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Finding the Dustbringer viewpoint character

Veden Truthwatcher

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I saw this WoB and thought "challenge accepted."

We know each book corresponds with one of the orders of Knights Radiant. We also have the viewpoint characters for all ten books, being Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Eshonai, Szeth, Lift, Renarin, Taln, Ash, and Jasnah. 

My list of orders, with known characters matched.

Windrunner - Kaladin

Lightweaver - Shallan

Bondsmith - Dalinar

Edgedancer - Lift

Elsecaller - Jasnah

Truthwatcher - Renarin (sort of, his situation is weird but I'll allow it_

Skybreaker - Szeth

That leaves Willshaper, Stoneward, and Dustbringer without characters, and Eshonai, Taln, and Ash without orders. Now Taln is the Stoneward Herald. As a viewpoint character, he will likely be using the corresponding Surges, so I'm leaving him as the Stoneward.

We know from this WoB that lightspren are the Willshaper spren, and it is implied that Timbre, found near Eshonai's body, is a lightspren. I believe this means that Eshonai is our Willshaper.

Leaving Ash and the Dustbringers. Now I know Ash is the Lightweaver Herald, but she no longer has her Honorblade to access those Surges. I think she will either bond an ashspren or get hold of the Dustbringer Honorblade. Either way, I think she is our Dustbringer character.

What do you think? Am I on to something? Am I missing a major piece of evidence? Let me know your thoughts.

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You're probably on to something. Not to disappoint you, but I read this theory several times before. However, figuring it out on your own is something you can be proud of :)

I'd like to add that Eshonai could be the flashback Willshaper, but we'll probably also see (an) "active" one(s), and I'm guessing it could be Venli.

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Pretty well put together. 

The only things I would add is that a lot of the times you'll see the Willshaper counted as Eshonai/Venli, since they're both going down similar paths. 

Also, a further explanation on Taln and Ash is that Taln will almost certainly still have a stoneward's personality. Ash on the other hand no longer creates art but destroys it. So I doubt she could attract a Cryptic, but an Ashspren(releaser/dustbringer spren) might be interested.

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Venli is the Willshaper, not Eshonai.  

Ash as the Dustbringer is the general consensus around here, but Brandon has consistently RAFOd it.  I think she'll actually bond an ashspren - I don't think that just having an Honorblade would "count."  



Is Shallash/Ash going to be a Dustbringer? (So Dalinar's count can be all 10 orders)

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]






The plan to have each book focused on one order is still on, right? Does that mean Book 3 will focus on the Bondsmiths or the Skybreakers depending on whether Dalinar or Szeth are the flashback focus? And what about the book focused on Ash, since she was the Herald of Shallan's order? Am I right in assuming that book will focus on the Dustbringers?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO. :)

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From a purely logical non magic point of view it makes sense for ash to be a dustbringer since if she was to obtain her lightweaver honorblade she would have access to four surges per this WoB



For the Honorblades, if somebody that was already a Radiant used an Honorblade, would they get that Surge also?

Brandon Sanderson

It is possible to get multiples, yes.

Also, this is less relevant but Brandon tried to make the skyward callsigns be relatively similar to the names of the person, so it would kind of make sense to name a dustbringer ash. 

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11 hours ago, Scion of the Mists said:

Venli is the Willshaper, not Eshonai.  

True, but Eshonai did attract one of the willshaper's spren, even if she never became one truly. Its possible the willshaper book could follow Eshonai's viewpoint during the flashback parts while focusing on  Venli in the present part.

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Eshonai and Venli are both Willshapers vi the exact same spren. Eshonai just wasn't far enough along to do anything with that. 



Is Book Four still planned to be Eshonai's viewpoint?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



And, would she have been a Willshaper?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

She would be the same Order as her sister.



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