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Felt the Worldhopper


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wow that is one hell of a catch!


These kinds of things are rarely done on accident and Felt is a unique enough of a name it seems unlikely it would be used twice by accident either.


If it is the same guy he could be an informant working for a world hopper like Hoid or Mraize.  He sounds like he may be in a similar character to Nazh the guy who retrieved Shallans things from the bottom of the ocean and was sketching bridge 4 and making maps for someone on Scadrial.


Interesting find.

Edited by menacekop
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Sneaky Scadrial worldhoppers indeed. I think this is supported by a certain WoB:

http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7051-philadelphia-wor-signing-reports/page-4?hl=%2Bworldhop+%2Bscadrial#entry117576 24:38(Rhandric): Q. How many worldhoppers have we seen?

A. Oh, I haven’t kept track, you’ve seen quite a few. There’s one from Mistborn, did you catch him? I don’t think people have really picked out the Terriswoman yet, who makes her way into them, but they’re mostly not supposed to be noticeable yet, until you get to know them as characters and you look back and be like “oh that was that person.”

I think that this was perhaps about Felt (since we knew about the Terriswoman already), anyway, good catch... Edited by Nymp
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Can someone fill me on on who the Terriswoman worldhopper is? I definitely didnt catch that. I;m still catching up the whole cosmere as it is!


No one's caught it, actually. Brandon has told us that there is a Terriswoman running around somewhere in Warbreaker, but we don't know who she is. My best guess from just "gut" is that one nurse with two lines, to which Brandon replies with one of his more gleeful RAFOs.

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