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Mid-Range Game 31: Spiritual Warfare

A Joe in the Bush

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

Independents, if you do contact someone, contact at least one other to insure that no one person has all the information.  Gathering everything in one area just makes them a prime target for conversion.  Hopefully we can get some action going next cycle.


37 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:


Interesting light on Mail's (storms your name is hard to read, too many Is and ls (i's and L's)) question. It could be a ploy to try and get the village confused by how results work and hope for an easy miss-lynch, but I'm not getting that vibe from it.

I don't think that clarification you quoted really does a thing to my theory. I understand what the role does and I think it's still the most helpful to us while not being helpful to the Spirits if they're converted.

28 minutes ago, Alvron said:

You got me.  A secretly run a cobbler shop and I trade shoes for protection from the gangs.  Poorly constructed shoes that fall apart after a couple of days so they have to keep coming back for more thus continuing to aid in my survival.

Hey, hey, we all know that I've been the cobbler

18 minutes ago, Coop772 said:

I will explain more, but for now I ask you to trust me. He's dangerous


Oh yay! :) People think I'm dangerous still. :P Can I ask the reasoning behind it? 

1 minute ago, Kidpen said:

Not this again. Remember the Princess Bride game? This strategy did not work. I'm not gonna vote on you like last time, but still.

Please expound if you don't mind. Some of us were on hiatus for that. 

I'm going to go with Sart. Aside from the post agreeing with me on sharing faction lists and one other that I can't remember right now, you haven't shared much. Please do. 

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2 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Please expound if you don't mind. Some of us were on hiatus for that. 

Coop made a vote and was super vague about his reasoning and got lynched for it. I was an elim then, but still.

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7 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Hey, hey, we all know that I've been the cobbler

Now why did you go and do that.  Now everyone will know we are on the same team.  I was hoping to keep it a secret that you make the "shoes" while I run the store.

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Just now, Alvron said:

Now why did you go and do that.  Now everyone will know we are on the same team.  I was hoping to keep it a secret that you make the "shoes" while I run the store.

Well, you can't go taking credit for Maw's, I mean, my shoes.

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Just now, Alvron said:

Wasn't that the whole idea of me running the store though?

I don't even remember whose idea it was to have you run a store. Domi! Being in this cursed city ruins my memory. 

Alright, you run the store, I'll make the shoes, and I'll keep the scythe close. 

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Ah. So, briefly why Mail is mafia: First convo was pushing for info, and when that was finally shot down he moved on quite quickly. Second Convo was discussing do we want a lynch? Hey I’mma vote Bard (who may be getting bussed)  Then he changes to Drought, who I’m getting a village read off of Convo 3: he has 3 suspicions, none of which matched who he brought up before Then asked for Independents to out themselves to him. Very agro, inconsistent, and information hungry
(I can't get it to unbold sorry) This is a very rough version of my thoughts and reasonings

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1 minute ago, Coop772 said:

Ah. So, briefly why Mail is mafia: First convo was pushing for info, and when that was finally shot down he moved on quite quickly. Second Convo was discussing do we want a lynch? Hey I’mma vote Bard (who may be getting bussed)  Then he changes to Drought, who I’m getting a village read off of Convo 3: he has 3 suspicions, none of which matched who he brought up before Then asked for Independents to out themselves to him. Very agro, inconsistent, and information hungry
(I can't get it to unbold sorry) This is a very rough version of my thoughts and reasonings

Does Agro mean agressive? If so, I'm sorry to come off that way. I don't mean to be aggressive. If there isn't conversation though, we might as well throw away the thread, so one of my main goals is to start lots of conversation here. If that's aggressive, then fine. 

Inconsistent? Sure, I guess. We all typically are to those who can't see our thought patterns.

Information hungry? :D 

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Yes, agro is short for agressive. It isn't inherently wrong, but couple that intensity with a need to know who's who, and, well, it makes elim!Mail very plausible IMO. And while thought processes can be weird, that doesn't make them inexplicable in thread; and I would love to hear how you went from bard to drought to 3 other people so quickly and with so little persuasion or displayed reasoning

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3 minutes ago, Coop772 said:

Yes, agro is short for agressive. It isn't inherently wrong, but couple that intensity with a need to know who's who, and, well, it makes elim!Mail very plausible IMO. And while thought processes can be weird, that doesn't make them inexplicable in thread; and I would love to hear how you went from bard to drought to 3 other people so quickly and with so little persuasion or displayed reasoning

Gotcha. There's no need to know who's who. Unless you want to find the Spirits, of course. Do I personally need to know every role? No, of course not. Do I want to learn some and help facilitate a discussion so that all the factions can work together to find the Spirits? Yes. 

So, Bard was a poke vote. That's all. Drought, same thing. The other three were my actual suspicions.

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I see. Some explanation of the suspicions would be nice, and it would help further discussion as a whole. While I see where gathering info to catch spirits is helpful, too much info helps them more than it helps villagers like myself IMO. For now tho, you have explained yourself well enough that given a decent explanation of your actual suspicions I would be willing to remove my vote


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2 minutes ago, Coop772 said:

I see. Some explanation of the suspicions would be nice, and it would help further discussion as a whole. While I see where gathering info to catch spirits is helpful, too much info helps them more than it helps villagers like myself IMO. For now tho, you have explained yourself well enough that given a decent explanation of your actual suspicions I would be willing to remove my vote


We'll have to agree to disagree on who information is more helpful for. In my experience, the eliminators typically have more information than the village does, so any the village can get is helpful. There definitely is information we don't want the Spirits to have, of course. 

My suspicions? 

Sart: Mostly because of the post where he agreed with me(weird reasoning, I know, but it felt weird) and then no posts since.

Steel: just off in his posts.

Elandera: I can't remember what it was that struck me anymore.

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1 hour ago, Droughtbringer said:

Gonna make a vote for that?

Why would I vote on the person who provides boots??:P

I put off doing analysis and now it's late and I'm not thinking clearly boo. Bad me. I want to help with the lynch but I need to read stuff because no glaring suspicions I remember. *cries 

I need sleep.... will try to read some and place a vote. Apologize in advance for not making sense and voting with low brain power.

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On 9/24/2018 at 3:49 PM, Elandera said:

I didn't really feel the need to remove my vote. While I didn't exactly want a Steel lynch, there wasn't much of a threat of that happening while I was still awake. No one seemed keen on a lynch at all, unless you counted the votes on Joe. I went to sleep early (because I'm fighting a bad cold), and there were only really votes on Joe, plus mine and Mailliw's votes. After that is when most of the other votes started rolling in.

There was also a bit of curiosity as a reason behind leaving the vote. Often letting eliminators use vote manipulation can reveal a bit about their plan and who is on their side. Since they didn't use it, and easily could have, I suspect they didn't particularly care to have a lynch during C1.

As for why I didn't vote on people I found suspicious, I stated my reason for not voting on Mailliw already. That reasoning still stands. I also feel pushing for that kind of exchange might be too obvious for an eliminator, looking back on it. I didn't vote for those urging to not trade faction information because I would be among that list, and it does seem perfectly logical for the other gangs to not want that information out there so blatantly. My comment was more just personal musing rather than actual suspicion.

Okay, I know I took my vote off of Elandera but looking back at their answer it still doesn't wholly dissuade my suspicion. Why leave your poke vote on someone just to see if the elims will vote manipulate it? Seems a bit harsh when there was no suspicion behind the vote whatsoever. 

And iirc  your reason for not voting Mail was just because it was his first game back right?

Just trying to look back through this cycle and figure some things out. Not placing a vote until I finish reading. Provided I don't run out of time from trying to think things through.

Edit: sorry, forgot I posted last

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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It's the end of the cycle, and most of the few votes are pokes that never went away because the target didn't respond. @Sart and @Young Bard have yet to post this cycle, though both of them have given academic-related reasons for not posting recently. The other candidates are BR, Straw, and MetaTerminal. The vote on BR appears to be the Gods's disfavor. While Straw is posting a bit less than usual, I don't believe it's too far outside his normal playstyle. @MetaTerminal's shift from a poke vote seems reasonable, though he said he might come back with updated reads and hasn't yet. I do think he's right that we should have a lynch today, but I don't really want to vote for Bard when he'll be more available around 12 hours from now apparently. I also do prefer Bard's posts to those of Sart, as Sart seemed a bit too eager to hop onto the faction list plan.

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Please don't hate me for another post but I didn't think that editing a vote in would be a good idea.

While I agree that Bard could have helped me with a lynch on an actual player at the end of last cycle, I don't find it suspicious that he chose to wait since he said he didn't have any good reads and wanted to do more analysis but time was almost up. Makes sense not to throw a dart at random at the very end of cycle just because you can. And he did end up keeping the vote manipulation out of play by voting Joe. It's not like there weren't multiple players suggesting the option of a no lynch first cycle.

That being said, Bard is in the lead and cycle is almost over. I don't find Sart or Straw overly suspicious but also don't want to put down another single vote for a different player.

If I was going to then it would be Elandera I think.

Oh yay, Devotary voted. Seeing how Bard and Sart are both on my possible elims list (I'll share all my player reads next cycle) but I feel like Bard may not be an elim just from the posts he's made and I don't want a tie for vote manipulation so Sart.

Not at all sure about this lynch but it's the best I can do for now.


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Do (Re) Mi

It was early in the mourning that Sarene was greeted with the realisation that her husband was dead. Roial and Eonden had assured her that he had been a good man, yet she felt nothing but bitterness over his death. He was gone, she was alone and all that remained was an empty marriage soldering Teod and Arelon.

Fat lot of good the alliance did for her.

“You need to snap out of this demeanour, my lady” her seon glowed, “Your father needs you to consolidate the alliance”.

“I know Ashe...I just can’t shake the fact that I’m going to be alone again. I kinda liked him Ashe”.

“I know my lady, but it won’t do you any good to be despondent, perhaps you should go make yourself busy with the other court ladies. I hear they are gathered in one of the ballrooms”.

She sighed and looked at him in annoyance, “And I assume you won’t stop bothering me until I go”.

“You know me well my lady”.

“Do you have the money?”

“Straight to the point, you live up quite masterfully to expectations young master”

The Duke grunted and rolled his neck, “You do not take that tone with me, understand heretic scum? I am only doing this because it benefits me”

“Why of course, and what of your promises lord?”

“All will come in due time, all will come that is due”

“So you say, and what of the old man and the swordsman?”

“They will cause no problems, I am the first in line- nobody can dispute this”

“Heirship is not what concerns me”

“Of course it isn’t! Trust fool, I have things handled”

“As you wish”

Shuden did not ask for this, oh no he did not.

They were almost on his lap, the lot of them. All of them.

No he did not want this.

But he had to admit, a small part of him enjoyed the attention. It wasn’t everyday he got to show off his culture and skill. Even if he claimed to just be an amateur, the ladies were certainly impressed.
Ah, there was the young princess.
“Sarene!” he called, “Come join us, we’re embarking on a different course of action than the usual embroidery we ladies engage in”. He nearly blushed as the room echoed with light laughter, projecting the voices around him. Sarene cocked an eyebrow and he grinned, “you know you’re interested” he smirked.

She walked over and stood amongst the ladies around him. Shuden jumped suddenly, startling a few ladies then landed in a strange stance. He moved gracefully into another form, fist extended and leg drawn back in an arc.

“ChayShan, ever seen it?”.

“No, I can’t say that I have”.

“So you lived up to your name in the end”.

Rat looked up and tilted his head in confusion at the newcomer, “Who in Domi’s twelth name are you? And how do you know my name”.

Two more people moved out from behind, brandishing clubs.

“We’ve been watching you, you’re with Spirit aren’t you” one of the other uttered.
“Spirit? No! I’m faithful to mother” Rat exclaimed, “Who are you people??”

They looked at each other, the first individual revealed a hoe from within their jacket. They nodded and advanced upon Rat.

“No, no, no, you’ve got the wrong man, I swear upon Domi”

“Alas we can’t believe you, your death will determine your faith”

The hoe was swung, swung hard. Rat didn’t remember the swing, but it must have been hard. Hard enough that when it hit him he could feel it imbed into his cheekbone.

Pain, pain shot through his face as he felt the bone crack and his body fling to the ground. Pain, as a club bashed into the back of his head, his vertebrae rubbed against themselves and dislodged. Pain, as another club hit the other side of his face, shattering his jaw and nearly snapping the bones in his face in half as they too cracked, edging closer to his opposite cheek. It was quick, and it is painful.

He could not speak, his jaw hung open and blood filled his mouth.
He could not scream, his throat was pierced by a rogue vertebrae.
He could not breathe, his nose leaking with spinal fluid from his brain.
Yet he lived.


“That did not take much”
“Brutal, had to be done, had to be done”
“We’ll take him to the ganglords, they’ll know if he’s a Spirit or not”


Rat got hoed badly.


It was nearly midnight when Sign (pronounced Psy-guh-ne) felt the knife in his shoulder.
“There seems to be a knife in my shoulder. Huh, someone must have tried to...kill me”

He poked the knife and wondered why it didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. He considered pulling the knife out like Raomb from his books once did but decided it probably wouldn’t be a good idea seeing as the knife wound nearly killed Raomb once he had removed it.

“Idos Domi, somebody tried to kill me!” he laughed, “Someone thinks I’m worth being killed!”

Giddy with happiness, Sign went to bed. Knife in his shoulder and all.



Vote Count:

YoungBard(2): Cadmium Compounder, MetaTerminal

BR(1): Alvron

Sart(3): Mailliw, Devotary, Brightness

Straw(2): Drought, Kidpen


Sart was lynched! Sart was a Roleless Child of Karata! (Oops)

Coop was Attacked but Survived!


The Turn ends in



Player List




Astrea (Crimsn Wolf)

Mist (Fifth Scholar)

Ynoga (xinoehp512)

Daan (Kidpen)

Venele (Brightness Radiant)

Ashertma (Devotary of Spontaneity)

Rena (Elandera)

Squid of Sensationalism (Steeldancer)

Agri Kai (Walin)

Spork (Cadmium Compounder)

Mii (Mailliw73)

Itiah X (I think I am here)

Diir (Alvron)

Straw (Straw (Straw (Straw)))

Soul (Droughtdrinker)

Flavio (TheMightyLopen)

A Shqueev (Multiple Shqueeves)

Kielan (MetaTerminal)

Sheol (ElephantEarwax)

SIGN ME UP (Coop772)

Kaido (Young Bard)

Rat (Sart) Child




Nine Cycles Remain Until The Invasion Begins

Edited by Darkness_
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