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The Theory Which Cannot Be Named


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I have a theory I think is true, but if so can never be spoken.

I dare not speak it, and neither dare you, for if so, the spell will be broken.

So, I have a theory I won't articulate for reasons that would be clear if you adhered to the same theory. If my theory is correct, I hope we'll never find out.

The theory does have the following implications:

1 Adonalsium, and any other beings of his/her/its kind which may ever have existed in the cosmere are a very very different kind of being than literally every other kind of being in the cosmere. Even if you cloned Adolnalsium in-cosmere somehow. The resulting clone would be equally as different from the original Adonalsium, and not just in a "well technically Adolnalsium created all this stuff and Adolnalsium-clone isn't directly causally connected to the rest of the cosmere" kind of way.

2 Adonalsium and the page on which Hoid started his life have a lot in common.

3 It's possible that Hoid isn't just weird but very, VERY weird. And if Hoid isn't that weird, then we have/will almost certainly meet/have met someone or something not Adonalsium but even weirder than Hoid.

4 50 stars is actually a large number of stars for the Cosmere to have. Quite impressive.

5 We'll never, ever find out about the Beyond, and if we did, it almost certainly wouldn't be the correct Beyond. 

6 Earth could have been Cosmere, but that wouldn't have been nearly as cool.

7 It was probably monumentally stupid to shatter Adonalsium even if that's what he/she/it wanted. I highly doubt big A would have wanted that though because if so, he/she/it could have made the shattering a heck of a lot easier.

8 If the shattering really happened against the will of Adonalsium it wasn't what killed him/her/it. If it didn't happen completely against his/her/its will, then I'd be kind of angry at Adonalsium for allowing it, if I lived in the cosmere.

9 There's a tiny chance that Adonalsium died but the shattering didn't kill him.

10 Whether big A is dead or not, he/she/it could come back. 

11  There's a sense in which, from a Cosmeric perspective, some cognitive shadows could be more real than the normal humans.

From there is gets more speculative or give-away.

I just wanted to put this out there in case anyone has the same theory. If you have it, you should immediately recognize it. And I would recommend not saying anything. If you don't recognize it, feel free to guess.


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Unsure, but the way you're dancing around naming the theory seems to imply it's related to that one real memetic 'hazard' thing which I won't name in full in case people don't want to get memetic'd (obviously this is just gonna spark more curiousity)

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1 hour ago, Cyanic said:


Unsure, but the way you're dancing around naming the theory seems to imply it's related to that one real memetic 'hazard' thing which I won't name in full in case people don't want to get memetic'd (obviously this is just gonna spark more curiousity)

If we’re thinking about the same thing, I’ve always thought the, uh, logic why it shouldn’t be shared with us was silly. 

But I think what we’re thinking about doesn’t really work for this post. 


I don't know what to think about the post to be honest. 

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Hmm, well I can say one thing, you would have been just as clear if you said that you hated football because the baskets are too high for you to reach second base and score a goal-in-one with. I assume you’re trying to impersonate a Cryptic here? lol.

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To explain to the people expressing confusion: This is a troll post. There is no actual theory, it is just meant to be as circumspect and confusing as possible.

Edited by John203
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6 hours ago, MountainKing said:

Can someone explain to me the danger of the knowing this thwory..

It's probably just that it sounds silly if stated plainly. Sometime like "we're all in a book, in real life", or whatever.

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On 7/29/2018 at 10:30 AM, Cyanic said:


Unsure, but the way you're dancing around naming the theory seems to imply it's related to that one real memetic 'hazard' thing which I won't name in full in case people don't want to get memetic'd (obviously this is just gonna spark more curiousity)

I don't know what you have in kind exactly but a memetic hazard effect is the concern. Thanks for the post. From googling infohazard/memetic hazard etc, I went down an SCP Google rabbit hole. Had never heard of SCP before.

Edited by Storyspren
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1 hour ago, John203 said:

To explain to the people expressing confusion: This is a troll post. There is no actual theory, it is just meant to be as circumspect and confusing as possible.

Good guess but nope. I am trying to come up with more specific predictions but it's tough since the theory is so meta.

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8 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I too looked up memetic hazards. And now I'm confused as to whether this post was itself a memetic hazard, or I'm missing something. 

It's the unnamed theory itself which could arguably be a memetic hazard in the "please don't let it be true" way. Though personally I would be happy if it were true, I think many wouldn't be. The theory is meta with respect to the cosmere. The memetic hazard I'd meta with regard to this thread itself.

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20 minutes ago, Calderis said:

So I looked up memetics and the entire concept of memetic hazards... 

I see no way to make this concept mesh with investiture and the three realms. 

It just.. No

It's the theory that would be a memetic hazard to folks in the real universe. I.e. This universe. Nothing to do with realmatics in the cosmere. In any case I think that's what the first commenter was getting at.

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Alright, so it's likely not what I'm thinking of, which was a thing called Roko's Basilisk, the whole 'danger' on that is knowing exactly what it is, but I don't really think it's much bad. There are certain parts of it that I can tell you without triggering the memetic effects like: It involves a clone or likeness of you being super tortured in the far future, the reason for exactly why or what is the memetic hazard, but the logic of the hazard only works if you consider that far future clone actually you in the metaphysical sense (or such), so feel free to google the hazard if you don't think that.

@FRedgli (were you thinking of this too?)

@Storyspren Cool that you got into SCP, but the memetic hazard I was talking about (which I explained partially above) was a real life thing, not just from SCP. It's not as potent as the memetics in SCP tho definitely

Yeah, I don't think I have much more on this theory, and I don't wanna discuss this here so that it doesn't go off topic too far.

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@Storyspren you can quote multiple posts at once using the little "+" button instead of the quote button. We generally don't want doubleposting, which means two posts in a row by the same user. 

Please use the multi-quote feature in the future. 

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