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Email List and Submission Dates


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6 hours ago, kaisa said:

@Robinski you can have my spot on the 13th. 

5 hours ago, Mandamon said:

I can also drop back pending newbies.

Well that don't seem fair, but is very generous of both of you. I don't think I warrant special treatment. I'll happily take a slot on 20th - we've all got a fair way to go in our stories, I think :) 

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So for tomorrow, we have M. Puddles, Ernei, rdpulfer, Mandamon, and um, whoever wins what I assume is the imminent fisticuffs match between kaisa and Robinski. ("No, I must insist! After YOU! *whack*")

Edited by Silk
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Well, things are seeming to crowd up fast right now, lol, so I'll take the 20th now. History is still in the shop but 12 is ready to go, and it's pretty much the point at which I need to now double back to patch up the shambling early Savae plot, but I need to take inventory here. It's not nearly so long as before, lol.

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Yep, it looks like things are indeed getting crowded. It looks like there's room, so I'd like to take a spot on the 20th for my first submission. I have a short story that I would like critiqued before I submit it as a writing sample for a creative writing class application. 

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I think there are three so far for the 20th. I have a one-shot I'd like to submit. (Yes, I've been writing a lot of one-shots lately, it helps for world-building.) The title is Quenched, and it's a literal and figurative forging through fire. Same forge.

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New guy, and Silk hasn't seen my PM by now, but I'd like to submit for the 20th if possible. I have some flash fiction for my creative writing class that I would like to get some feedback on. On that subject, is it okay to put in multiple pieces of said flash fiction as long as I'm below the word count limit? It will probably be under 3k words. I'll stick around for a while at least, since I have plans for a mystery novel as well.

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37 minutes ago, Djarskublar said:

On that subject, is it okay to put in multiple pieces of said flash fiction as long as I'm below the word count limit?

Hey, welcome to RE. This is the best question, and I am confident in answering 'yes' to that one.

As to the 20th, well, you are the 6th request, but sometimes these things have a way of working themselves out. Watch this space... Silk will adjudicate, but might be Sunday.

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Sounds good. If it doesn't work out for this week, it's not the end of the world, but it would be mighty convenient. I have a peer review on Monday, so I was going to do some edits based on that before submitting. I was hoping it would all go nicely like that (this may be a pipe dream, though). It's cool if I need to wait a week first because then I can get some critiquing in and see more of how it all works before submitting something, so either way works for me.

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