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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Vard, a Halladrian? Now there was a surprise! Thomas had traveled far and wide and he had been certain Vard was an Idrian, all the mannerisms had fit perfectly. Now that he thought about it, perhaps TOO perfectly. He was a good infiltrator nevertheless; it took skill to trick an Idrian. 

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Gammer watched the procession of Vard's mourners with indifference. She knew her cold, callused attitude would make her an eventual target. But she couldn't feign surprise or worry at the sight of the dead body. She was old and experienced. She had seen corpses before, and she reckoned she would be seeing a few more by time this was over.

She was surprised by the other turn of events, though. With how many people were openly claiming to be Breathless, she figured it was only inevitable until one of them were caught in a lie. Drabs. Why were so many people fixated on the number of Breaths a person held? Gammer had spent many years of her life as both a Drab and an Awakener with vast amounts of Breath, and while she did appreciate the bonuses the Heightened Auras granted, it wasn't as vital for her to perform her tasks.

Although, color recognition did help with her embroidery. It allowed her to be more subtle with the patterns and hidden clues she was hiding in the fabrics. Only one with a perfect attention to details could pick out and decipher the complex patterns used.

So Gammer finished working Vard's name into the embroidery, the first of many victims to come. But now Gammer had to decide who's name would be next. She decided she would wait and hear Cog's defense before she started stitching in his name, so she instead worked on the outline of his name. Dark, burnt oranges, bleeding into his name. Regardless of if he ended up on the gallows or got away, Gammer would capture his story in her embroidery.

This was just a temporary Age of the passing of Time, neither a beginning or an ending. And Gammer would record it's Patterns.

Edit: OOC. I do agree with Bart, on Meta probably not being Pahn Kahl. Just sounds like he was just trying to fake them out. Which if that was the case, then Bart just kind of ruined that gambit.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Just being clear: I am not voting for Meta because I am 100% sure that he is Pahn Kahl. I am voting for him because he is a). too weak to be a big loss, and B). he has acted the most suspiciously. Unfortunately, in all likelihood, he's clean. In this game, however, it is impossible to find out exactly who he is without killing him. Sorry, Meta.

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No ones voted yet, so I guess I'll step in.


Meta. Said he was giving up his Breath, but was really trying to buy more. Drab my chull. 


Yeah, I sent my strawman after him. Fortunately, that renders me somewhat useless now. No Breath for you to steal. :D


That is very interesting. For now, I'll vote for Meta. Perfectly ready to change that, however.

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Aodan sat at what had become his usual place in the Salmon, eating his breakfast and pouring over his notes. What could they have gained from killing Vard? He felt like he was on to something, but the answer kept eluding him. He clicked his tongue, absently fiddling with a small obsidian dagger. It was an Awakener's weapon, the deep black was a powerful and easily concealable source of colour. It'd been a long time since Aodan had been in possession of enough Breath to use it, however. It wasn't easy to get your hands on Breath as an Idrian, and being a well-known heretic made it even harder.


A voice broke him out if his reverie. "Cog's no Drab. He's been lying to us the whole time!" It was Bartholomew. Everything suddenly snapped into place. Cog had asked to be contacted by any Returned. Cog had constantly deflected suspicion onto others. Cog had claimed to be one of the least important people, despite having obvious influence over the Hallandrens. Now, apparently, Cog had also lied.  


After writing a few new words into his notebook, Aodan carefully shut it and stood. " My fellow Idrians and Hallandrens," he began, voice carrying through the restaurant. "Right now, Cog is clearly the most suspicious person here. However, that does not mean we should lynch him on principle. We should hear and record his defense first. So, Cog? What do you have to say?"


Well Meta. I'm about ninety percent certain you're up to no good at this point. However I am willing to listen. This vote could very easily change.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Unless I'm mistaken, it takes a full night to awaken a strawman and another to send it to spy on someone.  So just how did Bartolomew manage to do both at once?  I could be wrong but after rereading the roles, I think its more likely that Barty is a Pahn Kahl and is trying to get us to lynch an innocent.

Edited by Alvron
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We'd need a confirmation from Clancy but I'm pretty sure, from how I read the description, that the strawman can be used the same night you make it. It takes a separate night to take the breaths back. I'm sure there would be at least a few people who have enough breaths to corroborate that so seems like a pretty dumb way to falsely accuse Cog.

Edit, This is the first line in the description: Create a strawman and tell it to spy on someone. Seems pretty clear that is one action.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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I'll admit, I'm no drab. My gambit was to try to keep the attention of the Pahn Kahl off of me, so thanks for ruining that opportunity, Bartholomew. I knew one way or the other, I'd eventually be a target, so I tried to make myself seem like the most useless target ever. 


There's also the fact that if I was Pahn Kahl, I would've followed through with my plan rather than creating a situation where I stood the most chance of getting caught. The Pahn Kahl are likely to try to keep their heads down a little more than that. 


You can lynch me today, or I'll likely die by the hands of Pahn Kahl tonight. That decision is yours. Considering I didn't win the lottery, they still won't get much breath off of me. 


On the other hand, Aodan contacted a few of us Hallendrens, pretending to be the Agent. I personally don't believe there is more than one Agent, as that would mean that a third of each group would be comprised of enemies. Plus his defense has been pretty lacking. It basically boils down to that there must be two Agents per side and that if he were Pahn Kahl, they wouldn't have attacked the other Agent. 


The thing is, the Pahn Kahl wouldn't know that Vard was the Agent until they killed him. Where you'd have to believe that I'm not only Pahn Kahl, but a pretty bad one at blending in, Aodan's situation came about purely by chance. Personally, I think he's trying to cover his tracks at this point. I'm not the least bit surprised to find him voting for me after I called him out in the PM.


So if you guys want to lynch me, I'll give my breath away before the end of the day and I'll even let you guys decide who it goes to. Since I don't have much breath, if you're going to lynch someone that isn't Pahn Kahl, at least you won't be hurting yourselves too much because of it. Then again, we actually have someone who is suspicious and even if I'm wrong about there being only one Agent, then we've cleared the Idrians of anyone except the Pahn Kahl, so anyone acting suspiciously over there will stand out like a sore thumb. 


While I suspect that Bartholomew and Aodan might be working together to try to keep suspicion off of Aodan, I have no proof of that and it would be a risky move for them, if they are scrambling after accidentally killing of the Hallendren Agent, it also wouldn't surprise me. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Rowan perked up as he heard the accusations against Cog. It sounded like people were starting to suspect him, enough to want to lunch him. Figured. When the lone hunter thinks someone is up to no good, everyone starts staring daggers at the hunter. But if anyone else speaks up against the sneaky low-life they get praised and people flock to follow them.

Oh well, it was to be expected. Still, when the time came, Rowan would do his part to make sure that the rotten lying Cog would get what he deserved.

EDIT: by the way, I just want to go on record and say that all of Rowan's grumpiness and spite is all Roleplay. I figured I wanted to play someone different than the humble subservient terris steward I played last time.

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Well, just so we can at least avoid a one-sided bandwagon, I'll vote for Aodan, too. Just because Bart caught Meta in a lie does not make him automatically PK. Heck, I think I barely ever even told the truth in the thread during the last game.

We all can't just pile the votes on one person, we need split votes to open up discussion to give us more information.
And I totally realize if Meta does get lynched and turns out to be a Pahn Kahl, then things do not look good for me.

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Thank you for not telling all of the story Meta. ;) It only helps rest my case.


While I am unsure as to whether or not you really are Pahn Kahl, you're just digging yourself deeper.


My defense, properly stated, is such: I can't realistically prove I didn't do it, and nothing I say is going to change that. :P


I do however find it interesting that when two Agents claim roles, one dies that very night, providing a very good excuse for lynching an innocent. The first person to throw suspicion at the surviving agent, just so happens to be the same one who lied about his actions and tried to get Returned to reveal their roles to him under false pretenses. That doesn't look that great, does it, Cog?


There's no reason for the Pahn Kahl not to have known Vard's role. Barty suggested three people for the Agents to contact. Any one of you could be Pahn Kahl. They killed the Agent you trust more and voila, we have our current situation.


Once again, you're following the same pattern as you have all game so far, someone brings up legitimate reasons to suspect you, and you barely recognize their points before deflecting suspicion. I'm voting for you because you're suspicious Cog. No more, no less. 


I am a touch annoyed you revealed our communications to the entire group though. 

Edited by AonarFaileas
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By all means, vote for me. It just means that you'll likely be on the chopping block the next day when I turn out to be innocent. I think you'll find it difficult to convince everyone else that it was a simple "oops!" after that. 


There's no reason that the Pahn Kahl wouldn't know his role? Why? Was Vard going around telling everyone? To me, it sounds more like you're trying to claim more information about what the Pahn Kahl should know than we have any reason to believe so far. 


My play allowed me to gather information early in the game and help keep me off the Pahn Kahl's radar initially. My hope was to be able to have a head start of the Pahn Kahl once we had a trust started. I've given my defense. I stated my reasoning behind why I claimed what I did. I gave reasons for why my actions would be entirely too reckless to be Pahn Kahl. If they are not convincing, then my death will vindicate me. 


Drops mic. :P (I might be coming off a bit strong, but that's just the way I play. No hard feelings if this lynch does go my way. It was a risky gambit in the first place, but one that could've really helped out the villagers if it succeeded.)

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Colours Cog! I'm trying to be decisive here; stop making me think I'm wrong. :P


Yes, this is an official vote change. While you're still top of my suspects List Meta, I'm not quite so certain anymore. And I can't say I'm a fan of that. 


Anyway, this Game has gone without a List for a blasphemous amount of time, so here's one:




Cog: (1) Bartholomew, Rick, Aodan, Rowan, Dyrri*, Aili*


Bartholomew: (1) Fron, Rowan


Aodan: (1) Cog, Gammer, Summon, Bartholomew


Rowan: (0) Aili


Swimim: (2) Wil'son, Summon


No vote: (22) Aodan, Jeo, Dainard, Peng, Thomas, Sipha, Elo, Swimim, Grim, Wyrm, Alan, Asgren, Ver, Ben, Tril, Sart, Cen, Jim Bob, Chide, Fron, Cog, Bartholomew


*Indicates that the vote will be negated.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Well, since you two have decided to spill all the contents of that conversations, we may as well have a third party to corroborate all the facts.

Aonar, you seem to be implying that Meta knew Vard was the agent when he never once stated as much. Only one person, who I'll not name but should know I'll be watching them, admitted to knowing about Vard. Secondly, while you did give your main defense as stated above, you did also later in the conversation reply to questions by indicating that there must be multiple agents and that the PK wouldn't have killed Vard if you were a PK so Meta's statements weren't exactly false.

After the accusations started flying, I read back through all my conversations the accused were included in. One thing that jumped out at me was that there are two people Meta has information about who would almost assuredly be dead if he were PK. They pose a far bigger prize than Vard. At least, if I were PK I would have gone after them instead.

My deductions rely pretty heavily on what I'd do as a PK but my gut feelings seemed to steer me right the last game I played so I'm going to vote Aodan at this point

Edit: just a note that this post was being written before aonar's retraction. I'll keep my vote how it is for now but mainly because I find it funny I'm the deadlock vote again.

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Tril sat back and watched accusations fly back and forth. Overall they were pretty level-headed arguments, which was quite surprising as someone was just murdered. He decided to sit back and see if any more evidence surfaced before casting his vote.

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This was definately the Right Hotel, but Jeo checked the adress a third time. This was where the Hallandred Priest lived, the man Jeo had nearly gotten killed. Well, he had been wrong about that, and had decided that the best way to find a lasting peace between their nations was to first root out the False Idrians. So he would Apologize to Ben, then ask him for help.


So Jeo scrunched up the note, and headed up to the second Floor. and promply got lost. 5 minutes later, after asking directions from a cleaning woman, Jeo was at the right door. He hesitated, then Knocked on the door. After about a minute, a priest, not Ben, opend the Dor. "Yes, What do you want?" Yes, I spelt Dor that way on Purpose.


"Oh, um, Hello Holy one, I've come to apologize to Ben, and ask for his aid. I Acted rashly, seeing one of my Countrymen Murdered, So I Lashed out, and one of my Employee's claimed that Ben was Suspicious, So I supported her, but now I've calmed down, and see that we shouldn't pursue this Multi Country Brawl, untill the PK are dead."  Or untill most of them were dead. "Could you just tell him that?"


"The Preiset thought for a Moment, then Nodded, "One minute sir, I will let him know." The Door closed behind him, and Jeo sat down to wait for a Reply.


Truce? Currently, I don't know who to Vote for, But I'm going to Ignore the Whole Subplot, For Now, And Focus on PK. Also, I actually Am a drab, so I'll enter the Lottery tonight. Unless someone want to give me Breath?

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I'm actually starting to suspect that maybe both Aodan and Cog are innocent in this one.
And starting to regret my vote for Aodan. :(

I was going to remove my vote for Aodan, but I think it's tied right now (if Aonar's list is correct) so I'm going to keep it up there for now. Both of them are making really good arguments in their defense, so I really have no idea. The Pahn Kahl are probably just sitting back and laughing at us right now, honestly.

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The way I see it, the only way for the villagers to win in this particular game is to burn everything to the ground. There are no sure ways to check someone on their innocence, other than their death. I think that Aodan is messing with us pretty good, and that's not okay.


Besides, killing him gives us more information: if he dies and is proven innocent, we learn that there are probably two Idrian agents. If Cog dies, then we learn nothing if he is telling the truth.


If Cog is not dead by morning, however, I will lead the charge towards him.


@Gamma: Cog's argument is all semantics. What we need to evaluate are the facts: He lied to us. He asked the Returned to PM him their identities. He got more Breath. And Aodan, as I have said, serves us better dead than alive. Which reminds me...


Are the Idrian Agent(s) willing to step up and tell us who you are? Or better yet, space out your entry to make the Pahn Kahl sweat. If there are two of you, it would do a lot to help us verify if Aodan is telling the truth. And if he isn't, then we can set our targets on you. One of you, at least, will have to be a Pahn Kahl.


Idrian Agents, do you understand? If you come out, you have the potential of ending this game early.

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