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Allomancy Vs. god Metals


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Can atium be pushed or pulled? The only time we see atium manipulated by steel or iron is when Vin is fighting Rashek in the end of mistborn. Kelsier also burned steel and iron to find the location of atium crystals. But he never pushed or pulled on them. Vin is drawing upon preservation when the pulls on Rashek's bands, so you can't use that as an example. Likewise, if shardblades and shardplate are Honorium, then could allomancers push or pull on those?

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11 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Can atium be pushed or pulled? The only time we see atium manipulated by steel or iron is when Vin is fighting Rashek in the end of mistborn. Kelsier also burned steel and iron to find the location of atium crystals. But he never pushed or pulled on them. Vin is drawing upon preservation when the pulls on Rashek's bands, so you can't use that as an example. Likewise, if shardblades and shardplate are Honorium, then could allomancers push or pull on those?

Shardblades and  Plate per WoB's wuld be insanely difficult as they are invested extremely heavily. The more invested an object the harder to effect.

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The fact that atium can be Pushed and Pulled, and Honorblades/Shardblades/Shardplate can't is a bit of a conundrum. As solidified Investiture, atium shouldn't be Pushable or Pullable, but somehow is. Brandon's explained this away mostly by handwaving it, saying that atium, as solidified investiture, breaks some of the rules. The implied caveat being, we'll hopefully find out why some godmetals can be affected by Allomancy, and some can't.

(Also, it would be tanavastium, I would think.)

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I'd assume as others have said that shardblades/plate would be very hard to push or pull on but with enough power probably could be done. I'm fairly certain that brandon has said much the same thing. Not impossible but very very hard

Edit: also atium beads are a lot smaller than shardblades and plate so I'd assume less investiture just based on that so probably easier to push or pull on

Edited by Ikkio
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5 hours ago, RShara said:

The fact that atium can be Pushed and Pulled, and Honorblades/Shardblades/Shardplate can't is a bit of a conundrum. As solidified Investiture, atium shouldn't be Pushable or Pullable, but somehow is. Brandon's explained this away mostly by handwaving it, saying that atium, as solidified investiture, breaks some of the rules. The implied caveat being, we'll hopefully find out why some godmetals can be affected by Allomancy, and some can't.

(Also, it would be tanavastium, I would think.)

I think the point is more that a Shardblade is maybe two meters long while a bead of atium is a fraction of an inch.  I can push over a model train easily but couldn't even budge an actual train, and the scale between a bead of atium and a Shardblade is probably similar.

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Atium is the exception.  It breaks the "Investiture resists other Investiture" rule because it was developed prior to firming up the Cosmere rules:



Is atium Invested?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Is atium Invested? Atium is Investiture distilled into the Physical Realm, right? So is electricity electric? Or is it--


Well I think the question Sharders had was if it's Invested, how can people Push and Pull on it. That was the struggle.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Atium breaks a lot of rules, in the same way that you will see other things break rules. Atium plays weirdly. When you get distilled Investiture, you're starting like-- My kind of rule for myself is it's kind of like when you start going on the quantum level, the rules just start playing weirdly. Because it's like, what Realm does atium exist in-- is another thing. Because-- Pure Investiture like that is like a mini black hole, right? It's like existing in three Realms at once. Kind of, and things like that... There's lots of weirdness.

The writerly answer is there is lots of weirdness because when I built atium, I didn't have the rest of the cosmere built, right? And so it breaks a lot of rules that I later set up that everything else has to follow, right? So the writerly answer is we just have to accept that atium and lerasium and some of these other distilled Investiture things are going to play very weirdly with the magic systems. But that's okay. Nightblood will too, and some of these things that were built even after the cosmere was coming together.

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