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Lerasium allows access to the power of other shards


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Fairly straightforward theory, and an extract of a large one I had posted before on hypothetical shard metals. Basically the idea is the true effect of Lerasium is to allow the rewriting of connections to connect someone to a shard, and the shard metal alloyed with Lerasium is what determines the shard the person burning it is connected to. The reason becoming a mistborn is a side effect is because if it isn't alloyed with another metal then it just increases the connection to Preservation. It could be that the alloy will also increase the connection to Preservation, but it the main effect, or equal effect, is the connection to the shard the alloying metal comes from, and thus it would be possible to burn the shard metal for an effect. The question then is would one be able to burn alloys of the shard metal, becoming a the equivalent of a mistborn but with other metals, or only the shard metal that the lerasium was alloyed with? I.e., if alloyed with Atium, would the burner become a Seer or an Atium-mistborn? Or are Seers already the equivalent of Atium-mistborn?

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7 minutes ago, MountainKing said:

How did you know? Someone just asked Brandon at Fan-X and he said that you can use Lerasium to connect to others powers. The WoB isn't eve in the arcanum yet.

I didn't :-) But I had been thinking it was the only thing that made sense - I have previously posted a topic about using other shard metals, and one of the things I had recalled was Brandon saying you can't use a shard metal without being connected to the shard, or something similar to that, and I remembered that Lerasium has two effects, being burnable by anyone, and making someone either a mistborn or a misting as a side effect. If it can make a new connection based on being alloyed, and I am convinced that Scadrial was made to use metal by Ruin and Preservation on purpose, then having a method of connecting to shard so as to use their metals made sense, and so Lerasium :-)

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This is all my doing, btw. :D Someone posted in the Stormlight group on Facebook about going and I got her to ask it for me. The actual wording of my question was "If Hoid got his hands on, say, bavadinium, could he alloy it with lerasium to grant himself Sand Mastery?" She said Brandon's answer was "It's theoretically possible."

I've been chasing this theory for a long time, and I'm over the moon about it.

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@PallonianFire I guess great minds - humble minds too :-P Though I personally think it isn't so much that burning the alloy gives access to the exact power from another world, but instead alloys the burning of the metal for a new but potentially related effect, unless the connection itself is important. So, like @Draginon said with using the metal from either Aona or Skai, or an alloy of their metals, it might make you Elantrian, but I think it would give another ability to burn their metals instead, with the possible effect of making it easier to become an Elantrian. Burning an alloy of Lerasium and Tanavastium, or an alloy with "Slammerium" or a mixture of the three, probably wouldn't make someone a Knight, but it would make them connected and able to burn those metals for an effect, and possibly burn the alloys. A mixture of them, however, might make one a knight if they are also somehow linked to Roshar. 


@Corax That is what I think - also, side note, I hope they change Hero of Ages to use not 16 percent, but 1/16 of those affected, as Fuzz was worried about the units changing, and 16% is all about the units, breaking it up into 100's and then selecting 16 from the hundreds, rather than directly into selecting one out of 16 ...

This is also why Mistborn is important to the Cosmere, and will be the last series - at least, this is why I think it will be, because the metals of other shards are the condensed power - a system all about using the very material shards condense as makes sense.

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I think it kinda makes sense. Atium is able to steal Investiture from other systems if you know the bindpoints involved. Allomancy and Hemalurgy are systems that mirror each other. So if one system can do something, the mirrored system should be able to do something similar. Maybe Sazed should crap out some Lerasium beads so the Scadrian worldhoppers can do some experimentation.

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I've wondered about how becoming mistborn could be a side effect and never thought of anything.  But this fits perfectly.  I'm really psyched about this idea and the WoB.  Oooohhhhhh, so good.  Much love, @Ixthos and @PallonianFire.  Awesome job theorizing.

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Now that it's up, I suppose I should post this for reference:


Stormlightning [PENDING REVIEW]

If Hoid was to get his hands on "bavadinium," could he alloy it with lerasium and get Sand Mastery?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

This is theoretically possible.


Once again credit to @PallonianFire for coming up with the question to ask. 

I just wonder--how do you choose [or do you get to choose] if that Shard has multiple magic systems? Do you just get everything? And which Shard's power would Hoid most want if he were to use this method?

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I assume the answer is likely no; but I wonder if a non-mistborn/allomancers would have issues burning this alloy?

The question definitely still leaves a bit of room for that.  I assume it shouldn't be a problem; but I don't know if I've ever seen it canonized, and other godmetals can't all be burned by all.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11.9.2018 at 11:25 PM, Stormlightning said:


I just wonder--how do you choose [or do you get to choose] if that Shard has multiple magic systems? Do you just get everything? And which Shard's power would Hoid most want if he were to use this method?

IMHO, Hoid doesn't really care, as all he needs is a connection to a given shard via their magic system. But it does explain why he chose to make himself an allomancer, but not a Mistborn - he is saving the bulk of the bead for attaching himself to inimical or very locality-oriented shards (like the Dor). It also tells me that it must be possible to obtain Feruchemy via a particular kind of atium-lerasium alloy, since this is the only way to form a lasting connection to Ruin without hemalurgy - and there is a WoB that Hoid would never contemplate getting a spike. So, IMHO, he must be a Ferring too.

This WoB tells us that Hoid is now forging Connections to Shards legitimately when he can, but, say,  Autonomy isn't going to give him such a chance:





Has Hoid just collected--<like he does>--the spren, or...?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

He has legitimately bonded the spren. Let's just say, he has given up on trying to cheat some of the systems and has decided to try to play by the rules.



Which means that he now has Connection to at least 5 of the original Shards.

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1 hour ago, Isilel said:

But it does explain why he chose to make himself an allomancer, but not a Mistborn

We don't have confirmation about whether or not he's a full Mistborn or just an Allomancer.  We only know that he can use Zinc and/or Brass.  

That said, I really like this idea.  It would provide a reasonable explanation for only ingesting part of the bead (which I don't think we had before).  

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