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Long Game 5: Noble Secrets

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Wurum couldn't help but be irritated at the fact that they'd killed an Artifabrian. That could have been useful. Oh, not just because apparently there was a group of people trying to kill everyone, but on a personal level. If he'd received anything from them, it was tempting to sell them on to other people. Just because he might apparently be dead by the end of the week didn't mean he couldn't try to make a bit of a profit here. In truth, that was the only reason he was sticking around: the potential of a profit. So what if someone had died? As long as it wasn't him, he could use it.


Bye Tors. I guess it was just unfortunate that you were the first on after Meta. Though I must say that the fact that your vote for 'yourself' was the deciding factor amuses me. So, was anyone specifically shooting for a tie on the first day, since the Ghostbloods have a Reverser? At least we know that information from this lynching, which is very useful.

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An ardent, and an artifabrian, dead, and an innocent man at that. It had not taken long for word to pass through the war camps. Khas hunkered down by a rock and sighed. He thought of an old tale, about a general who had burned down a forest to catch a single foe. How many more did they face? And how many more would die in the process?
That's the problem, Khas thought. You can't be sure. You can never be sure. He knew that. He knew all of that. And yet--it was different from killing Parshendi. At least you knew what you were facing.
There was something to be said about being a soldier, watching the games and secrets of nobles. Sometimes, you found out secrets. There was a value to distance, too. So he told himself as he watched the sun go down, steadily ignoring, as best as he could, the squirming electric-violet fearspren coiling at his feet.

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I did not vote for Awes. Some other magic is going on.


You mean Ace? If you took your vote away completely before the day was through, it could just be an error in the writeup.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I believe it was a Reverser, not a typo. That would be a weird typo and completely random, as I voted for Macen, not Awes before retracting my vote completely. That makes no sense as a random typo.


I'm confused. The writeup doesn't have you voting for Awes? It has you voting for Ace.

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I believe it was a Reverser, not a typo. That would be a weird typo and completely random, as I voted for Macen, not Awes before retracting my vote completely. That makes no sense as a random typo.


I'm confused. The writeup doesn't have you voting for Awes? It has you voting for Ace.

Ace = Macen so that would make sense for Maili having just missed your retraction. I can assure you I would have noticed if my name had been voted on, retracted, or listed incorrectly in the write up so I'm pretty sure Wurum is correct ;)


Edit: spelling

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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If someone dies/lynched without an heir like Tors was, will any items they have be revealed or are they kept secret?  Maybe just the number of items or the class type be revealed?


Items, if the dead person has any will be revealed, regardless of whether or not they had heirs. The heirs will be kept silent though.   

Ace = Macen so that would make sense for Maili having just missed your retraction. I can assure you I would have noticed if my name had been voted on, retracted, or listed incorrectly in the write up so I'm pretty sure Wurum is correct ;)


Edit: spelling

This is correct. I missed Xanas's retraction. To make sure this doesn't happen again, can everyone please out retractions in green and keep putting votes and new votes in red.

About five minutes left to put in night actions.

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Day 2: A Noise in the NightAshe2

Day 2:

The night had been strangely quiet, but that didn't mean that everyone was sleeping. Most people were sneaking around or huddled in their rooms. One person, however, was unfortunate.

A Plate-clad figure strolled in the street near his home, contemplating the day's activities and news. A small figure creeped up behind him and with a sword, stabbed the man in Shardplate's back, mistaking it for regular armor. When the blade only cracked the Plate, the would-be assassin dropped their sword and ran away as fast as they could manage. The rope in his pocket dragged behind him as he ran.

Day 2 begins now and will end at 3:00 ish MDT/ 22:00 GMT on Saturday.

Come on guys, make this more interesting, please. :P

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Very interesting. I am curious. Does this mean that the GBs decided not to use their group kill for the night? So much to ponder...


Grellin couldn't believe his ears when he had been told. Someone had tried to kill a Shardbearer? Who would have the nerve? It must have been one of those Ghostbloods. Grellin began to run through a list of the Shardplate-only bearing members of the camp. Highprince Sadeas was one, but obviously it was not he who had been targeted. Was there a secret Shardbearer somewhere in the warcamps?


As he walked, he observed that it seemed to have been a busy night, out in the streets. Trash had ben cast all over the place. Rotspren swarmed around hunks of old fruits. It was not rare to see a bit of blood against a wall or staining the ground. A small mob must have started up in Aladar's camp in reaction to the king's murder. Why hadn't he been woken to deal with it? Did Aladar not trust him?


Grellin sighed deeply. It would be another long day.

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Sorry, if i wasn't clear before, that was the Ghostbloods. I might have made the damage more severe than i should have, just for RP sakes. It was not a Shardblade.

Edited by Mailliw73
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(Slaps self). I didn't die in the night? I thought I would get knifed by the GB or at least someone else. Well, looks like we know someone attempted to murder someone else with a Shardblade, but managed to get real unlucky. Neither I nor Macen possess either items, since we've already revealed what we possess.

Jain opened his eyes. Surprisingly, he was still alive. Looked like the tarot cards really were worthless. Getting of his (admittedly quite uncomfortable) bed, his gaze met the toy panda. It looked vaguely disappointed, like a predator that was denied his kill.

"How long have you been staring at me sleeping, you creep?" asked Jain as he reached up, grabbed the toy and placed it back into his pocket.

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I wonder what the rope trailing behind the Ghostblood is all about. An allusion to the previous game? In any case, we now can be fairly sure that the GB don't have a Grandbow. The possibility that they knew exactly what item their target had is unlikely.


It would be a good idea for anyone who has a Painrail to consider protecting the Shardbearer, if they know who that person is. If you do decide to protect them or not, obviously it may be a good idea to avoid announcing which actions you intend to take.

To whoever has the Shardplate: If you are in contact with a Spanreed holder and their PM group you could consider the fact that the GB likely didn't know what item you had as evidence that none of the people in your PM group are GB (but that's only if you are in a Spanreed holder's PM group and did tell them that you have Shardplate). 

Edited by Aspren
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So no one died during the night. That is surprising and good news.


Cara woke up and went outside. Garbage was was everywhere and a riot had broken out during the night. Apparently the words of encouragement that the ardents had given in the temple yesterday had not helped the people deal with the death of the king. It was a good thing she had protected herself during the night otherwise she might have been killed in the riot she realized as she saw blood on the walls nearby.

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A loud, thundering sound started emanating from Tion's keep. It sounded like huge footsteps... and they seemed to be growing closer. The main doors to the keep slammed open and there stood Tion, resplendent in his Shardplate. His face was contorted in anger. 


"You dare attack me?!?" He yelled as he stomped down the path. "I will find you and crush you!"


With every step he took, he grew larger and more fearsome. His voice became deeper and it echoed throughout the grounds. Dark, leathery wings materialized on his back. 




SORRY- Errr, sorry. I couldn't resist. :D I was the one who was attacked, which I think means that the Ghostbloods were worried that I might be onto something. We will have to see. I'll reveal more later. 

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I wonder what the rope trailing behind the Ghostblood is all about. An allusion to the previous game? In any case, we now can be fairly sure that the GB don't have a Grandbow. The possibility that they knew exactly what item their target had is unlikely.


 It is an allusion to something. If you're careful, you could pick it out. It all relates to this game.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 387973120 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 431769904 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

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 It is an allusion to something. If you're careful, you could pick it out. It all relates to this game.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 387973120 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 431769904 bytes) in Unknown on line 0


Hmm... I wonder what object or role requires a rope? The thief?

So, it was you who had the Shardplate, Tion. I suspected you were the victim of the attack, considering how active you were. Someone was bound to get you. I'm afraid I'll have to put down your Torturer of Heralds thing, since it is infringing some rules.

Jain was startled by the sudden ruckus. Someone was claiming they were they Torturer of Cheerios or some other nonsense, and at an indecent level of volume, too. An angry and obviously befuddled Tion hurtled past him, clad in a cracked Shardplate. Looked like he had sustained an attack that had tilted his senses a bit. Tion continued down the street, knocking pedestrians and ornaments aside in a blind rage.

Jain took his toy panda out of his pocket. He had a habit of taking it out whenever he was perturbed. The panda was blank, although its smile seemed to be a degree larger than usual.

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It's the rope that the initial assassin climbed up to kill the king with. Remember? It was cut down and collected by someone else; the person who tried to murder me! At least that's my guess and I'm almost positive I'm right. It's Maill's way of letting us know that it was a Ghostblood that performed the kill.  

Edited by Metacognition
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