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Two Orders have gravitation surge. I don't know if any other surge can create a similar effect, so most likely only Windrunners and Skybreakers fly.


This raises an interesting question: can you Elsecall into the sky, and if so, is your momentum conserved?

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If transportation can be used to appear in mid air (I don't see why not, but there's not enough information yet), may be a Willshaper could use cohesion for support, which arguably counts as flying.

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I don't think it's "need." In fact I'm not convinced that it's specifically a special power of Windrunners to have more Squires than the other orders. What I think is that the two attributes of a Windrunner are Protecting and Leading, and that these lead to them forming strong bonds with larger groups than other Knights Radiant. Enhanced charisma as the supernatural skill, that is. More Squires because they lead larger groups, stronger Squires because the bonds are stronger and more power can be transferred.

I think you are exactly right. I thing the squires will be dependent upon a knight's capacity for forming those bonds with people. More specifically, how that bond is an extension of the Nahel bond. Kaladin is leading the Bridgemen to act Honorably.

I think another subtle indicator of squires would be how Rock and a few other bridgemen thought the bridge was lighter when carrying it again on Shallan's expedition. I think they had a little stormlight in them.

I would imagine Truthseers not having squires. They are too... asocial methinks.

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so the new questions from that are:


-Why would Shallan need squires?

-What would it take to become one?

I think that if Shallan were to have any squires, they would probably have the skills of a top-notch modern illusionist, but could do it with an infusion of Stormlight.  If she were to have a team of minor illusionists that could support her i bet we could see her projecting a huge mass of troops or large weapon, that would be used strategically by Dalinar with advise from Renarin for greatest effect.  In teaming a small contingent of Windrunners and squires with a team of Lightweavers and squires they could give the illusion of a larger army for intimidation factor.


I would think that in order to become a squire to a KR like a Lightweaver, you would have to embody the ideals that the spren who bond to the Lightweaver: primarily people who go about their day to day life carrying the weight of some terrible secret.  The progression would continue until the squire finally accepted the entire truth of their life and actions they would begin to notice small tricks of the eye happening around them which would actually be manifestations of their squireness, with a glow that seems to enhance their charisma slightly, but isn't quite so obvious like a Windrunner.

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I wonder if only people can become squires. Ryshadiums form some sort of bond with their riders, Lift felt the pain of that larkin and Rysn likely form a bond with one. I wonder if some Orders (like Edgedancers) can have animal squires.

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I wonder if only people can become squires. Ryshadiums form some sort of bond with their riders, Lift felt the pain of that larkin and Rysn likely form a bond with one. I wonder if some Orders (like Edgedancers) can have animal squires.

I would SO like an Axehound Squire. A true Hound of Baskerville!

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On the other hand, a group of people dedicated to protecting them and interpreting their visions could work wonders.


Not unlike the priests in Hallendren, eh? Of course, those squires, if allowed the power of interpretation, could swiftly become the actual rulers of the order.

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What about Shallan's squires? I definitely agree that I would love to see good'ol Gaz get his eye back, but what is the likeliness of the the lightweavers getting squires. I mean if we look at the skill set of the lightweavers what do we think that the most likely outcome of there role as radiants would be?


Assassins, or spys. Assassins is debatable but I think it is likely, now if people that were close to said Radiant even undercover started glowing then I think the cat would be out of the bag and they would have to get away. so I find the chances of squires for Shallan low. But if we were to put a simple condition on the squiredom like, Shallan has to trust them, and they have to know she is a radiant before they can achieve squiredom.


But then we have to ask ourselves what help would a glowy hanger on be to a lightweaver, perhaps if they get into a fight they might help, but I think a good lightweaver could probably talk themselves out of an execution if given the chance so I find that benefit unlikely.


so the new questions from that are:


-Why would Shallan need squires?

-What would it take to become one?


Spies generally work best if they have a whole network of them gathering information. The biggest question mark for me is what exactly would a KR spy network spy on? In current times it makes sense since humanity is divided with different goals but when the orders were founded I think this wasn't the case. Lightweavers in the past I think were more like emotional support. In my mind they were musicians,artists and much like a physiological counselor. 


Anyway I went on a tangent there. If being a squire gives them access to some basic illumination than Shallan most definitely would require some. Remember when using illumination the glow of stormlight doesn't seem to take place.

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Spies generally work best if they have a whole network of them gathering information. The biggest question mark for me is what exactly would a KR spy network spy on? In current times it makes sense since humanity is divided with different goals but when the orders were founded I think this wasn't the case. Lightweavers in the past I think were more like emotional support. In my mind they were musicians,artists and much like a physiological counselor. 


Anyway I went on a tangent there. If being a squire gives them access to some basic illumination than Shallan most definitely would require some. Remember when using illumination the glow of stormlight doesn't seem to take place.

I'm npt sure what you mean about basic illumination and her requiring some, but i do like the question about what radiants would spy on, and i think the answer is relatively simple, voidbringers, and associates of them. there is nothing that says that there weren't people working with them during the Epochs so why not. But i do like the idea of them being psychologists, but maybe just because i think this conversation would be awesome:


Shallan: "so Kaladin, what is it that bothers you?"


Kaladin (lying down on a shay lounge): "just about everything"


Shallan: "and why is that"


Kaladin: "I don't know"


Edit: well i just learnt not to double click the post button

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Then I am afraid that you are doomed to forever remain a violator of the Forum-wide rules of conduct. ;)

Not to worry, a Guy by the name of Nin was by here a few minutes ago.      Said something to the effect that he was going to "take care of it" or was it "take care of you?"

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Not to worry, a Guy by the name of Nin was by here a few minutes ago.      Said something to the effect that he was going to "take care of it" or was it "take care of you?"

 I would like someone to take care of it, I can't hide anything, it says I don't have permission, I cant see the Multi-quote button and I can't open spoilers, all of these thing are rather annoying, and it is stopping me from posting some of my more interesting theories on the main SA thread.  

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What browser are you using? Or are you on a phone?

Google chrome i can try another browser but that would really be painful, I mean it is kind of inconvenient if the site doesn't work for the most popular web browser out, isn't it?


Edit: Yes the spoilers and multiquote button both work for Firefox so it appears that it is chromes problem I'll see if I can dig it up I feel like if the site didn't work right for chrome it would be a more known problem.

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It should work on Chrome, but you should still try another browser, such as Opera or Firefox. While you might not want make a permanent switch, it'll at least help isolate the problem to either your Chrome preferences or your computer/internet in general.

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there we go I fixed it, i am currently on firefox, and the site seems to work a LOT better here with the reply box and i can actually see the multiquote button, so I'm gonna mess withchrome abit see if i can find my problem.

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Nice! And at least we've isolated the problem to your Chrome browser. I'm not an expert, but I suggest looking into your cookie preferences. Personally, I prefer the chocolate chip ones.

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