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16 minutes ago, Archer said:

To recap, Pallas used a big red button, there's an evil sorcerer who took a girl hostage, and an evil army is attacking civilians (but not winning, despite having more troops and better weapons). 

That should be just enough to drive Klasten mad.


Because of the tropes?

Anyway, to recap your recap- the sorcerer may or may not be evil, the evil army has been slaughtered to a man (with no chance to surrender, I might add), and the sorcerer is lying in a broken heap on the ground.



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Just now, Grey Knight said:

(with no chance to surrender, I might add)



also, Fangblade just tore off his armor, he shouldn't be a broken heap yet, (though yeah, tearing off that much armor is liable to also hurt him anyway XD)

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Just now, Cyanic said:

also, Fangblade just tore off his armor, he should be a broken heap yet, (though yeah, tearing off that much armor is liable to also hurt him anyway XD)


It's more of a mental condition than a physical one. He has just seen all his friends die brutal deaths, and then he epically failed to avenge them or even accomplish his goal. He's... not in a good place at the moment :lol:


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With a loud noise, the ground opened. The broken body of the sorcerer feel into the pit. As it closed, there was a woosh, a light, and ashes flew out of the crack. Then it shut. Atticus stepped out from behind the boulding. "I hate Chaos Marines." He looked down at the ground, grinning cruelly. He picked up some ashes in his armored hand, and blew. They feel over the grass. "You won't have to worry about him. You won't ever have to worry about him again.." He walked away, to continue building defenses. Note to self. Grab the power armor.


Sorcerer is incinerated (hopefully). Atticus was working on traps, one was just revealed.


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Ioc saw the sorcerer fall into the pit, the signed. It had Ignored again.

Ioc had a problem. it could only really react to important things once, maybe twice per day. Thus, Ioc had watched while the battle had continued.


Ioc teleported a short distance away to clear itself of the dog, the teleportet into the ground, where the pit had opened up. It immediately squished, but a little fragment of the squish managed to touch a body.

The, all of the squish and the body teleported away, particularly, to Sel. Ioc was delighted to find, once it's squish had properly healed, that the body was, in fact, the sorcerer.

'Yay!' Ioc said, jumping up and down in it's not-squishy body.

@Grey Knight

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24 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

Ioc saw the sorcerer fall into the pit, the signed. It had Ignored again.

Ioc had a problem. it could only really react to important things once, maybe twice per day. Thus, Ioc had watched while the battle had continued.


Ioc teleported a short distance away to clear itself of the dog, the teleportet into the ground, where the pit had opened up. It immediately squished, but a little fragment of the squish managed to touch a body.

The, all of the squish and the body teleported away, particularly, to Sel. Ioc was delighted to find, once it's squish had properly healed, that the body was, in fact, the sorcerer.

'Yay!' Ioc said, jumping up and down in it's not-squishy body.

@Grey Knight


...Thank you, Gancho :lol:

The sorcerer stared at the unfamiliar sky for a long time, before groaning weakly and curling up into a ball.

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My job is to protect the Waystop. I will try and kill anyone who compromises the safety of the waystop.

Atticus brings a 19 year old with him as he walked into the general area of the crowd. "I HAVE DECIDED TO TRAIN AN APPRENTICE! SHE WILL PROTECT THE WAYSTOP AT ALL TIMES, LEAVING ME FREE TO TRAVEL!" He brought the woman outside to show her how to work and maintain the defenses.

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Tena, upon seeing that Fang had arrived, conveniently right when he needed to, was startled to see that maybe-Mace guy spasming on the ground a short distance away with his horse looking distressed next to him. Tena Steelpushed against a few of the Chaos marines and landed next to the man, giving Klasten a considering look. He was holding something, and she knelt down and snatched it out of his hands. He'd been shouting about 'closing the lid,' so Tena did so.

She waited for Klasten to make a crack at a pun or something.


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well, now that that's done

When all was done, without a word, Araha turned and walked away. Ran disengaging from her, and floating beside as a few pieces of leaves. She wasn't frustrated anymore, or not for the same reasons anyway, just that she didn't get answers, and now she was worried about her friend. Besides that though, she was just tired, she didn't think she could really sleep though.

She arrived at where Damaya and Mr. Amber were, the older man was being tended to by her and another much younger woman, or girl, as it were. There were so many questions running in her mind, but right now she just needed to feel safe. She did realize something though: "I'm sorry," she begun, "I didn't help you back then. I was too preoccupied." She knelt close, she wasn't any sort of healer or doctor herself, so all she could really do was watch it being done. "Ran? Can you find a healer around?"

"Right." She turned into her woman form, and placed a solidified hand on Araha's shoulder before setting off for her current task.

Araha turned to the Mr. Amber, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I need to ask this now. Is there a way to cut off the Waystop from the cognitive realm? That's how they got in, wasn't it? Transportation, or something of it. If we could stop their paths into the Waystop, we can be more secure." She asked him as he was the person who probably knew the most about Investiture in this place.

She also glanced at Damaya, what was all that about, and why did her name sound so similar to the one they were looking for?

@Life&Death @Sorana


Deras let his strange sword drop back into mist. The young woman who was fighting along side him went somewhere, likely to speak with her friends.

He wasn't angry or filled with rage anymore, and he looked around if he could still find the phantom, but it wasn't there. He wanted to talk to the man in charge of defending the structure, but didn't want to go outside and get shot. When the man and his apprentice came back inside, he walked up to them, but stayed a ways off so that he wasn't threatening. "Turrets target me. A mistake?" He asked.


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Somewhere on the lawn.

Klasten nodded appreciatively, then called to her. "Hey, Tena! Nice entrance, but it was a little jarring. Next time, can you try to be less surprising? I'm no Tineye." Under his breath he muttered something about how much he hated magical items and their rules. Cameo complete, he and Kicker faded away. 

Then reappeared, two meters to the left of where they'd been, seconds ago. "STORMS!" Klasten shouted. He walked over to Tena, smacked the can a few times, then glared at it. After a brief delay, the pair faded away again, this time for good. 

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Just now, Archer said:

Klasten nodded appreciatively, then called to her. "Hey, Tena! Nice entrance, but it was a little jarring. Next time, can you try to be less surprising? I'm no Tineye." Under his breath he muttered something about how much he hated magical items and their rules. Cameo complete, he and Kicker faded away. 

Then reappeared, two meters to the left of where they'd been, seconds ago. "STORMS!" Klasten shouted. He walked over to Tena, smacked the can a few times, then glared at it. After a brief delay, the pair faded away again, this time for good. 


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... bye, cowboy, I guess!

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