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Long Game 5: Noble Secrets

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I just had a couple of reasons but just didn't want to say them at the time.

1. I kind of think Adolin_Dustbringer is a GB, but I am not certain.

2. I think he might have a reverser but I'm not sure. I figure if people voted for him he'll reverse one and then it will become apparent.


So basically the vote was to see if my suspicions about him were correct. (Voting is basically how I get any info because I'm not in any spanreed conversations, so yeah).

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Theory. When night comes we will get you added to a spanreed convo. The more people we have distributing info the better chance we have. Even if the GB get a hold of some of it, it's better than 1 person having it and hiding it.

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Well, I really would have preferred to stay out of this little clash but, as it stands now, it would only take one reverser to tie the vote. I’m really not a fan of that outcome, plus I’ve been told some things that make me lean a little more towards suspecting Aonar (just a little). While I might end up regretting it tomorrow, I’m gonna have to change my vote from Lucal to Faialen. Sorry Faialen, nothing personal, just don’t feel like the prospect of a tie is the best way for this day to end.

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I’m really sorry I haven’t been on much. I haven’t had much time to get on for the last couple of days, let alone analyze everyone’s actions so that I can have useful suspicions. I’ll have more time over the next couple of days.

I haven’t followed the explosion of conversation during this day cycle. I agree with the people who have said that Jain has acted suspiciously, and I think the arguments agains Faialen make sense, but I don’t suspect either enough to vote for them right now. I haven’t looked much at the other arguments about who is suspicious, but they’ll probably make more sense when I read them more carefully.

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Saritu surveyed the chaos in the camps. The unofficial challenge created a dilemma; the merchant didn't think either of them were guilty. However, he noticed Jim Bob Dirt on the outskirts of the crowd remaining suspiciously quiet. The short man shouted above the crowd, "You apologized for not voting on day one, saying we didn't have any information. It's day three now, and you still haven't voted. Are you trying to fly under the radar? Jain, though he may be dangerous, doesn't pose a threat right now. You, on the other hand, endanger us by not voting. My vote is for you."


Also, I'm not in any PMs. Someone get me in the loop.

Edited by a smart guy
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Thirding the lack of a group. It seems that the newer players are getting left out of things, and I count myself among them even though this is my second game. I noticed that last game, with all the PMing going around. Of course, here it's a bit worse since only Spanreed holders can start conversations. I get that you want to be talking to the newer players, but it'd be nice if it were a bit more inclusive, you know?

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Wyrm, I honestly doubt it's on purpose. I think the people who had spanreeds just went for the poeple they thought they could read better. After tonight the group I have been working with will attempt to contact more users to spread out the info. We were trying to figure out which spanreed holder was GB. If Faialen turns out to be good... it may be a bit longer.

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Night 3: PandemoniumDaa 2

Night 3:

The day had exploded into violent accusations and many angry nobles. Brightlord Faialen was the one who was decided to die. People jumped at him like angry whitespines. Secret fabrials were used in dark corners, hopefully trying to affect the way the day was going.

After Tion's failed attempt to duel Faialen, the nobles became focused on the two of them, deciding which was more suspicious than the other.

Tion and Ace led the charge for Faialen. They dragged him outside with the others behind them cheering. They thought they had finally caught one of the assassins. They hung Faialen from the highest gallows they had. As he died, he slumped in despair. The poor, foolish nobles had hung one of their own again. In the pandemonium, a single noble crept up and stole a Spanreed from Faialen's pocket.

Faialen was a Noble with a Spanreed.


Faialen (5): Jost, Awes, Alv, Ace, Grellin

Tion (1): Sprenil

Cara (1): Wurum

Alv (1): Humperdink

Jim Bob Dirt (3): Fnorf, Tion, Cara, Saritu

Grellin (1): Faialen

The night begins now and will end at 3:30 pm MDT/22:30 GMT.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Oh, I'm not saying that it's on purpose. I don't think anyone is deliberately not talking to the new people or anything like that. As I said, I understand the fact that you want to be sure of people you've played with before, and that you can get a better read on people that have played before. I'm just warning against it becoming a trend in these games.

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Is anyone else having troubles figuring out what happened with those votes? A quick comparison of what i had in my notes and what the write up shows.


The Write Up

Faialen (5): Jost, Awes, Alv, Ace, Grellin

Tion (1): Sprenil

Cara (1): Wurum

Alv (1): Humperdink

Jim Bob Dirt (3): Fnorf, Tion, Cara, Saritu


What I Had

Faialen (5): Jost, Awes, Tion, Ace, Grellin

Tion (2): Alv, Sprenil

Cara (1): Wurum

Alv (1): Humperdink

Grellin (1): Faialen

Jim Bob Dirt (3): Fnorf, Cara, Saritu


If I missed a few vote changes during the day, let me know but if I'm correct it looks like Tion's vote was switched from Faialen to Jim Bob Dirt but the number of counted votes for Jim Bob stayed the same. Alv's vote was changed to Faialen. Faialen's vote for Grellin was completely nullified. That would seem like at least two reversers and a pain knife were used but still not sure why Jim Bob Dirt's tally only shows 3. Anyone have a scenario for this?

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Upon reflection, I realized yesterday was a terrible day. Not only was my "magnificent" plan kicked into overdrive, shutdown and restarted, I also acted inappropriately and immaturely (yes, I have the mood swings of a unicorn on crack. That's why my title is "Very Mercurial"). You could say yesterday was one of my hyperactive-melodramatic-inconsistent-jacked-up days. I'm in one of my more level-headed moods.


Joe, I apologize for my behavior and hostilities towards you. Thank you for your defense on my behalf. A noob like me doesn't deserve such mercy.


Aonar, it was good to know you. 


That's funny. I told everyone you had a spanreed, yet they still voted you


I'm going to abstain from nearly everything now. And please, don't bring up my inconsistencies.

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“We put our destination before our journey, and our strength became our weakness. Where once there was harmony, now dissonance reigns. Our songs are ending, and the storm grows ever closer.”

-collected on Chach Nan Palah. Subject: a Lighteyed musician of around twenty years, lynched by his fellows after the death of King Naladar. Sample considered questionable

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Well, it looks like we got unlucky. I think the most likely scenario is that the GBs switched Alv's voted to get Falalen killed. Two nobles believed the musician, and tried to save him. One pain knifed Tion, while the other used a reverser on him to make him vote for Jim Bob Dirt. If they hadn't used their items on the same person, Falalen would still be alive, since the result would have been a tie. I haven't taken statistics, but I think that was a 1/4 chance. This just demonstrates the need for cooperation, so please get in PMs and discuss your plans.

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