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Oathbringer Gets Sexy?

Red Eyes

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Oathbringer is getting steamy sexy and I’m only on page 148. I don’t remember Shallan imagining her tongue in Adolin’s mouth or fantasizing about seeing his birthmark on his beefy thigh in book 2 or Dalinar devouring Navani in his passionate desire. Whoo! It’s not just the Everstorm that’s heating things up on Roshar! Anyone else noticing this?

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I did notice it :D And I liked it, makes the characters more human, but without going to any explicit areas or anything. Shallan is a teenager, so no surprise she has those thoughts, it's only natural. Navani on the other hand was very straightforward that she wants Dalinar not only in Platonic sense ;)

Welcome to the forums!

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Welcome to the Forums, and have an upvote! Here we like to greet each other by saying "My life to yours, my breath become yours." Now it's your turn. For your compliance in following this tradition, I would gladly give you another upvote!

Also, Yes, I noticed this too, But don't worry, 


There's nothing inappropriate. No dividing by zero, and definitely, NO MATING!


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Welcome to the Shard!  Your topic inspired me to highjack Sexyback, as sung by Shallan:

I'm bringin' Lightweavers back (yeah)
Them other Radiants don't know how to act (yeah)
I think it's special, Adolin's naked back (yeah)
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack (yeah)


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9 hours ago, Red Eyes said:

Oathbringer is getting steamy sexy and I’m only on page 148. I don’t remember Shallan imagining her tongue in Adolin’s mouth or fantasizing about seeing his birthmark on his beefy thigh in book 2 or Dalinar devouring Navani in his passionate desire. Whoo! It’s not just the Everstorm that’s heating things up on Roshar! Anyone else noticing this?

Hello, welcome to the Shard. However, this is not an Introduce Yourself post, and I am moving it to the Oathbringer spoiler section and then added the relevant topic tag :) 

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On 31.7.2018 at 3:16 PM, king of nowhere said:

Although you worded the thread title in a way that makes it look like an erotic novel :blink:

Well there is a chapter about ardents reading an erotic novel. Thats the closest we got.

Honestly I think Sandersons books profit from a bit more romantic intimacy (not explicit scenes or something)

Because there is a lot of prostitution and rape mentioned in his works. Of course those things happen but without romance as a counter it makes sex look like something bad.

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to Oathbringer Gets Sexy?
On 8/14/2018 at 1:48 PM, Shaukan-son-Hasweth said:

Because there is a lot of prostitution and rape mentioned in his works. Of course those things happen but without romance as a counter it makes sex look like something bad.

I agree. I have gotten the impression from his books that sex is bad. It makes me very uncomfortable. Why on earth is Adolin so hesitant to be intimate? He is a young man. I thought young men were very hung up on sex, but Adolin appears to be the exception.

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I've never gotten the impression that Brandon thinks sex is bad. He has the more mature and realistic attitude that sex can be bad, based on a whole bunch of factors. It may just be something he's not comfortable writing about, except in oblique ways.

EDIT: You might be interested to know that this is the only thread on the entire forum that's actually tagged "boobs." Trust me, I looked.

Edited by Unlicensed Hemalurgist
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I don't see in what way it's implied that sex is bad. Vin and Elend do it. Siri and Susebron. Dalinar and Navani. It's just presented in a way that, especially in the case of Vin and Elend, if a reader wants to believe that they "waited for marriage" they can (or with Dalinar and Navani, they actually did, cause Dalinar is crazy). He's not explicit about it. Everything is implied. And frankly I'm more than okay with that. 

Too many books toss in sex just to have it there as another box checked on some list of what's "appealing." If I wanted to read that I'd be reading a different kind of book. 

Edited by Calderis
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5 minutes ago, Calderis said:

He's not explicit about it. Everything is implied. And frankly I'm more than okay with that. 

Me too. Have an upvote!

And i agree with you that too many books toss in sex just because. i've read a few that really didn't need the pages upon pages of textual porn - the story by itself was compelling enough. Rather spoiled the thing for me. (And for the record i don't think sex is bad.)

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21 minutes ago, Unlicensed Hemalurgist said:

It may just be something he's not comfortable writing about, except in oblique ways.

I am sure he is uncomfortable. I remember a Sanderson quote where he said he was a prude. I on the other hand am uncomfortable with any and all mentions of rape. If he can write about rape then he can write about his main male characters being interested in sex. It does not have to be a sex scene. Sex scenes also make me uncomfortable. ETA: It has more to do with balance. Sex can be a good thing.


21 minutes ago, Unlicensed Hemalurgist said:

You might be interested to know that this is the only thread on the entire forum that's actually tagged "boobs." Trust me, I looked.

I am interested. Thank you for sharing. :lol:


14 minutes ago, Calderis said:

cause Dalinar is crazy

I strongly agree.

Edited by wotbibliophile
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I actually enjoy the fact that Sanderson doesn't include sex scenes in his books.  It can be implied without getting too graphic. I listened to the audio book in the car with my 10 year old and didn't feel the need to shut it off during certain scenes.  My son is a pretty advanced reader for his age and has shown interest in reading The Stormlight Archives and I'm totally ok with it!  Lack of sex scenes does not make this book any less mature.  I think it actually makes it more mature and shows Brandon's skill as a writer. I also don't agree with the fact the Brandon implies that sex is bad.  I think he actually implies that sex is sacred and should be treated as such.  This is a good moral for any book these days since sex is so readily available during our modern age. 

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