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17th Shard meetup?

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I was wondering if any other Sharders are UK-Based and if they'd be up for a meet-up, I'm thinking a London pub, beer and geeking out.


I'm part of a few online communities and brotherhood without banners and tarvalon.net both do occasional meetups but I haven't seen any 17th shard ones - other than signings, I mean just a social meet up.


If people are up for it I'm happy to organise, long as you're all willing to worldhop down to London!




right, I'm going to PM the people in this thread, any lurkers that want more info PM me - will PM my mobile no. so people can contact me if needed.
the Phoenix, Cavendish Square  http://www.phoenixca...ishsquare.co.uk
Nearest tube: oxford circus


I wont be eating out but for those that want to they offer a fixed menu, £10 for 2 courses, £13 for 3.

It's been pointed out to me the fixed price menu is only during the week, but you can see their other menus on the website.


I'm going to try to reserve an area for us, will let you know the details if I can, otherwise I'll let you know whereabouts I'll be sitting


An area is reserved for us under the name '17TH SHARD'

(I'll try to get there a bit early and bring a '17th shard' sign).


Looking forward to meeting you all!


SIGN UP HERE AND PRINT OFF THE VOUCHER FOR A FREE BLOODY MARY: http://www.phoenixcavendishsquare.co.uk/signup/





Was lovely to meet everyone, I'm starting a new thread NOW (HERE:  http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7717-17th-shard-uk-london-meetups-signing-and-loncon/ )


because Peter mentioned on twitter that Brandon will be doing a signing in the UK sometime in July/August (NOT at LonCon, 'though Harriet will be there) so that's 2 potential meet up dates:


1) The Signing (details to follow when we know when it'll be, I'm thinking pre/post meetup and drinks); and


2) LonCon 14-18 August 2014, ExCel London - if people are going LonCon let us know the dates you will be there and we can maybe meet up for a Sanderfan toast/drinks.

Edited by Sabrina Stormshard
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I'd love to do a meetup, however I do have two issues:

a) is that I am (I think?) a fairly young reader, being only 17 I worry that I'd be the only young person there.

B) is that I have no monies :( but I will do in a few months so as long as it isn't for a few months then I should be good

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Yes that is reassuring thank you Branf


Sabrina, did you message everyone who has a UK location or everyone who as an England location etc? Because I don't know that every cosmere/Brandon Sanderson fan is on here, and if it's looking like quite a small number then we could get the message out via tumblr/facbook/twitter?

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I would potentially be interested, depending on time and place. @illsmithyourbonds I'm 16 so I claim the title of youngest.


Just as an idea, would anybody be interested at setting this meeting up during worldcon? We could grab lunch together during the convention.

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I am fine with the april date, but my job is flexible so I am fine with most dates.


I suppose all the possible dates are, 29th and 30th of this month, 5 and 6 of the next month, 12 and 13 of the next month, 19 and 20 of the next month, 26 and 27 of the next month.

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