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“I’m afraid you’ve picked the wrong battle, Klaus. You see, I can call upon my Warriors at any moment...Warriors such as these two.”

”Mr. and Mrs. Sadry, right? Sweet old couple. Lived together at the edge of town before you murdered them? Yeah  I know them.” 

The glowing blue forms of the couple in question appear. 

“....and wow, they do not look happy.”

No idea if it would work like that, though. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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“I’m afraid you’ve picked the wrong battle, Klaus. You see, I can call upon my Warriors at any moment...Warriors such as these two.”

”Mr. and Mrs. Sadry, right? Sweet old couple. Lived together at the edge of town before you murdered them? Yeah  I know them.” 

The glowing blue forms of the couple in question appear. 

“....and wow, they do not look happy.”

No idea if it would work like that, though. 



It's actually a really complicated question since his Warriors retain some meager memories and self-identity--even his dinosaurs remember their old lives to some extent or another. So spiritually there's a question whether the souls of the dead would be watching from outside their bodies or if part of Lightwards power is subjugating their spirits after death. Without knowing how souls work within the Reckonerverse it's rather an impossible question to answer, really. :mellow:


I'm mostly wondering how his interaction with Funtimes would go once Courtney started talking to him.


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40 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


It's actually a really complicated question since his Warriors retain some meager memories and self-identity--even his dinosaurs remember their old lives to some extent or another. So spiritually there's a question whether the souls of the dead would be watching from outside their bodies or if part of Lightwards power is subjugating their spirits after death. Without knowing how souls work within the Reckonerverse it's rather an impossible question to answer, really. :mellow:

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I'm mostly wondering how his interaction with Funtimes would go once Courtney started talking to him.


Oh boy. Oh boy, I need this fic but I also need to never ever read it, ever, to prevent massive amounts of tears, laughs, and screaming from various feelings. 

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1 hour ago, Kobold King said:


It's actually a really complicated question since his Warriors retain some meager memories and self-identity--even his dinosaurs remember their old lives to some extent or another. So spiritually there's a question whether the souls of the dead would be watching from outside their bodies or if part of Lightwards power is subjugating their spirits after death. Without knowing how souls work within the Reckonerverse it's rather an impossible question to answer, really. :mellow:

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I'm mostly wondering how his interaction with Funtimes would go once Courtney started talking to him.


The particulars would depend on whether he's talking to Funtimes or to Jade. Although in both cases, she'd stop whatever she was doing, demand proof he wasn't just making it all up to string her along and, once she got it….well, there would be tears. A lot of them. And apologies, and heartfelt words on the part of both sisters, and….

Jeez, I think Klaus might be the only person capable of making Funtimes drop her Cloudcuckoolander front without turning her into Darktimes. :mellow: 

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40 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The particulars would depend on whether he's talking to Funtimes or to Jade. Although in both cases, she'd stop whatever she was doing, demand proof he wasn't just making it all up to string her along and, once she got it….well, there would be tears. A lot of them. And apologies, and heartfelt words on the part of both sisters, and….

Jeez, I think Klaus might be the only person capable of making Funtimes drop her Cloudcuckoolander front without turning her into Darktimes. :mellow: 


I'm with Winter. I both want to see this and want to save my tear ducts the agony.

Lightwards' interaction would be less angst-y and more of him loudly bemoaning the fact that he always gets the weird Epics as Klaus parades around in a skirt. :P Whilst a bunch of ghostly college students chime in with remarks like "Oh, he still does that eyebrow twitch when he's mad. Remember when he used to threaten to fail the whole class when one of us had our phone out?"

Sam would keep her distance under the reasoning that an Epic this weird can't be good news for anybody, but if given the opportunity would be extremely grateful for the opportunity to have some communication with her father and sister. Especially her father, for which she has a ton of unresolved feelings of anger, grief, hurt, betrayal, and other complicated emotions for.

Darkrose would have a psychotic meltdown if her mom started talking to her through Klaus, but to be fair, there are a lot of things that could trigger a psychotic meltdown from her. Finding a bad spot on her banana might cause her to massacre the entire population of the town she's in.

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11 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


I'm with Winter. I both want to see this and want to save my tear ducts the agony.

Lightwards' interaction would be less angst-y and more of him loudly bemoaning the fact that he always gets the weird Epics as Klaus parades around in a skirt. :P Whilst a bunch of ghostly college students chime in with remarks like "Oh, he still does that eyebrow twitch when he's mad. Remember when he used to threaten to fail the whole class when one of us had our phone out?"

Sam would keep her distance under the reasoning that an Epic this weird can't be good news for anybody, but if given the opportunity would be extremely grateful for the opportunity to have some communication with her father and sister. Especially her father, for which she has a ton of unresolved feelings of anger, grief, hurt, betrayal, and other complicated emotions for.

Darkrose would have a psychotic meltdown if her mom started talking to her through Klaus, but to be fair, there are a lot of things that could trigger a psychotic meltdown from her. Finding a bad spot on her banana might cause her to massacre the entire population of the town she's in.

I just had a thought about how we should be very very very grateful Lightwards had no idea about Courtney and wouldn't be able to find where her body is anyway. 

Because that. That would be very... not good. 

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2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The particulars would depend on whether he's talking to Funtimes or to Jade. Although in both cases, she'd stop whatever she was doing, demand proof he wasn't just making it all up to string her along and, once she got it….well, there would be tears. A lot of them. And apologies, and heartfelt words on the part of both sisters, and….

Jeez, I think Klaus might be the only person capable of making Funtimes drop her Cloudcuckoolander front without turning her into Darktimes. :mellow: 

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles: What happened to your avatar?

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Since Klaus’s form of ghosts keeps powers working after death, that means fighting someone with a whole lot of Epic ghosts would be pretty interesting. I also feel like Nighthound has a dedicated booing crew of people who are just too horrified not to keep watching. 

Red’s probably expects she’s got her family’s ghosts watching her and judging, but she doesn’t actually because said family was way too revolted by Red’s Redness. Some of the exes she killed watch just cuz they’re crazy enough to have been into her in the first place. 

What would Ghost Nighthound do? 

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1 hour ago, winter devotion said:

Since Klaus’s form of ghosts keeps powers working after death, that means fighting someone with a whole lot of Epic ghosts would be pretty interesting. I also feel like Nighthound has a dedicated booing crew of people who are just too horrified not to keep watching. 

Red’s probably expects she’s got her family’s ghosts watching her and judging, but she doesn’t actually because said family was way too revolted by Red’s Redness. Some of the exes she killed watch just cuz they’re crazy enough to have been into her in the first place. 

What would Ghost Nighthound do? 


That raises the very interesting question of whether the ghosts of Epics would remain corrupted.

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3 hours ago, breakingamber said:

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles: What happened to your avatar?

Stuff. And things. :ph34r: I might put it back up later, but I'm not sure. 

6 minutes ago, Kobold King said:

That raises the very interesting question of whether the ghosts of Epics would remain corrupted.

On the one hand, you could make an argument for yes, because even if the act of dying freed them from the corruption, once their ghosts are back in the world of the living, they'll be back under Calamity, and the corruption will take over their minds once more. 

On the other hand, you can make an argument for no, because we see in Steelheart that Epics are physically different from ordinary humans—not just in terms of strength and appearance, but that their bodies decay at a much faster rate. We then see in Firefight that the act of becoming an Epic involves a physical transformation—or at the very least, physical pain—courtesy of Calamity, at which point the corruption sets in. If they're ghosts, they'll by definition lack the bodies that Calamity transformed, and will thus be free from corruption. 

In the first scenario, it would be very unwise for Klaus to conjure a powerful Epic like Steelheart, as he would likely try to kill everything in his path and try to force Klaus to use his powers to install him as Ghost Emperor of the Fractured States. 

In the second, it would be equally unwise for Klaus to conjure Steelheart, as there is a very good chance the former Emperor of Newcago would have tired of the responsibility of rule and would just want to sit down on the couch and play video games instead of fighting anyone. 

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52 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Stuff. And things. :ph34r: I might put it back up later, but I'm not sure. 

On the one hand, you could make an argument for yes, because even if the act of dying freed them from the corruption, once their ghosts are back in the world of the living, they'll be back under Calamity, and the corruption will take over their minds once more. 

On the other hand, you can make an argument for no, because we see in Steelheart that Epics are physically different from ordinary humans—not just in terms of strength and appearance, but that their bodies decay at a much faster rate. We then see in Firefight that the act of becoming an Epic involves a physical transformation—or at the very least, physical pain—courtesy of Calamity, at which point the corruption sets in. If they're ghosts, they'll by definition lack the bodies that Calamity transformed, and will thus be free from corruption. 

In the first scenario, it would be very unwise for Klaus to conjure a powerful Epic like Steelheart, as he would likely try to kill everything in his path and try to force Klaus to use his powers to install him as Ghost Emperor of the Fractured States. 

In the second, it would be equally unwise for Klaus to conjure Steelheart, as there is a very good chance the former Emperor of Newcago would have tired of the responsibility of rule and would just want to sit down on the couch and play video games instead of fighting anyone. 

I strongly relate to ghost!Steelheart, a sentence I never thought I’d say.

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Stuff. And things. :ph34r: I might put it back up later, but I'm not sure. 

On the one hand, you could make an argument for yes, because even if the act of dying freed them from the corruption, once their ghosts are back in the world of the living, they'll be back under Calamity, and the corruption will take over their minds once more. 

On the other hand, you can make an argument for no, because we see in Steelheart that Epics are physically different from ordinary humans—not just in terms of strength and appearance, but that their bodies decay at a much faster rate. We then see in Firefight that the act of becoming an Epic involves a physical transformation—or at the very least, physical pain—courtesy of Calamity, at which point the corruption sets in. If they're ghosts, they'll by definition lack the bodies that Calamity transformed, and will thus be free from corruption. 

In the first scenario, it would be very unwise for Klaus to conjure a powerful Epic like Steelheart, as he would likely try to kill everything in his path and try to force Klaus to use his powers to install him as Ghost Emperor of the Fractured States. 

In the second, it would be equally unwise for Klaus to conjure Steelheart, as there is a very good chance the former Emperor of Newcago would have tired of the responsibility of rule and would just want to sit down on the couch and play video games instead of fighting anyone. 

I strongly relate to ghost!Steelheart, a sentiment I never thought I’d express.

Edited by winter devotion
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I was just thinking how grateful ya’ll should be that this forum is child friendly, considering I manage to get pretty much everyone squicked out with only a few sentences of Red. (Mostly kidding. I’ve written very little actually inappropriate content in my life. So far, anyway.) 

speaking of Red, @MrakeDarshall

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54 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

I was just thinking how grateful ya’ll should be that this forum is child friendly, considering I manage to get pretty much everyone squicked out with only a few sentences of Red. (Mostly kidding. I’ve written very little actually inappropriate content in my life. So far, anyway.) 

speaking of Red, @MrakeDarshall


If the rating rules hadn't already existed and you wrote these hypothetical scenes about Red, you probably would have prompted the creation of rating rules. :P

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1 minute ago, Kobold King said:


If the rating rules hadn't already existed and you wrote these hypothetical scenes about Red, you probably would have prompted the creation of rating rules. :P

I’ve unintentionally caused people to make new rules before, so it wouldn’t be the first time. 

*innocent eyelash batting*

Rated R!Oregon would be completely the same, except Red is as Red as physically possible, Remington can say the non offensive f word, and Quota says slurs. 

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4 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

I’ve unintentionally caused people to make new rules before, so it wouldn’t be the first time. 

*innocent eyelash batting*

Rated R!Oregon would be completely the same, except Red is as Red as physically possible, Remington can say the non offensive f word, and Quota says slurs. 


I'm picturing it PG-13, with only one allotted f-word. To everyone's shock Nathan uses it when he drops something, immediately becoming stammering and apologetic. :P

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1 minute ago, Guest103492 said:

So I'm just slightly curious, but are we going to use the doc to organize collab posts or just to plan so we can do our own posts?

You may want to clarify who you are since this lot doesn’t frequent SE. ;)

i guess my username is different too. :P This is Maill. 

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