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31 minutes ago, Sorana said:

The chimera screeched, its  wings beating the air, it's scorpion like tail extended straight behind it. It turned its head, its legs ending in goat like hooves, a long tongue flicking out between its fangs.



@turtle @Blessing of Potency

As the screech rings through the cabin, Jarias swears and dashes out into the main hallway of the car and starts running to the front. This was not a good situation. If they stopped the train and we fought in the passing fields, the beast would have an advantage from it's flight. If we fought it in one of the cars, there would be no room to fight it- though that might apply to both of them. The roof would be the worst of both worlds, no way that's happening. Now, if he...
Wait. He didn't have to do this alone.
He skidded to a halt, and turned around. He didn't have the time to go to every door. And so he yelled,

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1 minute ago, AmazingGoob said:

@turtle @Blessing of Potency

As the screech rings through the cabin, Jarias swears and dashes out into the main hallway of the car and starts running to the front. This was not a good situation. If they stopped the train and we fought in the passing fields, the beast would have an advantage from it's flight. If we fought it in one of the cars, there would be no room to fight it- though that might apply to both of them. The roof would be the worst of both worlds, no way that's happening. Now, if he...
Wait. He didn't have to do this alone.
He skidded to a halt, and turned around. He didn't have the time to go to every door. And so he yelled,

"You think?" Ayra shouted over the chaos. She pulled a gun from her pocket and shot it a couple of times.

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4 minutes ago, turtle said:

"You think?" Ayra shouted over the chaos. She pulled a gun from her pocket and shot it a couple of times.

"It was for any other people in cabins, not you!"
He draws his rapier and goes to the front of the car, opens the door and looks out to get a better view of the thing.

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According to Po, the train is empty apart from a skeleton crew. I kind of got that wrong in my initial post. :rolleyes:

Zoe grabbed her handbag and rushed after them. Her knuckles turned white when she gripped it too hard, her heart beating quickly. And here she was on a moving train that was chased by a monster.

A man wearing the uniform of the staff joined them his face pale, probably as pale as her own. She joined Ayra and Jarias, peeked outside. "Can we distract it?" she asked, watched as the chimera flew closer, in a sweep above them. It screeched again, as if enjoying the hunt, its eyes never leaving the three of them. How were they even supposed to fight it, to do something while it was flying.

Eyes wide she pressed her back against the doorframe while the creature screamed again and then spiraled downwards towards them, aiming to land on the roof and to attack.




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3 minutes ago, turtle said:

"I know this sounds crazy, but we could jump. There isn't much space between the windows and the ground and the chimera is likely to go after the train."

"How are we supposed to get to the wizards after that? And the people on the train?"

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26 minutes ago, AmazingGoob said:

"How are we supposed to get to the wizards after that? And the people on the train?"

"I never really thought that through. But come on. I have four guns and a knife, all of which are dual metal. We could say we are kids who got stranded from a airplane crash or something. And the people on the train aren't my problem." She knew it was cold to say, but she would rather be alive with three people than dead in a field.



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1 hour ago, turtle said:

"I never really thought that through. But come on. I have four guns and a knife, all of which are dual metal. We could say we are kids who got stranded from a airplane crash or something. And the people on the train aren't my problem." She knew it was cold to say, but she would rather be alive with three people than dead in a field.



He looks at you incredulously. "Uh..." he shakes his head and says "No. You go do that, if you wish. But I'm not abandoning these people."

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On 10/2/2020 at 11:53 AM, BringerofShadows said:

Cosette looks through folder, figuring out how tired and worn out she'll become if she travels across the "pond". "When do you want this case done by?" 

“As soon as possible. If she has betrayed us we need it dealt with quickly.”


Sorry, I was busy.


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Just now, BringerofShadows said:

"I will need a day of rest, as traveling from here to America is no small feat." There is a pause, and a change of tone.  "But I can be swift and clean." Cosette said with an unnerving smile. 

“Wonderful. And I’m hopping you’ll be more so once your wand is complete.”

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Sorry, was a busy weekend.

Zoe clung to her bag, held it tightly to her body and tried to think of a good way to solve the situation. Not that she really had a clue - but, she whirled around and pushed past the man back inside, while he shot a grateful look towards Jarias.

"There aren't many on the train. It's only you, me and two others." he explained hastily. "We could slow the train down-" he stopped, ducked a little when the chimera moved its wings closer to its body. "Or call for help, a carriage, leave the train, but take us with you." he added hastily, speaking so quickly his words blurred together.

Meanwhile Zoe grabbed something that looked a little like a metal bar. She had no idea how it was called, but she'd seen them before, on other trains. Supposedly these things were used to turn a switch should some electronics fail. Feeling better with at least something in her hand she returned outside just in time to watch the chimera screech again and then dive down, talons outstreched, maw open to what resembled to be an awful grin. If it weren't for the long, sharp teeth visible inside. Its talons were aiming for Jarias, while it already started to move its tail in order to bring the sharp end down on Ayra.

@eltruT @AmazingGoob

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14 hours ago, Sorana said:

Meanwhile Zoe grabbed something that looked a little like a metal bar. She had no idea how it was called, but she'd seen them before, on other trains. Supposedly these things were used to turn a switch should some electronics fail. Feeling better with at least something in her hand she returned outside just in time to watch the chimera screech again and then dive down, talons outstreched, maw open to what resembled to be an awful grin. If it weren't for the long, sharp teeth visible inside. Its talons were aiming for Jarias, while it already started to move its tail in order to bring the sharp end down on Ayra.

@eltruT @AmazingGoob

Jarias curses as he dodges out of the way of the beast's talons and in front of Ayra. He immediately falls into stance, his sword deflecting the scorpion tail. With the stinger to his side, he spins and jabs the point of the blade into the thing's tail.

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14 hours ago, AmazingGoob said:

Jarias curses as he dodges out of the way of the beast's talons and in front of Ayra. He immediately falls into stance, his sword deflecting the scorpion tail. With the stinger to his side, he spins and jabs the point of the blade into the thing's tail.

Zoe ducked when the chimera attacked them directly, glad that Jarias took over. Gone was the nervous boy, leaving a calm fighter in his place. She had trouble to phrase her relief at the fact that he knew what he did, that he had spent his time at the camp with something else than she had. The monster flinched back in pain when his blade left a deep gash in its tail and she gripped her bar tightly. Hesitantly she watched the fight, tried to find an opening, a good way for her to help, to use her improvised weapon.

The chimera seemed to ignore her completely, instead it focused on Jarias. There wasn't a lot of room outside, good for them maybe as it hindered the beasts movements, although she couldn't suppress the feeling that she was trapped, that she had no way to escape. The small, mean eyes of the thing followed Jarias for a heartbeat before it struck again, fangs gleaming when it jumped forward to throw him to ground and bite his head off.

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On 9/30/2020 at 2:20 PM, Negative_Null said:

Alex staggers, still disoriented from the Apparition. "Um, ok, but you're explaining how to do that later"

On 9/30/2020 at 9:02 PM, Blessing of Potency said:

"When you're ready." And with that Iris apparates and is gone.


Are you going to walk up to the house?


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On 10/6/2020 at 10:52 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Hey po, tag me when it's most narrtively convenient for you guys to get your wands.


Will do!


On 10/6/2020 at 10:49 AM, Negative_Null said:

Alex walked up to the house and knocked

The door swings open, standing inside is a man who appears to be in his mid 30s. He has short blonde hair and his green eyes are crinkled at the edges from his beaming smile, “You must be Alex! It’s a pleasure to meet you! Come in, come in!”



Hey, if you guys could @ me when your done with your fight, I’d like to get the plot moving for you guys as well as the wizard folk.

@Sorana @AmazingGoob @eltruT

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