, as you can see here, that is the main cathedral. It's where most religious services are held, where we hold public meetings for the guild, and where I believe most of the offices of the governing body are held. This building to the right, and the one's next to it, are the dorms. The larger one is for the children, of course, but we always find room if someone needs a place to stay. Now, this building on the left is the school. The art room is out of use until we can find a replacement or find Shae, but the other rooms have various courses on mathematics, languages, handwriting, various magic systems, and anything else a child requests. Their future is everyone's future, so we try to make it a bright and happy one. Right behind the cathedral we have the gardens, where most of our fresh produce is grown- as well as various other plants and herbs we sell in town in order to buy meat and such for the children. The teachers and staff have their own paycheck, so they buy their own food. I'm not sure which office specifically is the therapy and mental health offices, but we do have a small group in charge of that- they became absolutely vital for the children after the attack." He stopped again, blinking and shaking his head. "I'm sorry. Umm... Do you want a guide, or is this enough for you to find your way around? And if the nurse of first aid teacher don't have what you're looking for, maybe the library would be of use to you..." He forced a smile, but it became genuine again as he pushed away the memories of that dark, dark day...

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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“Good morning,” Alask said, nodded to Lena from what she’d said previous.

“We’re from a voluntary medical team, wanting to improve life in areas that are still recovering from poverty. Everyone we asked said you guys were the most selfless great guild, so we thought it would help to go to you guys. You’re library certainly sounds interesting. I wonder if in your school’s ‘science’ section there are any practical tools?”

A fabrial or motivator certainly would be nice, he added silently.

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The man smiled. "I'm not certain... you could probably ask some of the science teachers. I'm pretty sure they'd have one or two fabrials as examples to teach the kids how to make them. Anything else should be catalogued by the teachers. If you meet anyone in need, we take in anyone. Even if they only need a place to stay for a while, we'd gladly take them in. Thank you for the work you do. Feel free to stop by the cafeteria if you stay past lunch. It's normally just for refugees, kids, and staff, but I'm sure they'd make an exception for you. You'll need this to find your way around, so you can keep it. We have extras elsewhere. If you need any help, ask anyone- the kids are especially helpful." He smiled, holding out the blueprints of the grounds that he'd been using as a map- offering it as a map for them to use. It didn't have anything overly valuable marked on it though- nothing the guild needed to keep secret or safe, other than the kids dorm. Not that there were many secrets, but these plans only were useful if the guild didn't change its layout with the special defensive stamp they'd used during the invasion. There weren't many valuables to steal. 

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Lena took the blueprints, and looked at them. Nothing that sounded like "room where we keep our fabrials" was written on there, but if everybody was as nice as the man said - they could simply ask to see a fabrial, claim that they already owned it and then tada, there they were.

She looked at Alask and lifted her shoulders a little as if to ask him what to do with these strange people. Help everybody, a free meal? There was so much kindness here, she felt like vomitting. It seemed superficial, as if it was a nice facade, to cover the dark parts of the guild. And most likely it was. And even if it wasn't, she was nobody to turn down a free meal.

"Thank you." She smiled at him. "We will ask if we can't find our way. Could you please show me, where the science teachers are?"

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35 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Lena took the blueprints, and looked at them. Nothing that sounded like "room where we keep our fabrials" was written on there, but if everybody was as nice as the man said - they could simply ask to see a fabrial, claim that they already owned it and then tada, there they were.

She looked at Alask and lifted her shoulders a little as if to ask him what to do with these strange people. Help everybody, a free meal? There was so much kindness here, she felt like vomitting. It seemed superficial, as if it was a nice facade, to cover the dark parts of the guild. And most likely it was. And even if it wasn't, she was nobody to turn down a free meal.

"Thank you." She smiled at him. "We will ask if we can't find our way. Could you please show me, where the science teachers are?"

The man smiled. "Of course... there should be one in this room here. I hope that helps you." He smiled, pointing to one of the classrooms in the school building. "If you'd like a guide, I can have once if the children or priests excused from their current activities to come lead you where you want to go." He smiled, hoping they appreciated the offer. 

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On 11/19/2019 at 0:17 AM, The Last Post said:

You forgot the others



Eve doesn't know all that much about it.

The self-righteousness the clerk emanated almost made Eve want to punch him. They might give out free meals, but only to those who came to them. They never went out to distribute. Everything revolved on the need to convert, convert, convert. 

Petty, really. 

She kept a pleasant expression on her face, though, nodding at appropriate moments.

The focus on children bothered her as well. Where were they all from? Did they themselves choose this life or was the church indoctrinating helpless orphans? While what Alask said about them being the most selfless great guild might ring true, the bar to beat floated pretty low. Then again, they'd barely gotten a bat of an eyelash. Most places increased security measures by a ten-fold after attacks. Here, however, still seemed pretty lax. 

Eve smiled at the clerk. "That's a very kind offer, but we wouldn't want to cause unnecessary disturbance." Then she glanced at Alask and Lena. What she'd said hadn't completely nixed the offer in case they thought differently on the matter. Having a guide meant constant accompaniment which infringed upon the ability to go around without total supervision. It also could lessen any suspicion to have someone with them. It really was dependant upon what they wanted to prioritize more.

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Fun fact- this great guild is still new, most of the children are orphans or the kids of staff, and they have more guards than they used too. If anything goes wrong, all children are to be taken to the safest location possible, and the alarm sounded. They still lack most of the resources that other great guilds might have. 

He smiled. "Alright... if your friends feel the same way, I'll let you be on your way. We have a religious seminar in the cathedral lasting for an hour or more later on today- though Selish religious groups meet in the school house in the art room and surrounding classrooms, This religious meetings are in the garden, Scadrian ones are  on the green, and Rosharan meetings are held... in the science classrooms, I think... We can offer you a room to yourselves if you have other beliefs, but I'm afraid we don't have room to give every religion a place... We will once we get the resources to expand though- we're a very new guild, and we're still establishing ourselves. Hopefully we can start getting some more funding soon... if you have any major questions or concerns, I can always direct you to The high priest, Erlend- he knows almost everything about the guild. I just wanted to let you know in case you stayed that long- we try to avoid interrupting religious meetings whenever possible. It's disrespectful to others and their beliefs." The man smiled, hoping he was being helpful. 

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4 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

He smiled. "Alright... if your friends feel the same way, I'll let you be on your way. We have a religious seminar in the cathedral lasting for an hour or more later on today- though Selish religious groups meet in the school house in the art room and surrounding classrooms, This religious meetings are in the garden, Scadrian ones are  on the green, and Rosharan meetings are held... in the science classrooms, I think... We can offer you a room to yourselves if you have other beliefs, but I'm afraid we don't have room to give every religion a place... We will once we get the resources to expand though- we're a very new guild, and we're still establishing ourselves. Hopefully we can start getting some more funding soon... if you have any major questions or concerns, I can always direct you to The high priest, Erlend- he knows almost everything about the guild. I just wanted to let you know in case you stayed that long- we try to avoid interrupting religious meetings whenever possible. It's disrespectful to others and their beliefs." The man smiled, hoping he was being helpful. 

"I agree. With your map and the directions you gave us - we should be easily able to find our way around, and if we can't we will ask someone."

Lena continued to smile and added. "And thanks for your offer to talk to Erlend, but I don't think it's neccessary to bother a guild leader." Hopefully they could circumvent this. A guild leader. No matter how nice they were, if this Erlend guy lead the guild he most likely could wipe them out within a single breath. "Thank you so much and see you later." She tried to finish the conversation and completely irgnored the part about religious meetings. What a crap. Religion was nothing but an excuse for those to week for forge their own path. Her fingers moved towards her bag, itching to blow some powder into his face to seem twitching from the poison in his lungs.

"Let's go." She turned to Eve and Alask, wondered if they really could straightforward as for the motivater and be done with it. But then, it wouldn't be half as fun as stealing what they needed.

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He nodded. "Alright, have a nice day.I hope you enjoy the guild." He smiled, letting them leave and turning to look around for another blueprint or map. Maybe he'd ask the old art students to try making some maps? That would hopefully help them keep up their skills. 

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“You too,” Alask said, turning away from the guide and back to the group.

So, they had a school here. Idly Alask wondered whether any of the children had chosen to be here, certainly a guild centred around one central religion wouldn’t be the most unbiased places to grow up in... but that was an inquiry of thought for another’s say. For now, it was about the heist. The fabrials, The motivators and the heist.

“We want to check out the science teachers?” Alask asked, stepping in front and walking to where the man had pointed.

“If there’s anything here, it’s there.”

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Zyn stepped in silently, giving polite nods to those that they passed but otherwise remaining silent. he was nothing like as skilled as Lena was with creating a disguise and his lanky figure would be difficult to conceal no matter how skilled he was. Better to try to be as forgettable as possible instead.

This is why you should leave this kind of work to other people. Zyn chastised himself mentally. Scope the building out from a distance, sure. Learn the patrols nearby, check where all the guards are. But don't walk straight into the dang building! That's a job for a Soother.

Shaking his head he caught up to Alask with a series of long strides, keeping his head down.

"So what's the plan here?" Zyn asked, voice pitched low. "Just wander until we find something interesting? I doubt they'd just keep anything too valuable out in the open. Maybe some fancy ornaments but Invested stuff? With all these kids playing around?"

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Lena shook her head. "Let's talk to the science teacher. Maybe we can convince one of them to show us how to use a fabrial. One of us follows them to where the store them, if they don't want for one of us to come along."

"At least that's the best I can come up with." She looked at the blueprints again, at the tiny inscriptions in the different rooms. She spoke quietly, made sure nobody but the other three could hear her, covering the movement of her mouth by lifted the blueprint a little. "I doubt that they depicted their vaults on the map, so we might be able to get some clues as to where they are located by analyzing them more thoroughly." Although analyzing was boring. "We might be quicker to ask. They are so careless, if we come up with some heartwarming story, we might easily get what we need. And then we empty one of their vaults - something has to be there, he mentioned that they sometimes show their children how to deal with a fabrial. So they have to have some. And a fabrial alone is valuable enough to last us a time in the poorer parts."

Edited by Sorana
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“It doesn’t even have to be a working fabrial,” Alask said.

“If it breaks during the heist - it’s fine, we can always replace the stormlight later.” Stormlight was one thing they could afford. And it served the double purpose of lighting on dark nights, not even dangerous like fire was, especially in a community of ram-shackle tents.

“But she’s right, following one of the teachers is a good idea,” he looked back at Zyn.

“You seemed to do a fine job of entering the Forge without us noticing, do you think you’d be able to tail one of the teachers we find?”

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Zyn snorted in response. He took one glance up at the high ceilings in the buildings, the support beams, window frames and awnings. Some sections of corridor didn't have much in the way of rooftop hiding, but the number of empty rooms and exits made for plenty of hiding places.

"'Long as they're not a tineye or an Awakener I could tail near storming anyone in these buildings." He replied. "Fancy people always put too much in their houses, makes it much easier."

He dipped into a nearby alcove that held a statue, presumably one of the gods they worshipped here but he hadn't paid much attention. Taking a quick look behind he saw there was plenty of room to move, they'd make easy platforms to lift himself up towards the ceilings if he needed to. Some convenient windows also made them an easy way to escape quickly if things went sour.

"Yeah that should be pretty easy." He confirmed again as he made his way back.

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"Then it's settled." Lena grinned at Eve, Zyn and Alask. "Let's head to the teachers and see what they have." She lifted the blueprints and concentrated on them, took a moment to figure out where they were. "We have to cross this hall."

She said after a while and held the blueprints in a way, all of them could see them. "We walk through there, around that corner and then they should be and the end of that hallway." For a moment she memorized the layout, then offered them to Zyn. "Maybe you should take them." She said and added without changing her voice. "If I remember correctly you like maps of all sorts." It was crap, but if Zyn talied the teacher, the map might be useful should he end up in a trap, on in an unknown place.

Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a box with some pancakes offered them  to the others. "I have some with powdered sugar, some with jam and some with chocolate cream." She took one with chocolate and grinned at the taste. Few things were better than a little snack when you were working. Slowly she started down the first hallway, it would be suspicious if they stood in one place for too long.

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“I love powdered sugar,”

Alask said, taking one pancake. As he ate he tried not to get any of it stuck in his disguise. It would be a pain to clean up after. Following Lena he sighed in relief as the plan began to fall into his head.

“We’ll need to ask what time they close to visitors,” he said. “It’ll be easier with no random people wandering around, and with all of the schoolchildren and presumably staff asleep.” They would need something to get over the fences, maybe Zyn with some sort of lockpick? Or they could pickpocket a guard now.

After they would be in, it would be a straight dash to the vault.

“Do we have an exit strategy?” He asked, the thought suddenly occurring to him. “In case we’re chased out.”

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"We hope Georgia carelessly trips an alarm before we do. That way they're all so focused on her that they miss us entirely," Eve joked, keeping her voice low and hearable only to those nearby, despite the empty hallways.

"But otherwise, find the closest exit, door or window, and jump if necessary. Land on your feet and keep going until you lose any tails in poorer sections of the city. Only head back once you know its clear and if it doesn't, find one of TUBA's bakeries and wait it out. They probably wouldn't dare to try anything in another guild's territory, so just take advantage of that." She shrugged and took a pancake as they walked. "Or just get caught and play the 'innocent civilian doing what they need to survive' card. A place like this might actually let a person go if they hear a sob story, if only to keep up an appearance."

Hoping no one would get caught was all nice and well until someone did. Alask was smart to plan for the worst. Though if it came to it, nothing they planned would work. The people who worked there had the advantage of location. The thieves would be like mice being chased by a cat in a labrinth.

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Lena shrugged and lifted a hand. Waiting was way too boring. If they were holding a lesson of some sorts, they might wait for hours. "I like the sob story idea." She replied, "We can always use some of the things happening around the Forge. That should be enough."

She tipped her fingers against the door playfully, then knocked. The sound echoed through the hallway and she took a step back, packed the remainen pancakes away. Good thing she had made them. A heist without a pancake was like chocolate cream without chocolate.

"I'm curious to see, if they are as nice as the one who greeted us." And as oblivious to our plans she ended her sentence in her head. "I suppose we'll find out soon."


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