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Long Game 47: Shadow In The South


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5 minutes ago, Walin said:

Here’s part of my roleclaim: I have a full vial of Antidote. To prove it, if you want to do so before lynching me, and if you’re willing to claim ownership of poison, poison me and I’ll survive.

If you're only going to be online for a little bit, and you're committed to roleclaiming, you should probably do so now to give everyone time to change their votes if you provide a sufficient argument for your innocence. As everyone started out with a full vial of antidote, this claim does nothing to indicate at your alignment.

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5 hours ago, Rathmaskal said:

Had to keep up the RP, even if it wasn't going to be very good.  Just wanted to say I'm a big fan of Legless so far.  Upvoted (also, just noticed that your rank is Kandra, Bort...seems appropriate)

Ha! Out in the open this whole time and I didn't even realise!

Fortunately, nor did anyone else :)


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58 minutes ago, Walin said:

I’m online for a little bit, and it looks like I’m up for the lunch. Here’s part of my roleclaim: I have a full vial of Antidote. To prove it, if you want to do so before lynching me, and if you’re willing to claim ownership of poison, poison me and I’ll survive.

Um, to quote the intro thread.



  • Every player will begin the game with an antidote, which can be used in one of two ways.

Anyway, Araris flipped as a companion, and I really suspected him. Because of this, I’m going to take a step back today, and reevaluate my reads on everyone. I will definitely still vote and post, but it might be an hour or two before I do.

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I'm relatively disappointed in everyone's activity this whole game. I'm also guilty of it though, being part of the AG, and out of town. Now I'm back in town, and the AG has ended, so hopefully all of our activity levels can increase in this game from here on out. 

I also think part of the reason, as I stated previously, I think there are more "elims" in this game than a standard game, and if they stay silent, they have a better chance of winning. So until everyone else begins to be active, it is in the interest of the elims to be inactive as well.

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Rathm had a sword.  It served as a reminder.  It seemed ages ago since Rathm had received his sword.  It wasn't really a gift, but he hadn't bought it either...I guess it made the most sense to say he'd earned it.  His first battle he'd had a sword.  But it was a different one.  He'd joined a party of rangers hunting goblins in the Misty Mountains.  He'd never thought he'd leave home, but when the opportunity came calling, he couldn't help but go adventuring.  When they finally found the goblins, he'd been training with the rangers for a couple weeks and was competent with the sword to the point where he wouldn't poke himself in the foot, but the battle was something he hadn't prepared himself for.  The rangers knew he was less experienced and worked together to protect him during the fight, yet somehow, still, he'd gotten separated from the rest of the party when a few warg riders had swarmed into the party's flank.  As the rangers pivoted to meet the new threat, Rathm had found himself face-to-face with a goblin that seemed more patient than the others, more intelligent.  The goblin had drawn its sword and began advancing on Rathm.  After a few parries, it became clear that Rathm was outclassed and would soon die without help.  Help?  Who needed help?  The goblin made a fatal error that Rathm took advantage of, slicing the goblin's head off.  As Rathm looked around, he dropped his sword in surprise.  The rest of the rangers had been thoroughly routed and were being chased by the warg riders.  He had escaped notice momentarily since the battle had shifted away from him, but that wouldn't last very long.  He reached down to pick up his sword and began to run.  Quickly, a group of goblins overtook him.  As he turned to face them, he knew, somehow, that he would win this fight, despite being outnumbered ten to one.  As he dispatched the last of the goblins, he looked down at his sword.  His sword?  No...he had somehow picked up the sword dropped by the goblin he had dueled earlier, although it looked like no goblin blade he'd seen. 

Rathm learned an important lesson that day: everyone must pull their own weight for the party to succeed.

Rathm had a sword.  It served as a reminder.


Yeah, the RP becomes kind of a stretch when trying to get to the lesson...  But basically, YES, let's get more active, more votes, more accusations, more yelling at each other!  More accusing people of turning them into a newt, even if you got better!  By my count, we currently have half the current player base having voted this cycle:

  • Xinoehp - Alv, Bort
  • Alvron - Xino
  • Rath - Dalinar
  • Walin - Rath, Elandera, CadCom

Note: I'm sure there's a small part of me that's still voting on Walin due to the fact that he? was able to stay hidden by not voting at all last LG, but at least it's generating a little discussion and activity, and has for multiple cycles.  With only 7 people voting, though, it's really easy for the vote manipulation from the hand to swing or tie the vote unless we have a stronger lynch.  (counter point, even if we do only have 7 people voting, we can keep that from happening, but I don't know how much everyone can be swayed on their current votes)

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Sigh, I just don't know anymore. I mean, even if rath is evil walin still could be evil. And a lynch is better than nothing. Rath. Walin.

Edit: Upon reading the rules I'm going to take that back. WalinRath. Let's see what happens.

Edited by Dalinar Kholin
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Three and a half years after his first visit to Dol Amroth, a number of families ventured one by one near Eleryn's family cottage, intent on starting a new village. They were primarily hunters and herders, bringing with them their dogs and sheep. Though Eleryn's family lived far from the center of the nascent village, Eleryn would no longer enjoy the tranquility of solitude mixed with the knowledge that civilization was just seven leagues away. Many herders brought their sheep to the Morthond to drink, and some of them were even permitted to graze by the river bank. The villagers were delighted to learn of the excellent fishing opportunities in their new home. While a few tried their hand at fishing with little success, many others preferred to buy fish directly from Eleryn's father. That year, Eleryn and his father did not travel to Dol Amroth, as they received all their necessities from the villagers.

Despite being richer in supplies than they ever had been before, the work of fishing became harder. A greater demand for fish forced the pair to travel further upstream than usual. On one particularly fruitless fishing trip, Eleryn caught a glimpse of what he thought was another boat. "Is that a boat, Father?" he asked.

His father turned around and peered in the direction Eleryn was pointing. "That is indeed a boat. It must be from the fishing village that's around here; I hadn't realized we'd gone so far from home. This close to the village, fishing will be futile. Too many competitors."

As the boat turned around, Eleryn continued to question his father. "How did you know there was a fishing village here?"

"I've come this way a few times before, when you were too young to accompany me," he replied. "I saw men with their boats full of fish, though they never had as many fish as I was able to catch downstream," he lied. "Unless our life gets really desperate, we're better off staying closer to home."

Eleryn accepted this without question. His father was the best fisherman he'd ever known. If he said more fish could be found in their home waters, then he must be correct. After all, if there was better fishing upstream, they would have packed up and moved long ago. When they returned home with only slightly fewer fish than usual, Eleryn didn't even mention the boat to his grandmother, and neither did his father. 


I don't think we can afford to wait for Walin to string out his roleclaim over a period of cycles. @Walin, you have less than two hours remaining to explain why you shouldn't be lynched. If you're available, I would like to hear your full explanation before the end of the cycle.

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I feel like Walin gets lynched early in almost every game because of his playstyle. While I don't think he's guilty this game, I will leave my vote where foe the sake of getting a lynch started so information can start to get out there 

@Dalinar Kholin


Edit: Upon reading the rules I'm going to take that back. WalinRath. Let's see what happens

Sorry, quite function isn't working properly. ...anyway, what in the rules made you change your mind?

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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I know this is super late, but I promised a post, and at this moment xino is looking the most suspicious. I can’t help but think that Alv must be the scanner, if only because he has doggedly voted Xino every turn.

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Most of the travelers went to weary sleep that night, wary as well, muttering to each other.  Threats had been made, some nearly coming to blows, but in the end, the group had been separated and another tragedy was once again avoided by a small margin.  Tensions were rising, however, and Findecano met with some of his kin that evening to discuss the matter. 

Before any conclusion could be reached, a sudden murmur ran through the elves assembled.  At the door stood a figure, very tall indeed. Several inches taller then anyone present, he wore a cloak, somewhat tattered, that reached almost the ground, with his face partly covered by the hood.  He took one step inside the door and removed his hood.

The features on his face were difficult to describe.  He was of a dark complexion and very tan, and his features were very proud and mighty.  It struck Findecano suddenly that the face was very much like what he had imagined the great Elf Lords of old to be.  By far the most singular feature in this singular face was the eyes.  They were as two great bottomless pools and seemed capable of great expression, although now they were completely blank and unreadable.  It seemed as if one was looking into a locked gate, but that great things lay behind that gate.

The elf stood still for a moment, his gaze running slowly over all present, he ran quickly over most of the elves, but paused when his gaze hit Rinfeail and Findecano, he looked long at Fenerien with almost a sign of recognition.  All was completely still which was very strange for elves, it seemed as if those gathered were in awe of this elf who seemed to have stepped out of whatever tale Fenerien was about to tell.

"I seek Master Elrond, but there is one here who I know by reputation.”  At this he looked at Glorfindel.

Now this elf had been staring at the newcomer like everyone else, but not with the same awe that everyone else seemed to hold him in.  He was rather searching his long memory for a recollection of the elf.  There was an air of familiarity about him...he remembered the report Narmacil had made about the orc he had captured.  He looked sharply again at the newcomer, yes this must be he.

“And I think that I too know you by your reputation.  Come, I shall take you to Master Elrond.”  He beckoned for Findecano to follow and the three of them walked back outside into the air. 


No one has died. Night 3 has begun.

Vote Count:

Walin (3): Cadmium Compounder, Devotary of Spontaneity, Elandera

Xinoehp512 (3): Alvron, Bort, Snipexe

Alvron (1): xinoehp512

Rathmaskal (1): Dalinar Kholin

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar) Prince of Greenwood

  2. Elandera (Elandera)

  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity)

  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.)

  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein)

  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal)

  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron)

  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe)

  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder)

  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort)

  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin)

  12. Fade (Araris Valerian) Companion

  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512)

  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia)

  15. Dorder (Walin)

  16. Halve (GreenRover)


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So is the only elim kill by the mordor assassins?

When I have more time, I'm going to look and see who keeps the lynches close. Because this is just ridiculous. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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1 hour ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

So is the only elim kill by the mordor assassins?

When I have more time, I'm going to look and see who keeps the lynches close. Because this is just ridiculous. 

I’m one of those. I didn’t really realize how close the lynch was until after I posted last cycle and by then cycle was over. That’s on me, and next time I’m just going to join the bandwagon, even if I don’t agree with it, and I recommend others do the same. I can’t freaking believe that we haven’t had a lynch yet, and it’s the end of cycle 3

Edited by Snipexe
Changed a wording to make more sense (cycle 4 to end of cycle 3)
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1 hour ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

So is the only elim kill by the mordor assassins?

As far as the rules read, yes, the only kill is the Mordor Assassin role. However, there are several poison mechanics that will result in deaths. Those had the chance of going to any player. 


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I don’t have a role; I’m a regular Companion. I’ve got a vial of poison, and haven’t used my vial of antidote; I forgot to reread the rules after the game started, thus forgetting that everyone gets an antidote.

I’m out of real information to share, but I have a bunch more bluffs waiting for use. Be warned; I may have some useful information by the time I survive this Night.


Dorter was asleep, but at the same time explaining himself at the campfire. Quantum replacement was great, though once they re-merged he’d only have gotten have as much sleep as he would have gotten alone.

Of course, talking to the others was extremely important—he couldn’t be killed before he completed the mission with the rest of the Companions.

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1 hour ago, Walin said:

I don’t have a role; I’m a regular Companion. I’ve got a vial of poison, and haven’t used my vial of antidote; I forgot to reread the rules after the game started, thus forgetting that everyone gets an antidote.

I’m out of real information to share, but I have a bunch more bluffs waiting for use. Be warned; I may have some useful information by the time I survive this Night.

Okay, Assuming we believe you, do you know why the Hand continues to help you stay alive? If you are just a mere Companion, then why would the hand continue to save you, when it would slow down their own win condition?

Caddor had learned to sleep with his eyes open. It was the only way to be safe in these times. Unfortunately, when you sleep under the stars, it also means you are startled to wakefulness by many movements. When a rather large bat flew by, Caddor was startled awake. Now he just sat listening to the sounds of the night. There were still a few people by the campfire, discussing a variety of topics. He couldn't hear much, but he heard them laughing.

How can they be so indifferent? Caddor thought. The last two nights, two of his colleagues had been slaughtered. Yet everyone seemed to act as if nothing happened. They never committed to investigate anyone, thus allowing the enemy to hide right within their mists. 

After laying awake for nearly an hour, Caddor decided he needed to relieve himself, so he walked into the woods, finished his business, and returned to camp. On the way, he stopped for a sip of water from the creek, then went back to lie in bed. After about 10 more minutes, He began dreaming once again. 

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3 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Okay, Assuming we believe you, do you know why the Hand continues to help you stay alive? If you are just a mere Companion, then why would the hand continue to save you, when it would slow down their own win condition?

If it's true, and he's only a regular companion, then it actually doesn't slow their win-con. Mordor needs to kill the three Companion roles: Legolas (dead), Gandalf, and Arwen's hand maiden.

Keeping a lynch from happening is slowing down the Gondor Spies win-con. They need to outnumber both other factions.

While I'm still more than willing to move forward with a Walin lynch (for Occam's Razor reasons), it's possible the Hand is okay with keeping a lynch from happening because it slows the Gondor goal. But two times protecting the same person is too much to be coincidence.

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Rathm had a sword.  Swords don't sleep.  As they stopped for the night again, Rathm moved off to his typical location at the edge of the campground and pondered what had transpired with the party so far.  Two had been killed in their sleep so far, yet no one had managed to make their accusations stick.  Twice now, he'd thought they'd found a culprit and twice he'd been led off course.  He was sure that his presence would have resulted in justice for the great Legolas, as well as Fade the simpleton.  Why had he started wandering through the forest today when he'd been very clear with the rest of the party as to when they should be confronting Dorter?  Tonight he watched...and waited.  He would not be surprised by a knife in the back.

Rathm had a sword.  Swords don't sleep.


First, the blue:

I'll likely be a bit less active starting tomorrow - heading out of state to a cousin's wedding.  I'll make sure to post and vote still, but won't have nearly as much time in front of the computer.

I'm not sure what to do here.  We've had 3 days now with tie votes...other than the first day, it was definitely due to vote manipulation.  (Looks like Elandera just ninja'ed me here)  I'm going to stick with the Walin vote (assuming my vote gets counted...) unless someone can convince me otherwise.  Walin has been the vote leader for two days...we've been trying to get any lynch going...yet we've left the opening for vote manipulation to keep it from happening.

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19 minutes ago, Elandera said:

If it's true, and he's only a regular companion, then it actually doesn't slow their win-con. Mordor needs to kill the three Companion roles: Legolas (dead), Gandalf, and Arwen's hand maiden.

Keeping a lynch from happening is slowing down the Gondor Spies win-con. They need to outnumber both other factions.


But it does give them another option to kill. So while it doesn't necessarily slow their wincon, it has the potential to do so. 

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Votes/Unvotes this cycle, with given reasons.

Alvron: Me, for an unclear reason.

Me: Alvron, attempting to get an explanation why he has voted for me three cycles in a row.

Dalinar: Rath, for sending a suspicious PM.

Rath: Walin, following up on suspicions.

Elandera: Walin, for being saved the last two cycles.

Bort: Me, because Alvron did.

CadCom: Walin, to get information.

Dalinar: Rath(unvote), Walin, because he wants a lynch. Walin(unvote) Rath, because he reread the rules and 'wants to see what happens'. (What did you read that changed your mind, Dalinar?)

Devotary: Walin, to try and provoke his roleclaim.

Snipexe: Me, because Alvron has voted me every cycle.

If Alvron could explain why exactly he keeps voting for me, I would appreciate it.

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