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Do sprens hide from each other?


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I was rereading WoR and I noticed something: The only time Syl notices Pattern is at the duel where Kaladin jumps in to help. Shouldn't Spren instinctively feel each other or at least feel people that our bonded to other Spren? Allomancers or should I say Seekers could feel any allomatic activity nearby. I know they aren't the same thing but as Spren are mostly in the Cognitive realm than the physical you would assume there is a footprint or some clue.

Edited by lookingglass
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You don't wanna know what my brain read your thread title as ;)


I think that unless they are intentionally "looking" in the Cognitive Realm, they wouldn't necessarily see other spren.  Syl noticed Pattern but had to go help Kaladin in the Physical so couldn't really investigate.

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post-1847-0-41959800-1398226646_thumb.jp  ;)


I don't think spren instinctively notice other spren any more than humans instinctively notice other humans -- which is to say that any advantage spren have when it comes to spotting other spren comes from with their general familiarity with each other ("Hey, that twisty shadow over there looks kinda' like a Cryptic..."), rather than from the ability to sense Investiture. Just like it's easier to spot a friend in a crowd than a random stranger, spren who've seen each other (or similar-looking types of spren) in Shadesmar might have an easier time recognizing each other in the physical realm.


It seems possible that there could be certain kinds of spren that are attuned to the presence of other spren (sprenspren?), but I'd imagine they'd be more akin to single-metal Mistings than full Mistborn, since even sentient spren are so strongly tied to particular cognitive concepts (e.g. honor, lies, etc.). 

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Um, why would sperm hide from each other? I mean, they're all ejaculated together anyway, so you'd expect them to have some familiarity with each other-






We are talking about sperm, right?

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Joining the people who misread this thread title. Oh, my days...

In any case: perhaps you're right, but if we were to draw the parallel to Allomancy, then you can't be detected if you're not burning metal. In the same way, the proper Rosharan parallel, it seems to me, is that another spren doesn't become apparent unless you're using Stormlight. Which Kaladin was doing, so Pattern might have seen Syl.

While that might be one way spren see other spren, I notice that Syl saw Pattern only when Pattern was doing something blatant (distracting...was it Renlis?). To use a really bad analogy, maybe it's like Assasin's Creed. Most spren are in low-profile mode, or blending. It's only when you take high-profile actions that another spren might spot you.

...Cannot believe I just went there...

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Joining the people who misread this thread title. Oh, my days...

In any case: perhaps you're right, but if we were to draw the parallel to Allomancy, then you can't be detected if you're not burning metal. In the same way, the proper Rosharan parallel, it seems to me, is that another spren doesn't become apparent unless you're using Stormlight. Which Kaladin was doing, so Pattern might have seen Syl.

While that might be one way spren see other spren, I notice that Syl saw Pattern only when Pattern was doing something blatant (distracting...was it Renlis?). To use a really bad analogy, maybe it's like Assasin's Creed. Most spren are in low-profile mode, or blending. It's only when you take high-profile actions that another spren might spot you.

...Cannot believe I just went there...



I can't believe you just did that! Everyone knows that if you're going to make a game reference regarding stealth, it has to be Skyrim or Deus Ex: Human Revolution!

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I can't believe you just did that! Everyone knows that if you're going to make a game reference regarding stealth, it has to be Skyrim or Deus Ex: Human Revolution!


What about, "I never played stealth in Skyrim" and "I'm still hoping to play Deus Ex: Human Revolution"? :P

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Um, why would sperm hide from each other? I mean, they're all ejaculated together anyway, so you'd expect them to have some familiarity with each other-






We are talking about sperm, right?


Yep that's what I read too, but I WAS trying to keep this thread PG :D  :rolleyes: 

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What about, "I never played stealth in Skyrim" and "I'm still hoping to play Deus Ex: Human Revolution"? :P


Blasphemy! Go get yourself a copy on Steam. And try not playing stealth on Legendary. I swear I'll buy you a cookie if you make it (you'd need to cross the divide, though).



Kids learn about sperm in grade 7 sex ED. Still PG as far as I'm concerned.

I just find it hilarious that they still haven't edited the name of the thread yet though lol


It's an elaborate ruse!

Edited by Ketek
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While some magic systems have a way of sensing others, namely seeking and life-sense, neiter of these are absolutes. Sekking needs Investure to activate and life-sense is a rather specific ability, that also needs Investure to power it up passively. There may be a Surge that allows one to locate Spren but given how magic works on Roshar it wouldn´t work, unless the user is actively searching.

What might happen is that Spren seem larger in the cognitive realm, when they channel Stromlight and in turn are easier to find for people that can look into that realm.


Strom you, Ketek! I was trying so hard not to make a scabbard joke in the Nightblood´s love life threath to get rid of the depravity and what do I find? This!

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OH MY GOD! I'm so embarrassed! My computer is really old and I didn't really look at the title properly. Just for clarification I meant SPREN not the other word. :(


Joining the people who misread this thread title. Oh, my days...

In any case: perhaps you're right, but if we were to draw the parallel to Allomancy, then you can't be detected if you're not burning metal. In the same way, the proper Rosharan parallel, it seems to me, is that another spren doesn't become apparent unless you're using Stormlight. Which Kaladin was doing, so Pattern might have seen Syl.

While that might be one way spren see other spren, I notice that Syl saw Pattern only when Pattern was doing something blatant (distracting...was it Renlis?). To use a really bad analogy, maybe it's like Assasin's Creed. Most spren are in low-profile mode, or blending. It's only when you take high-profile actions that another spren might spot you.

...Cannot believe I just went there...



I'm sorry but I've not played many games but I can kind of see your point. Like when a seeker tries to seek allomancers but can only do so if they are burning metals. So do you think there could be a Rosharian equivalent "Coppercloud" that could hide stormlight usage? The think that slightly bothers me with this theory is that if stomlight is equivalent to metals then where do Sprens fit in?

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If you want to change it, click on Edit, then click on Full Editor, and you'll be able to edit the topic name :)


I think Brandon said at some point that there were ways to detect and hide Investiture built into each of his magic systems.

Edited by RShara
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While some magic systems have a way of sensing others, namely seeking and life-sense, neiter of these are absolutes. Sekking needs Investure to activate and life-sense is a rather specific ability, that also needs Investure to power it up passively. There may be a Surge that allows one to locate Spren but given how magic works on Roshar it wouldn´t work, unless the user is actively searching.

What might happen is that Spren seem larger in the cognitive realm, when they channel Stromlight and in turn are easier to find for people that can look into that realm.


Strom you, Ketek! I was trying so hard not to make a scabbard joke in the Nightblood´s love life threath to get rid of the depravity and what do I find? This!


I'm sorry, would you like a rule 34 ketek as compensation? ;)


If you want to change it, click on Edit, then click on Full Editor, and you'll be able to edit the topic name :)


I think Brandon said at some point that there were ways to detect and hide Investiture built into each of his magic systems.


No! Don't! It's funnier this way!

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If you want to change it, click on Edit, then click on Full Editor, and you'll be able to edit the topic name :)


I think Brandon said at some point that there were ways to detect and hide Investiture built into each of his magic systems.


Thanks. I've edited it now so no one else gets confused. I think Brandon would build that into the magic system. I think Allomancy and Surgebinding are quite similar. We can see parallels between both. Plus I just remembered that Aluminum burns all metals and those bird things steal stormlight.


No! Don't! It's funnier this way!


I'm sorry but I don't really want the editors to give me a warning or worse delete my account!

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lookingglass, on 24 Apr 2014 - 02:07 AM, said:

OH MY GOD! I'm so embarrassed! My computer is really old and I didn't really look at the title properly. Just for clarification I meant SPREN not the other word. :(

I'm sorry but I've not played many games but I can kind of see your point. Like when a seeker tries to seek allomancers but can only do so if they are burning metals. So do you think there could be a Rosharian equivalent "Coppercloud" that could hide stormlight usage? The think that slightly bothers me with this theory is that if stomlight is equivalent to metals then where do Sprens fit in?

I actually don't quite think it's the Stormlight that's equivalent to the metals. I'm not as good with the Cosmere as others on this forum, but off the top of my head, the way I see it, the equivalent to metals is the Nahel bond with the spren, because it's through the Nahel bond that the Surgebinder can draw Stormlight, and they do things (understatement?) depending on the nature of their Nahel bond. I suspect for us to fit spren in well, as spren are Cognitive entities drawn into the physical, we'd neeed to create a 'spren's eye perspective' so as to speak. So maybe to other spren, spren with an active (read: Stormlight being drawn through the bond/they are imbuing their bonded Surgebinder with Stormlight) Nahel bond show up the way Allomancers burning metal would. That might be the relevant way to look at it in this case, since there are two people involved in that Nahel bond.

Edited by Kasimir
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