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Lord of the Rings in the Cosmere!


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Let's pretend Middle-Earth/Arda resides in the cosmere. How would it all fit in with Brandon's word? Just a silly little idea. List any connections you can think of! I'll get the ball rolling.

Hoid = Tom Bombadil

Perpendicularity = Mount Doom

Splinter = The One Ring (Which also allows travel into the Cognitive Realm)

Cognitive Shadow = Ringwraith 

Servants of Shard (like a Kandra or Spren): Istari (wizards)

Sliver: Maiar (Balrog, Sauron, Valar, Wizards)

Shard: Eru Illuvatar?

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Eru Illuvatar = Adonalsium (obscured in myth)

Shards/Vessels = 15 Ainur (obscured in myth)

Odium = Melkor (obscured in myth)


Cant decide if elves are Spren or just more of a hereditary Elantrian style augmentation package. 

Unfortunately Dragons cant be Dragons, as they cannot shapeshift that I recall.  Very sad about that. 

Silmarils/silma = Splinters/godmetal



I think Tom isnt active enough to be Hoid, he's kinda camped on his home.  More like Frost, perhaps?

4 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Eru would be Adonalsium. Odium would be smeagul/gollum

Nah, Smeagul/Gollum is more of a Moash analog.  Certainly not a full vessel, though Id describe him as a savant warped by the overuse of a Splinter artifact's realmic capabilities like those soulcasters. 


Edited by Quantus
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3 hours ago, Slimy_Slider said:

But how can we have LOTR in the Cosmere when the Cosmere already has Tolkien? Does he get to go visit Middle-Earth in person?

How else would the world be so rich? :ph34r:

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