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Long Game 5: Noble Secrets

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This is Game 5 and it is open for recruitment! I will be leaving recruitment open until 3:00 pm MST on Monday May 12.

Here are the rules:
You are all members of the Alethi lighteyed nobility in the warcamps. Many of you have secret items in your possession. There are a few of you who are hiding other secrets. Whether you use those for good or for evil, that is up to you. You have been infiltrated by some nefarious Ghostbloods who are attempting to steal a soulcaster and a shardblade from you. Killing them all before they obtain those is the only way to succeed. There is also another thief in your midst, though he may end up helping you.


One item from each category may be used by a player each cycle. Green items indicate ones that only true nobles can possess originally.

Class 1 attack items:
-Shardblade: can kill one person a night. A Shardblade can also block a Pain Knife once, but would injure the holder, not allowing them to do so again. Pain Knife blocking is a passive role and cancels the kill that night.
-Pain Knife: The Pain Knife can be used during either a night or a day half-cycle. Once used, you must wait until the next half-cycle of the same type to use it again. Pain knifes used during the day cancel someone's vote for that day.... The cancellation of an action/vote takes place the same half-cycle you use it. If used during the day, it takes up an action slot for the following night.
-Soulcaster: Once a night, a Soulcaster owner can change someone's target to another person. They choose a person who's action to divert and the new target.
-Grandbow: One regular kill per night.

Class 1 defense items:
-Shardplate: can defend against one regular attack and one shardblade attack.
-Painrial: can protect someone else from one attack every other night. (except Shardblades)
-Half-Shard: Protects against one Shardblade attack only.

Class 2 items:
-Spanreed: This is the only way for anyone to use PMs. Players with a Spanreed are the only people who can start the messages. The GM must be included in all messages to make sure there are no rule violations. The PMs can contain any number of people. Starting a message counts as a night action, but once you use that action, any number can be created that night.
-Alerter: Alerts you to any actions performed on you during the cycle. Not a passive role.
-Emotion bracelet: The holder of this item can choose one person a night and will be informed of any actions the target performed.
-Reverser: The reverser allows the holder to change one person's vote each day cycle. If used, the "Class 2" action the following night cannot be used.

Other roles:
Thief: The thief can name a person and an item they want to steal from that person each night. If that person holds that item, the thief steals it. Can be of either faction. Shards cannot be stolen by the thief. After the thief uses the item once, it disappears.
Ghostbloods: They get to conspire on a secret google doc. They get one group kill a night plus any items they may have. One person must send a formal pm with their desired kill. This counts as an action and a maximum of only two others can be taken. Win condition: Acquire a Shardblade and a Soulcaster.
Shardbearers: Any person who holds one or more shards can challenge someone during the day. That day, the votes can only be between those two people, the Shardbearer and their chosen opponent. This may only be used once per shard weapon.
Artifabrians: Can choose one person a night to get any item except Shards or a Soulcaster. That person will receive the item and can use it for the next cycle. After that it will be taken away. The person given the item will be informed what they were given but not who gave it to them.
Spy: the Spy can choose one person a night cycle to spy on. They will be told one of the items that person holds.
Full Shardbearer: if someone has Shardplate and a Shardblade and is killed, the attacker is revealed in the writeup but not their alignment.

A player can, instead of their day vote, give someone an item, but they must declare it in the thread publicly. At night, an item can also be given in place of an action.

A player may nominate an heir in place of a day vote or night action who will receive all their items if they die.

If a person is killed at night, one of their items go to their killer and the rest to the heir. If no heir, all the items are sent to the killer. If a person is lynched, their items go to the King, the GM, who rolls to see which player who voted for that person gets the items, unless there was an heir declared, in which case all items would go to the heir.

A player can only hold one item of each of the 12 types at a time. A player can also only have one of any of the Class 1 Defense and Attack items at a time. Ex: Bob can have a Shardblade and a half-shard shield, but if he kills a player with a Pain Knife or Painrial, he doesn't get to keep it.He can choose whether to keep the Pain Knife/Painrial or the Blade/Plate though. The other(s) will be rolled for to see who finds it or given to an heir if there is one.

Death Cries: When a player is killed in any way, they get a chance to send one last message to the group as a whole. The messages must be less than 200 characters and sent to the GM to be posted to the rest of the group. Except for this, the dead may not speak.

Win conditions:
Ghostbloods first goal: Outnumber the other players-Ghostbloods corrupted the government but the king managed to keep control. 2nd goal: Obtain a Shardblade and Soulcaster-The Ghostbloods took over the country and it all belongs to them.

Nobles first goal: Kill all Ghostbloods-The nobility managed to stay on top and in power. Secondary goal: Varies

Thief's second goal(if on noble side): Steal at least one of each item-you are a master thief and live a life of luxury.

Other Nobles' second goal: Survive until the end and the player with the most/most valuable items will be made king and the other survivors will be made Highprinces/Highprincesses.

This takes place in an alternate universe Roshar where The Kholins are not in power. Just so you know for RP reasons.

Player List
1: Jost (TheOnlyJoe): Ex Soldier who lost a Shardblade. Dead.
2: Xanas (18th Shard): Diplomat to King Taravangian Dead.
3: Tors (Tulir): slightly confused ardent Dead.

4: Sprenil(Aspren): Stormwarden turned Hatham's ward
5: Awes(Awesomeness Summoned): Sebarial's Ryshadium groom with dreams of being Wit.
6: Alv (Alvron): scarred cousin of Roion
7: Brightlord Faialen (AonarFaileas): musician and scion of House RutharDead.
8: Ace(Macen): TBD
9: Wurm (Wyrmhero): only remaining son of poor House Heron
10: Tion (Metacognition): snarky and sadistic brightlord
11: Humperdink (the Gleeman): ridiculously hopeful huntsman
12: Grellin Pilgras (GreyPilgrim): likes walking Dead.
13: Jain (Lightsworn Panda): Shin who is a bit on the crazy side. Strange obsession with pandas Dead.
14: Fnorf (Lord Claincy Ffnord): seargant in Sebarial's army Dead.

15: Jim Bob Dirt (Adolin_Dustbringer): a dirt salesman on a world of rock.
16: Khas (Kasimir): soldier of the tenth dahn in Roion's army.
17: Pailan (Sphinx): Stablemaster for Brightlord HathamDead.
18: Saritu (a smart guy): Kholin's wine merchant
19: Cara (Theorymaker): Devout female ardent in Aladar's camp.
20: Lucal (luckat): Ruthar's scribe

Quick Links
Day 1: Death of the King
Night 1: A Slow Start
Day 2: A Noise in the Night
Night 2: Scattered Chatter
Day 3: Death Stroke
Night 3: Pandemonium
Day 4: Double Death
Night 4: Innocent Bloodshed
Day 5: Protection from Death
Night 5: Late Victory
Day 6: Change of Target
Night 6: A Duel
Day 7: Almost Victory

Edited by little wilson
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Depends on what roles they'd start with, honestly. If they started with the thief, then the condition is too easy, as they could steal and kill each night until they get it. 

I'd suggest making that a secondary condition. For example; they have the initial condition of trying to outnumber the players, but if they also succeed in getting a shardblade and a soulcaster, then they get the really good ending type thing (maybe if they achieve the first, but not the second, they win, but everyone lives. If they achieve both, then they kill everyone type thing).


You could also give secondary conditions to other roles then too. If a True Noble survives the entire game, they become king. If the thief manages to steal one of every item, they get some reward and so on. It'd be a bit more work for you to figure out how it'll go in the write ups, but it could be worth it. 


Edit: you know your start time is basically the same time that Rubix plans to start his game too. Well, he'll need time for sign ups and stuff first, but that's pretty close to the same time. Depending on how long he wants for sign ups, it shouldn't be a problem though. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Oh I like that idea.

So Ghostbloods first goal: Outnumber the other players-Ghostbloods corrupted the government but the king managed to keep control. 2nd goal: Obtain a Shardblade and Soulcaster-The Ghostbloods took over the country and it all belongs to them.

Nobles first goal: Kill all Ghostbloods-The nobility managed to stay on top and in power. Secondary goal: Varies

Thief's second goal(if on noble side): Steal at least one of each item-you are a master thief and live a life of luxury.

Other Nobles' second goal: Survive until the end and the player with the most/most valuable items will be made king and the other survivors will be made Highprinces/Highprincesses.

This takes place in an alternate universe Roshar where The Kholins are not in power. Just so you know for RP reasons.

Oh, I forgot when his started. I don't think that's too bad.

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I'm in. Meta, are you in? You never if you were signing up.Mailliw even used my Heir idea. But since he's using all my ideas in a better way than I was, I'll let it Slide. If he gives me a Shardblade.

My name's Jost. I was raised in Hearthstone, and volunteered to fight for Brightlord Amaram. Eventually, I saved Highprince Vamah's Life, and he rewarded me with a Shardblade, turning my eye's light. Officially, I lost that blade since. But no one knows where it is now.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Xaneth's back! Check my name history for an important hint. Reply in your post with chasmfeind spelled like that. You will be contacted.

Edited by Xanas-the 18th Shard
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Well, Joe, I do have a player list in my OP. :P

Would everyone prefer if I used s color like blue whenever posting?

Tulir, you can be an Artifabrian if you want, but know that you won't have Artifabrians abilities unless you get that role.

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Not quite done with the last game but sure, why not? This looks like it could be interesting.

I'll be the king


The GM is the king, huh? Ok, then I'll be the King's Wit.


What was that about a droid?


You have a hemorrhoid?


Fine, yeah, I know. I can't secretly be Hoid. How about...


What? I had no intention of saying anything about a tattooed bridgeman. You're really taking all the fun out of this you know.


Well if I have to be boring, I'll be Sebarial's Ryshadium groom. Since the storming thing is completely self sufficient, tries to bite me anytime I get near it, and Sebarial never rides to battle anyway, I essentially sit around doing nothing most of the time.


Oh right, a name. Guess I'll be Awes this time. That's pronounced like the Wizard.


What do you mean that's the wrong book?


No, not Gandolf the wizard. How would Awes ever be pronounced like Gandolf? I mean ruby slippers, flying monkeys, yellow brick road... You know? That Wizard.


Well yes, I could have just said it's pronounced like Oz but that's kind of a boring way of stating it isn't it?


Maybe I like being Cryptic. Boom! See what I did there? Eh?... Eh?...


Fine, have no sense of humor. That's everything right?


Okay then, until next week.

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Alv. Distant cousin to Highprince Roion.  Came to the warcamps on a dare from his friends.


After leading a charge against the parshendi Alv received a scar along his right cheek from an arrow disfiguring his upper lip.  Spends his spare time rubbing firemoss between his fingers to help deal with the pain of old wounds.  Has one eye coloured pale grey while the other is deep forest green.

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Well, I can't see the current game lasting too much longer, so I may as well sign up for this one. However, if you find this game getting too big Maill, feel free to boot me out. After that last game, I highly doubt that I'll be taking on a really important role in this game anyway.


"Brightlord Faialen, musician and scion of House Ruthar, at your service," the young man said bowing deeply in the general direction of his new fellows. "I'm not usually much for the court's politics, but it seems we don't have much choice, eh? Being threatened with death can be quite the motivator." He gave a wry grin, and retreated to a corner to tune his lute.


Trying for a slightly lighter character this time. Knowing my luck though, now I'm going to get a Shardblade or the Thief role or something. :P

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Ace in the house. Going to bed, but I'll do some ep writeup stuff tomorrow.

There is no way to discover alignment. Is that on purpose?

Edited by Macen
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Brightlord Wurm, the nervous, youngest and, more importantly, only remaining son of House Heron will gladly answer this call to service. His family was once great, but a combination of gambling, ill-fortune and headstrong sons dueling their lives and Shards away has meant that the branch house has falling into such great decline that he is practically a Brightlord in title only.


As such, he is here to answer the call - not that he has much choice. If another Brightlord says jump, Wurm does so without even asking. But if there's any way he can win a Shardblade (or at least make a lot of money) out of this and restore his fallen family back into prominence, he'll gladly take part in this deadly game.


If I'd known that I'd be joining these sort of games, I'd have picked a username which shortens and nicknames easier... damnation you Herowannabe! That's half my easy nicknames gone already!


Also, the Ghostbloods can only take a maximum of three actions a night, I see? One kill and two others? Is that right? Why the restriction this game?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I will be Tion (pronounced 'Tee-on'). He's the sadistic, ruthless, snarky, spoiled Brightlord of his house. Not only does he think he should be king, he already treats everyone as if he were. If it wasn't for his military genius and his overwhelming success during plateau runs, he probably would've been killed or at least run off the plains long ago. 


A few disclaimers; please remember that I chose this before we got our roles, as I plan to play him as a mix between Sadeas and Joffery from Game of Thrones. As such, I expect he will generally be a dislikable character! :)


Considering that, I will do my best to still not demean anyone directly and to keep people's feelings in mind. If you feel like I've gone too far at any point, please let me know. I think all of you are amazing people and I'd hate for you to think that I thought of you as any less! 

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It seems that your "rank" when signing up is consistently relevant to your in game character. Ardent.

I've been lucky to have relevant titles for the world we've been playing on.  Lets see how long it lasts.

Hopefully forever!!!

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I am Humperdinck, a somewhat ridiculous hunter looking to make my way to the top. 



Edit: name was spelled wrong... took until now for me to realize.

Edited by the Gleeman
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So far its looking like the same group as game 4. If the roster gets too full, and there are some new players that want to give the game a try, I'll gladly sit this one out.


Edit: Not that I don't like the group from game 4 or anything ;) Just want to give some new people a chance.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Grellin Pilgras finished a brisk walk around the warcamps in the morning. Yes, his dahn was high enough that he didn't have to make a round every morning, but he liked to get around and see the people. Plus, the brisk air of the morning was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as that of the air around the grounds of his manor back in southern Alethkar. Storms, but he missed that old place. But he was here now, fighting the Parshendi, and here he would stay. For a long time, it seemed.


So far its looking like the same group as game 4. If the roster gets too full, and there are some new players that want to give the game a try, I'll gladly sit this one out.


Edit: Not that I don't like the group from game 4 or anything ;) Just want to give some new people a chance.


:( :(  Why don't you like us from Game 4, Awesomeness?  :P


Also, in terms of RP, will our characters know about the Ghostbloods being present?

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