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That's actually a great idea! Too bad we missed it this year. It's kind of like Ookla the Mokovial, except potentially even more confusing for those like me.


OK, someone needs to explain Ookla the Mokovial. I keep seeing references but I have no idea what that is.  :wacko:

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GreyPilgrim - If you like, I can make the Pill Reaper match the background, colour profile, and composition of your old picture. Then you could keep it and still retain much of that recognition factor. If you'd like me to give it a shot, link your old one here. Of course if you prefer the other one anyway, no sweat off my brow!




For Ashiok, I present... the Ash Ewok.






For Xanas, the 18th shard...



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GreyPilgrim - If you like, I can make the Pill Reaper match the background, colour profile, and composition of your old picture. Then you could keep it and still retain much of that recognition factor. If you'd like me to give it a shot, link your old one here. Of course if you prefer the other one anyway, no sweat off my brow!


You don't need to do that. I hope you didn't get the sense that I don't like it as it is! It is absolutely fine. One is just more comfortable with that which one knows.  :)

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Sooo... Request for my "new avatar": Could we shrink down the text on "Fjorden" and increase the size of the "Kurkistan"? Because right now your eye is drawn to the first and can barely read the second.

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Sure. Here's what I've got - I moved Kurkistan to the top, to make it the focal point, and Fjorden and Hraggen both migrated due to continental shift. The Reod was no fluke, is my theory, and the active tectonics would almost certainly have pivoted the world around the mysterious cat shaped country. Fjorden remains large enough to be just readable at the topic thumbnail size, to give people the context of 'a country on Sel'.




Let me know what you think of the latest iteration, I'll refine further as needed.

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Aaaand I'm back to my usual self, dainty hand and dagger and all. I have saved the other on my computer though, so there may come a day when the deepest, most pompous aspects of my personality surface and compel me to return to the Bold Ko King. :)

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Can I, can I have one please? These are awesome! (no pun intended there, surprisingly :P)


So you think they're awesome, Delightful? I'd go further. I might even say they're... incredible.


Why, what did you think I was going to say? B)

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I can't believe I didn't see this earlier! My joke avatar is pretty awesome, Tempus. Thanks! I shall save it for when I've gotten sick of my current avatar.

Edit: On second thought, might as well use it now!

Edited by skaa
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So you think they're awesome, Delightful? I'd go further. I might even say they're... Delightful.


Why, what did you think I was going to say? B)


MUhahahahahahahahahaha!!!  I mean... ahem... I am Ruin...

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Alrighty, here we go!



First up, for Leo-nard, we have the astrological sign of Nard:





I'm fond of the next one. Breath goes better, Mentos Breath and full of Life! Mentos... the BreathTaker!




And lastly, DeLights Full. You're female, so you get a manly crate.



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