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If your pet was a shard of Adonalsium, what would they be?

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So the title sums this up nicely, this is a place to share cute pictures of your cats, dogs, birds, mice, gerbils, ferrets, etc. and to take a stab at trying to express their personality in a single characteristic.

To start things off, here are a couple pictures of my dog Chewbacca when he was a puppy, each expressing a slightly different shardic intent.





as he's gotten older, he's encompassed more intents (Gluttony, Slothfullness, Obdurateness, and most convincingly of all Sleepiness).

Amazingly enough, when these individual intents are combined, his unitary whole is "The Good Boy" go figure.


Also, if you just feel like sharing cute pictures of your animals, then this is the place to do it as well. Looking forward to seeing the animals behind the sharders.

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On 8/27/2018 at 9:15 PM, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

So the title sums this up nicely, this is a place to share cute pictures of your cats, dogs, birds, mice, gerbils, ferrets, etc. and to take a stab at trying to express their personality in a single characteristic.

To start things off, here are a couple pictures of my dog Chewbacca when he was a puppy, each expressing a slightly different shardic intent.





as he's gotten older, he's encompassed more intents (Gluttony, Slothfullness, Obdurateness, and most convincingly of all Sleepiness).

Amazingly enough, when these individual intents are combined, his unitary whole is "The Good Boy" go figure.


Also, if you just feel like sharing cute pictures of your animals, then this is the place to do it as well. Looking forward to seeing the animals behind the sharders.

Awwwww he's adorable! 

I have a golden retriever. He would probably be the Shard of Friendliness, like most other goldens...

(Image isn’t loading anymore... :()


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18 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

Awwwww, give that buddy a biscuit, he's adorable!!!

I give him too many as is. I swear, he gives me the begging puppy dog eyes, and I just can't resist. :wub:

It's a dog owner problem for everyone, I'm sure. 

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I mean there's no question whatsoever. He's a cat's cat. A furry ninja. A scourge to rodents and birds alike. A delightful terror who intimidates those who don't know him and sows discord and love with confusing recklessness. 


He's the Shard of Autonomy. 

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With age comes wisdom, and I, being somewhat old am also, I like to believe, somewhat wise. I have noticed, during my many revolutions about the sun this truism: "A fat dog, is a happy dog". Some philosophies would like to take this further, but really simplicity is best when looking at one of the true axioms of the universe.

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If any of my pets were still alive, I would posting pictures everywhere. As it is, I must wait. I'm getting rats again...eventually.

The adorableness is palpable. Goldens all the way!

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A not-so-subtle warrior is a-creeping. He pounces! But the rabbit is long-gone, and so he runs. In circles he chases, and yet somehow the rodent has slipped under the fence. He barks at the fence and noses it to open, but yet the fence has not learned to obey his sole command. The Grizzly-man slinks away in defeat, sure that another opportunity will arise, and that he shall seize and throttle it to death!

If Grizzly was a Shard, he’d be Hyperactivity or Narcissism. His Intent is to rid the world of the scourge of rodents.


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1 hour ago, AxeliustheGreat said:


A not-so-subtle warrior is a-creeping. He pounces! But the rabbit is long-gone, and so he runs. In circles he chases, and yet somehow the rodent has slipped under the fence. He barks at the fence and noses it to open, but yet the fence has not learned to obey his sole command. The Grizzly-man slinks away in defeat, sure that another opportunity will arise, and that he shall seize and throttle it to death!

If Grizzly was a Shard, he’d be Hyperactivity or Narcissism. His Intent is to rid the world of the scourge of rodents.


Awww, Grizzly is SO CUTE!!!

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46 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

*grimaces* Might have to disagree there... golden retrievers are the best. German shepherds are a close second, though.


Grizzly's adorable, though. Half of me wants to save the rodents because they're cute too, and the other half wants to cuddle your dog forever. Wait, I can distract him and let the fuzzy baby rats get away by snuggling him! Yes, that is now the plan.

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splinters of Randomness and Collectivity. (Two Austrolorps, Two Barred Rock, two Buff Orpingtons, and one... uh... i don't know)


Shard of Adorably-in-your-buisness. Or Shard of Velcro. He is a Havamalt. (Havaneese/Maltese)

Edit: I don't have a picture of my cat, but she is the shard of I-don't-care-unless-its-about-me.

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Shard of Curiosity. Or Hyperactivity. Or Hyperactive Curiosity. Honestly, this cat wants to know what every little noise and movement is, and to climb inside/under whatever she can. She was notorious for stealing pens as a kitten. She also sleeps with her paws over her face, which is ridiculously adorable.






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My cat, Simba could be many Shards, including Autonomy. But for the sake of variety here are some other Shards that encompass my derpy cat, Simba, whose head is too small for his body.

The Shard of Curiosity, because we need to know everything. 

The Shard of Gab, because we have to talk about everything. (Seriously, my cat never stops talking, even in his sleep!)  It's raining!!! Pet me! I'm climbing a tree! Look, ma, a fish I took out of the neighbors pond!!

And probably the Shard of Nonsense/ Cuddles because ultimately, I (Simba) am a nonsensical cat who wants to bring in "presents" for my mom and cuddle all the time and occasionally eat catnip, fish, bacon, and cheese.


P.S. your guy's pet friends are absolutely adorable!! I am sending them all virtual treats and hugs!! 






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