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Compiling Hoid Theories

Ataraxian Wist

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Hoid is awesome. Not in the sense that Lift is, of course, but that hasn't stopped y'all from theorizing him half to death (though he can obviously recover from even that, so no big deal). It's great that there is so much thought going on surrounding Hoid, but the sheer volume of theoretical waffle surrounding him makes it difficult - when even possible - to really understand and theorize about him without repeating (or re-re-re-repeating, in some cases) a theory that's been A) canonized (and therefore not a theory), B) denied, or C) logically disproved and abandoned.

Now, I'm a bit new to the actual theories, but I've seen references to them everywhere, and I really don't want to read through ten more repeated theories in search of relevant speculation. I'm sure I'm not the only one, either. I know there's the whole "espoused theories" thing in signatures, which is pretty helpful, but I think it would be really nice to have a real home for Hoid's Theoretical Waffle, where we can keep track of what's new, what's old, what's been redone a thousand times, and what people really tend to agree with.

So basically, if you can just make a post for a particular theory, then we can collaborate to gather all of the relevant information and put it in a master Hoid Waffle thread we could make later. Maybe it's a dumb idea, but it never hurts to ask, right?

Edited by Sazedezas
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You could always just look him up in the Coppermind. Everything on there has been canonized. Most confirmed theories that have been brought up at signings are referenced somewhere on there. But you have a point. Having a place to find all of the Hoid theories would be super nice. 

Edited by KalaDANG
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3 hours ago, Fully_Invested said:

Good point @Wander89, that can't be a coincidence that in every case the story's protagonist is on Hoid's side (except, I should note, Hoid and Kaladin's funny relationship)

It would be pretty cool if we see Hoid help everyone through their own series then, last ditch attempt, we see our known heroes bundle together to help Hoid. He's like Jacob from Lost in that everything/everyone he touches is for a "higher reason"

Edited by Wander89
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Hm... my biggest Hoid theory:

Hoid lost something in his life– most likely, someone he loved died– and it is directly linked to the Shattering. His ultimate goal is to bring that person or thing back to life. However, bringing this person or thing back is incredibly dangerous for the Cosmere. In Era 4 Mistborn, the conclusion to the Cosmere, Hoid will be the main antagonist. In the end, the protagonists of Era 4 MB will convince Hoid that sometimes, you need to move on for life to move forward. Hoid gives up his struggle, but it is too late. Hoid dies, and the everything in the Cosmere is knocked off balance, instigating the end of the Cosmere. As an epilogue, perhaps the Cosmere starts to rebuild itself, but it will be completely from scratch. 

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One of my theories that has been partially proven. Brandon said that all investure has since the shattering become affiliated with one shard or another. So my theory is that there is an infinite amount of shardic intents. So, the only reason sixteen is special is that that was how many took up shard positions. How this all relates to Hoid: I think there was seventeen who killed adonalsium, and Hoid was one. he turned down a shard, so that there was only sixteen. (this could also be where the original name of the 17th shard comes from)

All of this theory was multiple theories and bits of Canon I have found.

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My latest half baked theory is that Hoid and the other 16 found a way to use fain life (or at least a magic associated with it) to stop themselves from ageing and to destabilise Adonalsium's investiture. Something vaguely to the effect of fain life being anti-life, and by using it they both countered their own ageing and also broke down the bonds (so to speak) that bound adonalsium's investiture together. Based flimsily on this. 



So, you talked about a weapon made by the enemies of Adonalsium, and you said it doesn't exist in it's original form. Do any remnants of it still exist in the Physical Realm?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



Have we seen any of those remnants on-screen?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

*pause* RAFO.

In current continuity (and people would know this), Hoid's immortality comes from this. People who have read Dragonsteel know that.


Btw in compiling a list of my favorite WoBs from the last year here i included a few lovely Hoid ones. Copied below in case it prompts theories. 



Hoid gets his tooth knocked out while in Kholinar. He prompts somebody else to help him with that. Is that because he has issues hurting not only other people but himself?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



And then he considers healing that at a later point in time. Which magic system does he consider using to heal that?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

A magic system that predates-- predates any of the others.




Has Hoid tried to get to First of the Sun?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Hoid has tried before.




For a hardcore fan, one clue you'd give out... [About] Hoid, or Dragonsteel, or Restares.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

...The problem is, so little of Dragonsteel is still canon. I've pulled so much out of it.

The Sho Del are still canon, and Hoid has an interesting relationship with several of them.




What's the deal with Hoid and instant noodles?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

...He likes his ramen, right? Like any sane person, he likes his instant noodles. Nothing more than that.


...Has he ever had instant noodles?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Yeah, he's had instant noodles before. They have them on Taldain, yeah.



A Budgie (paraphrased)

So, Hoid can't physically hurt someone, but does this ban extend to mental harm and harm through inaction?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

No. Hoid can mentally hurt someone, or allow them to be hurt, but when considering physical trauma he gets nauseous, to the point he can be incapacitated




Does any of the Sixteen actually like Hoid anymore?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]





[Personalization Request] To Hoid, with a message that hints at his quest.

Brandon Sanderson

To make that which once was.


I ordered this from Brandon's store maybe 5 or 6 years ago.



Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

A focused southern breeze made the trees sound like they were chattering. Tiny crisp leaves spreading the news of the Traveler’s return. Pure white leaves, clustered along branches like skeletal limbs. Even the bark clinging to the trees was white. In some lands, white meant purity; in others, it meant death. Here, it didn’t mean a thing. It was simply, normal. 

The Traveler sat on the mossy white ground, back to the tree, legs crossed idly as he picked at a pomegranate, eating the seeds one by one then spitting out the pits. They fell on the stark moss-covered ground, leaving red juice like blood running across a sterile white floor. To say he wore rags would have be an insult to many a goodwife who kept her washing rags in much better shape than the Traveler's costume. Ragged brown and black canvas, tattered cloak, and scruffy beard, rubbed dark with a black material that might have been soot — or ash. 

The leaves suddenly fluttered excitedly behind him, and a strange puff of wind blew across the trunks. A moment later, a figure in simple gray robes walked into the clearing. Clean-shaven and silver-haired, he had the look of an aged scribe, not haughty, but tired. 

“So, you’re back,” the elderly visitor said. 

“Did I leave? I am the lingering odor you can never quite locate, my friend. Just when you think I've faded you open your cupboard and find, in an overpowering reveal, that I've merely been… ripening.”

“Hmph, that’s a new look for you.”

The Traveler looked down at his ragged clothing. “I’ve been learning to blend in. Hard to do that in one of my normal costumes.”

“I doubt you’ll ever be the type to blend in.”

“You’d be surprised!”

“Is that soot in your hair?”


The elderly man sighed, walking across the short clearing and settling himself down on a large protruding tree root. “You can’t keep doing this.” The Traveler continued to eat his seeds, though he had started to chew them up rather than spitting out the pits. “You will just make things worse.” 

“Ati and Leras are dead,” the Traveler said, picking a piece of seed out from between his teeth. The elderly visitor said nothing, and the Traveler eyed him, leaning in closely, studying the man's eyes. The pupils were rimmed with a silver far too metallic to be natural, at least for a human. 

“You sly old lizard!” the Traveler said, pointing. “You already knew! You were watching! And here you were chastising me.”

“I did NOT interfere,” the elderly man said. ”You meddle in things we promised to leave alone. Things that we—”

Traveler held up a finger, interrupting him, then slowly he pointed at the older man. ”I. Made. No. Promise.”

“You made your choice. Why now seek for things you so eagerly denied? My friend, it’s the dangerous desire, the lust for power best untouched, that created the situation in the first place.”

The Traveler did not reply. The two sat for a time, listening to the winds through the garrulous trees.

“Did you… find what you were seeking?” the elder man finally asked.  

The Traveler shrugged, picking at another seed and nibbling on it. 

“You will not find a way to restore what you have lost, old friend,” the aged man said softly. ”It is impossible.” 

“You don’t know that. The old rules no longer hold.” The Traveler turned the pomegranate over in his fingers. ”Besides, I’ve heard of a place… It doesn’t matter. I don’t care. This isn’t about the dead… or it’s not JUST about the dead, at least.” He dropped the fruit to the ground, wiping his fingers on his riding coat.

“So it’s a simple vendetta, then,” the aged man said, sighing. “How many years have you lived, and you still can’t learn the wisdom of just letting go?”

“A simple vendetta?” the Traveler said. He rose, stalking up to the older man, holding out a finger and touching the man's chest. “You saw what Ati nearly did.” The Traveler leaned down, face even with that of his older companion. “I would not think it MY vendetta that should worry you, old friend.”


Footnote: Intro to the reading.


Edited by Extesian
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My theory is that Hoid's Guitar is awakened. I also have half boiled thoughts about how Hoid relates to the weapon of adonalsium, and how that relates to Topaz, the first gem, ect, but I'm not sure that's really a theory. Just that they must be related. 

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