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Possible Future Developments for Renarin/Adolin

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I agree, I don't really want to see any of the Kholin's die either. I'm just thinking of what Brandon said about possibly doing a character's flashback book after they die, and thinking something like that could work along those lines.

Actually, if there's a Kholin I wouldn't mind seeing killed off, it's Elhokar's wife (possibly assassinated on Jasnah's order after the mess she's made in Kholinar). I am hoping we get to see Elhokar with his kid at some point though. I'd kindof like to see him actually go back to Kholinar and grow into a decent dad and king as he tries to get his country ready for the desolation.

I do hope the brothers survive. I also hope they end up basically adopting Kaladin into the family. They already have a little bit. And it'd be very sad if Navani became a widow again, so I hope Dalinar sticks around too. I'm just not sure how likely that is to happen. Maybe the two of them will go out together in a heroic sacrifice-themselves-for-the-sake-of-the-kids sort of thing. :).


I did not count Elhokar's wife as a Kohlin.... I think she is a goner one way or another. As for Elhokar, I just do not see him becoming anyone decent. In fact, I am routing for Elhokar to turn evil or being controlled by evil. He could then sacrifice himself at the end and finally do something worthwhile. I am actually hoping the kingship will end up on Dalinar's side :ph34r:


Yeah, I do think Kal may end up being treated as a honorary Kohlin. Adolin's already on his case and has decided he was going to be his friend. I see them becoming best friends, having each others back in the battlefield, hanging out and stuff. I see Kaladin becoming Adolin's right hand man as he is pushed into whatever role he may end up filling (highprince or even king). So much hope.



I could see in Adolin's future, him going off the deep end and being brought back by a relationship with Shallan ( they have both committed murder in the name of family ). At the same time have Kaladin take a hold of Ehlokar and have him teach him how to look after people and teach him, with Dalinar, how to lead. Leaving Dalinar free to die at the end of book 4 or part way into book 5, at which point Ehlokar comes into his own as a Bondsmith, taking over Dalinar's place. Or vice-versa. Then when Adolin becomes 'good' again he is forced by Dalinar's death to start emulating him in Honor of his name, thus allowing himself to restore his Shardblade, which would be an awesome way to end Adolin's arc for the first lot of books then when it's his book it gives us something to look forward to as we would all want to know how awesome he became as a Dustbringer. ( pretty sure he gets his own book )


My eyes are bleeding: Elhokar a Bondsmith? I just do not see him into any order and if one Kohlin must remain normal, it is him. Elhokar, in my view, has very few redeeming qualities. One cannot change its entire personality and even he is improves, somehow, he will still remain petty and whiny. Elhokar taking Dalinar's place? Never in a million years! Nobody can take Dalinar's place.


I am routing for Adolin to get his own book too, but unfortunately it looks improbable :( In all the scenarios Brandon has submitted so far, he doesn't :(



Dalinar might end up being Honor's champion or Nohadon 2. Brandon has spoken a lot in his classes how a writer should be bale to kill his darlings, so Dalinar might be a goner.


With Renarin having a book in the second five, it's possible both Dalinar na dAdolin to be dead at that point, so that would be one of the things that pushes Renarin to have a more central figure (in he manages to be a KR in the shadows until then). It's not an outcome I'd like, just something that came to my mind and I thought I'd share it.


Yeah I have thought of the outcome too and I feel the same you do about it. It would be very frustrating to see both Dalinar and Adolin die. Dalinar's death would be more easy to bear as we sort of expect it, but Adolin? I think Renarin will become a more central figure and he will find his place, but I do not think it entails the Kohlinar princedom or the kingship. Re-founding the man of letters could be a good placeholder for Renarin. He will also most probably occupy one the ten seats in Urithiru (spelling?).

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I could see in Adolin's future, him going off the deep end and being brought back by a relationship with Shallan ( they have both committed murder in the name of family ). At the same time have Kaladin take a hold of Ehlokar and have him teach him how to look after people and teach him, with Dalinar, how to lead. Leaving Dalinar free to die at the end of book 4 or part way into book 5, at which point Ehlokar comes into his own as a Bondsmith, taking over Dalinar's place. Or vice-versa. Then when Adolin becomes 'good' again he is forced by Dalinar's death to start emulating him in Honor of his name, thus allowing himself to restore his Shardblade, which would be an awesome way to end Adolin's arc for the first lot of books then when it's his book it gives us something to look forward to as we would all want to know how awesome he became as a Dustbringer. ( pretty sure he gets his own book )


I really don't think Elhokar will become a Bondsmith.




Maybe Dalinar does die near the end of the first arc, at which point his squire Adolin becomes a Bondsmith in his place, and the Stormfather gives him the ability to reawaken and bond to his Shardblade!


And then all of my dreams will have come true except that Adolin will be a KR, but I suppose it will be okay because it's late enough in the series and he's already learned all his lessons about privilege and humility.

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