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Knights Radiant Break Moments


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So I have been thinking, Kaladin broke because of his believed failure to save everyone but still forcing himself to live (it is a lot more complicate than that) made him a Knights Radiant.

Shallan spoke the truths of events that damaged her so much that she purposely forgot them.

Dalinar opened himself up and realised the person he was was horrible but to become better he had to move forward. 

Teft coming to terms with how much he hates himself and how he caused harm to others because of it. 

So what about Lift, Renarin, Jasnah, Lopen and others? What broke them or in apparently Lopen's case, what opened their mind to the Knight Radiant spren?

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Lift was probably some event on the streets that relates to why she doesn't want to grow up.

Renarin has to deal with the negative stigma of being a male who can't fight in a heavily warrior-focused culture.

Jasnah was probably the childhood insanity/stuff stemming from that.

Lopen was probably either losing his arm or being on a bridge crew.

The cracks are variable, and most of the ones we see on-screen are extreme examples, so you wouldn't need to go as far as Kelsier or Kaladin has to get powers, they just happen to have gone that far as part of their characterization.

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3 minutes ago, Invocation said:

Possible, yes. Doubtful, though.

I don't know much about lift but you're probably right and she is orphaned. Maybe she wants to stay young because of her mother?


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Damnation, I was hoping for a joke topic about water-cooler jokes around the Knights Radiant breakroom.

The awkward Truthwatcher finishes his therapy session with the immaculate Edgedancer-lady who just says, "be yourself" cheerfully. Naturally he heads to the water-cooler fabrial. The site of many of his social snafus. Hopeful, he attempts to reclaim some status with the time honoured tradition of levity! A jocular moment to help ease the tension. He walks up to the group of Knights who are all intently listening to the strapping and particularly large Stoneward telling a tale of eating the heart of a chasmfiend (not the gemheart) after losing a bet about the Edgedancer therapist's sexual proclivities. (Turns out he *is* her type and he's happy to lose the bet.)

The Truthwatcher steps forward, and afraid of never getting a chance to put a word in edgewise (this happens a lot) he just blurts out...

"So what do you call a Windrunner that can't fly?"

The Stoneward closes his mouth and stares blankly at the little Truthwatcher. The rest of the Knights start to edge away a bit and get that look in their eyes like cornered animals at an oasis. The Truthwatcher quickly thinks to himself, "oh noes, I'm losing em!" He finishes the joke with a flourishing gesticulation.

"A Skybreaker!"

Everyone makes a graceful exit and the Truthwatcher finds himself alone at the water-cooler.


Anyways, oooon topic...

48 minutes ago, Eris said:

So what about Lift, Renarin, Jasnah, Lopen and others? What broke them or in apparently Lopen's case, what opened their mind to the Knight Radiant spren?

Jasnah you already know a lot of my thoughts on her from the other topic. Whatever put her in that theorized dark room would do it methinks.

Renarin, possibly something to do with his being on the spectrum. Although it wouldn't surprise me if he already knew what happened to Dalinar and Evi and had broken something. Then never said anything about it.

Lopen. He's the Lopen. Nothing breaks the Lopen.

Lift. Something to do with her parents, been brought up in the books a few too many times for it to be random. (IIRC)

lol, just read up and I'm basically saying the same thing in a different way as...

23 minutes ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

Lift probably has to do with losing her mother.

Ditto for Renarin plus what Invocation said.

You can reference the over 9000 posts about who Jasnah broke.

Lopen is faking it.


Although just thinking about it; in Lopens case he's a squire so he might not need much of a reason/break at all? Besides. He's the Lopen.

Edited by Dalakaar
Grammar fail and damnation doesn't capitalize when it should.
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1 minute ago, Dalakaar said:

damnation, I was hoping for a joke topic about water-cooler jokes around the Knights Radiant breakroom.

The awkward Truthwatcher finishes his therapy session with the immaculate Edgedancer-lady who just says, "be yourself" cheerfully. Naturally he heads to the water-cooler fabrial. The site of many of his social snafus. Hopeful, he attempts to reclaim some status with the time honoured tradition of levity! A jocular moment to help ease the tension. He walks up the group of Knights who are all intently listening to the strapping and particularly large Stoneward telling a tale of eating the heart of a chasmfiend (Not the gemheart) after losing a bet about the Edgedancer therapist's sexual proclivities. (Turns out he *is* her type and he's happy to lose the bet.)

The Truthwatcher steps forward, and afraid of never getting a chance to put a word in edgewise (this happens a lot) he just blurts out...

"So what do you call a Windrunner that can't fly?"

The Stoneward closes his mouth and stares blankly at the little Truthwatcher. The rest of the Knights start to edge away a bit and get that look in their eyes like cornered animals at an oasis. The Truthwatcher quickly thinks to himself, "oh noes, I'm losing em!" He finishes the joke with a flourishing gesticulation.

"A Skybreaker!"

Everyone makes a graceful exit and the Truthwatcher finds himself alone at the water-cooler.


Anyways, oooon topic...

Jasnah you already know a lot of my thoughts on her from the other topic. Whatever put her in that theorized dark room would do it methinks.

Renarin, possibly something to do with his being on the spectrum. Although it wouldn't surprise me if he already knew what happened to Dalinar and Evi and had broken something. Then never said anything about it.

Lopen. He's the Lopen. Nothing breaks the Lopen.

Lift. Something to do with her parents, been brought up in the books a few too many times for it to be random. (IIRC)

lol, just read up and I'm basically saying the same thing in a different way as...


Although just thinking about it; in Lopens case he's a squire so he might not need much of a reason/break at all? Besides. He's the Lopen.

I was hoping for more Radiants than what I just mentioned but I didn't realise Lift mentions her mother so often.

Lopen has a spren, Rua, and I think he has done a few oaths. Don't quote me on it though

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Just now, Eris said:

Lopen has a spren, Rua, and I think he has done a few oaths. Don't quote me on it though

*Proceeds to quote you on it*


Actually what I mean is Lopen was a squire so that might be the, er, "in" you are looking for in the first place. In the right area at the right time.

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3 minutes ago, Dalakaar said:

Actually what I mean is Lopen was a squire so that might be the, er, "in" you are looking for in the first place. In the right area at the right time.

He'd still need to be cracked somehow to have even become a squire in the first place (the Investiture has to meld with your sDNA through the openings provided by trauma to use the magic systems [this goes for all of Sanderson's magics of the cosmere in some way, shape, or form]), though admittedly much less cracks are needed for a squire vs a full Radiant, but I think Lopen has plenty of cracks to speak of.

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4 minutes ago, Invocation said:

He'd still need to be cracked somehow to have even become a squire in the first place (the Investiture has to meld with your sDNA through the openings provided by trauma to use the magic systems [this goes for all of Sanderson's magics of the cosmere in some way, shape, or form]), though admittedly much less cracks are needed for a squire vs a full Radiant, but I think Lopen has plenty of cracks to speak of.

May i ask how do you know this? I know in mistborn it is fully disclosed, bit i didn't realise it applied for every magic system. Is this known through WoB's? 

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Just now, Xavier Iriarte said:

May i ask how do you know this? I know in mistborn it is fully disclosed, bit i didn't realise it applied for every magic system. Is this known through WoB's? 



If a Shard were to heal the cracks in someone's spiritweb, like Sazed did with Spook, and that person who was getting healed has a Nahel bond, would that break the bond?

Brandon Sanderson

No, because the Nahel bond is already filling in those cracks, so you would have to rip it off to put something else in there.


So it wouldn't really be-- the Shard wouldn't be able to heal--

Brandon Sanderson

Well, the Shard-- Like, here's the thing we have to get at with this, what we're getting at, which is the question of, for instance, is Kaladin's depression a flaw in him that needs to be healed? And that is a question for philosophers. There are certainly people, cosmere and outside the cosmere, that say "Yes, this needs to be healed" and things like this. But what about somebody who's-- say, someone who is autistic, and their mind just works in a different way, and this way allows a certain bond to happen that couldn't otherwise happen? Is that a flaw, or is that-- is it a bug or a feature, to speak in coding terms? Is what's up with Kaladin a bug or a feature? I know that my wife would probably get rid of her depression if she could, but it's also been fundamental in how she sees the world and who she is, would that change her into a different person? And things like this. So, I want you when you discuss this, to be very careful about treating mental illness as a flaw as opposed to an aspect of a human personality that allows certain different things to happen. Does that make sense? *applause*


The way I was sort of thinking, was, could Odium say, "Oh, I'm just going to fix this" and then you can't Surgebind anymore?

Brandon Sanderson

Right, right, yeah. If he-- if there w-- that is possible, but it would be hard to do without the consent of the person, but that is possible… You can fix somebody in a way that they didn't want to be fixed, and it would ruin things.


Djarskublar (paraphrased)

So I could be wrong, but a Hemalurgic spike, when you use it and become a savant it does damage to your Spiritweb, right?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes Hemalurgy always hurts you.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

So say you go to Roshar and you give somebody a Hemalurgic spike for some Allomantic power, don't care what, and you use it to become a savant. Does that qualify them as 'broken' enough to become a Radiant? As long as they are also following the Ideals to attract a spren.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

So becoming a Radiant is a spectrum of terminologies. It... probably, but you would have to find a Radiant who would, or a spren who would be willing to touch that, okay? It's going to drive them back.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

So would it also affect your probability of becoming an Elantrian?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yeah it would affect your ability to become anything else, yes.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

Okay, so would it be a positive effect, negative effect...? Because I was like, it gives you cracks in your Spiritweb.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

It does give you cracks in your Spiritweb.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

So it's easier for Investiture to get in. Does it make it easier for other Investitures to get in?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

It would make it... yes. It's going to drive spren away. So what it's really going to make easier for, there, is spren and Investiture that doesn't care.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

Okay, so Investiture doesn't care but spren do.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Investiture might care depending on if it's part of a Shard-- if it has intent and things like this.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

So it might let Stormlight in easier than a Breath, type thing.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

I'm saying it might let Odium in easier than Syl. Because Syl would care, and Odium would not care.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

Okay cool.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Alright, so it could be a really bad thing, is what I'm trying to say to you.

Djarskublar (paraphrased)

Yeah that's cool. I just want to know more about gold too. Gold Allomancy too. Because Miles was doing some funky stuff.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Miles was doing some funky stuff.


Yeah, sorry, should have though to include these from the get-go.

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11 minutes ago, Invocation said:

He'd still need to be cracked somehow to have even become a squire in the first place (the Investiture has to meld with your sDNA through the openings provided by trauma to use the magic systems [this goes for all of Sanderson's magics of the cosmere in some way, shape, or form]), though admittedly much less cracks are needed for a squire vs a full Radiant, but I think Lopen has plenty of cracks to speak of.

45 minutes ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

Lopen is faking it.



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12 minutes ago, Invocation said:

He'd still need to be cracked somehow to have even become a squire in the first place (the Investiture has to meld with your sDNA through the openings provided by trauma to use the magic systems [this goes for all of Sanderson's magics of the cosmere in some way, shape, or form]), though admittedly much less cracks are needed for a squire vs a full Radiant, but I think Lopen has plenty of cracks to speak of.

I mean, this is true, to an extent. But I think many people take needing to be “broken” way too far. Just because all of our main characters so far have been really broken doesn’t mean that you need to be that level of broken in order to bond a spren. For Lopen, his brokenness could be as simple as having the initial trauma of losing his arm, even if he’s now gotten over that. 

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5 minutes ago, Invocation said:

Yeah, sorry, should have though to include these from the get-go.

It's fine, thank you!

I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the ammount of information about the cosmere that is out there, after having read 10 Sanderon books i still feel like i know nothing.

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1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

I mean, this is true, to an extent. But I think many people take needing to be “broken” way too far. Just because all of our main characters so far have been really broken doesn’t mean that you need to be that level of broken in order to bond a spren. For Lopen, his brokenness could be as simple as having the initial trauma of losing his arm, even if he’s now gotten over that. 

Yep, which is why I noted that our main characters are somewhat outliers with how much trauma they've undergone to crack.


I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the ammount of information about the cosmere that is out there, after having read 10 Sanderon books i still feel like i know nothing.

Y'know what, that's completely fair.

Edited by Invocation
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Just now, Eris said:

So what type of minor trauma could some other radiants had? 

Do we know anything about Matala?

We don't know much about Malata, including how she cracked, but she's been bonded for a while, even hinting that she was bonded before joining the Diagram group.

As to the other minor trauma, honestly, could be just about anything.

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2 minutes ago, Invocation said:

Yep, which is why I noted that our main characters are somewhat outliers with how much trauma they've undergone to crack.

Oh, I must’ve not noticed that. Sorry.

1 minute ago, Eris said:

So what type of minor trauma could some other radiants had? 

Do we know anything about Matala?

I’d love to see a dark, tragic backstory for Malata, but we probably won’t get any PoV from her to learn about it in, and she doesn’t seem the type to open up about that, so I doubt we’ll ever learn about it. If it exists at all. If it doesn’t, then she’s probably broken on the level of like Lopen.

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

Oh, I must’ve not noticed that. Sorry.

4 minutes ago, Eris said:

That's fine, there was a lot of info crossing this thread all at once.

1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

I’d love to see a dark, tragic backstory for Malata, but we probably won’t get any PoV from her to learn about it in, and she doesn’t seem the type to open up about that, so I doubt we’ll ever learn about it. If it exists at all. If it doesn’t, then she’s probably broken on the level of like Lopen.

All good points, especially since my money is on Malata getting knocked off by someone.

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