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Who says I'm not an animated brick of porridge? :ph34r:


The animated brick of porridge wouldn't need an actual brick around it, now would it?

Then again, what do I know about your habits and associated ecology... Maybe it is your bed.

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It's a hiding place. We PorridgeBricks are ambush predators, you see.

No one ever suspects that a brick would hide inside another brick. Or the Spanish Inquisition.

I may need to restart my Biographies project if this keeps up... Though I am too lazy now...

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You know, the country of Kurkistan is on Sel... Seeing as the country is shaped like a cat, could it be the Selish branch for the Caton of Inquisition? With unique cat location specific magic?

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Loved the idea so much Tempus that I had to make one for myself.




The design isn't completely ideal for shrinking to icon size but it was the best idea I could come up with.


Chaos, you could always just use a picture of butters' alternate ego ;)



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You know, the country of Kurkistan is on Sel... Seeing as the country is shaped like a cat, could it be the Selish branch for the Caton of Inquisition? With unique cat location specific magic?

Accessing the power requires metal spikes engraved with various cat memes. For example, Nyan Cat gives the user the ability to make make rainbow-colored lasers.

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Alright, went ahead and made some more, so heads up Chaos!


First off, I started with a group of Chao.




Not terribly original. Next thought was an Emerald filled with Stormlight (base image courtesy of Jayden)





Which looks awesome, but what if you aren't a Sonic fan? Third Attempt I split the word up. Cha is tea in Japanese, and os.... In the end I went with Chai, because it's more recognizable across the world, and because it rhymes with Shai. Fully original ChaiOS, served in a mug.








I also did a pirate butler for ArrrrrGent.



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One more, just made Awesomeness's summon card a square:




Why is he in front of an American flag instead of an explosion? I don't know! Maybe the flag explodes in the next scene.

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I debated between a flag and an explosion for the one I made but ultimately thought the explosion worked better for the black and white Norris I had already chosen.

Edit: though I think the atk: infinite def: infinite is more accurate on mine ;)

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I'm not gonna try Lightsworn Panda, sorry! I can't top that.


TheOnlyJoe, I went for a duck duck goose approach, since you're the odd one out. Ideas can be tough!



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