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About illsmithyourbonds

  • Birthday 10/10/1996

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    The Happiest Bondsmith
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  1. That was a really good listen, thank you for doing that y'all. I just wanted to mention that shardblades change form, definitely while the spren is alive, and I'm not entirely certain, but I think they can after death, as they mould themselves around the gemstones placed in their hilts, so that's a possible explanation for Nightblood looking so different to shardblades generally. It would seem reasonable to expect that, as Nightblood is very openly seen as a dangerous and deathly weapon, strongly associated with death, which, especially if Nightblood's own consciousness has an effect on their appearance, would make them look dark and evil. Basically, Nightblood would be a goth shardblade.
  2. Don't think I'll be able to come this time unfortunately, but I'm gonna still follow the thread in the hopes that there's another one soon. Hope you have fun!
  3. that would probably be best in terms of returning trains and getting back home
  4. 1. Not sure if I'll be able to make 19th, but will try. 2. I don't really mind where we go, so long as it allows 16s and over, and we get a map. Is there going to be anyone else getting the train? 3. What kind of time of day? Are we going to have a meal as well? Are we going to do optional meal?
  5. Yeah London is very easy to get to. I'd suggest (for ease of non-londoners) that we choose a pub near to one of the main stations, so there isn't a massive possibility of getting lost, or that if there is a large enough people getting a train that we all meet there and go to a pub from there.
  6. @cromptj are you in year 11 or 1st year college/AS?
  7. Okay so I tweeted Brandon Sanderson asking for a RT with a link to this, and well he RT'd and so did a few others and I'd suggest for all noon-members to bookmark this page and check every couple of weeks if you're interested. (Or make an account and follow the topic)
  8. Yes that is reassuring thank you Branf Sabrina, did you message everyone who has a UK location or everyone who as an England location etc? Because I don't know that every cosmere/Brandon Sanderson fan is on here, and if it's looking like quite a small number then we could get the message out via tumblr/facbook/twitter?
  9. I'd love to do a meetup, however I do have two issues: a) is that I am (I think?) a fairly young reader, being only 17 I worry that I'd be the only young person there. is that I have no monies but I will do in a few months so as long as it isn't for a few months then I should be good
  10. This would readily explain how easy Ishi was for me to read in the glyphs, and Tanat. I think this makes a lot more sense. It may even be (abbreviated) Heralds' names - Jeseh is short for Jezerezeh, Tanat is short for Talenelat, and since h is what I am going to call a pseudo letter, being mostly shown by an extra screw you line or a little rotation or a diacritic (will find Shallan's quote eventually) and actually looks like any other apart from this, we may be able to work this notation out from the first glyph and it's common forms. Have we as translators of varying capabilities decided that the rotation of the letters is irrelevent, or are we going to say aS is Sa backwards? Can we find evidence of iSh being Shi backwards?
  11. @askthepaperclip I think that men can still speak Alethi and can therefore read a glyph phonetically and understand what it means, but for the illiterate who can't even read that, then glyphs can be stylised to be more similar to what they represent. I think Shallan's confusion at reading Amaram's glyphs was more because he may have been writing glyphs that represent (to give anglicised examples): sand + her + son to represent Sanderson, and still be writing them like those words like sand shaped like sand etc or like man + key for monkey and still shaped like a person and a key? I'm not sure if that makes sense, but sometimes you can compose large words from smaller ones that sound similar. Or even like instead of mixing the Khokh and Linil glyphs to make Kholin, he might have been doing (Kho) on one side and (lin) on the other. There are plenty of ways of writing phonetic alphabets too phonetically. English is fairly phonetic, (on the same kind of level that glyphs could be) and yet if you don't know how to write things then you might just write sections that you do know that sound similar, such as (in)+(sin)+(dent) instead of incident. Also: in regards to Alethi glyphs, how do we know that vowels are represented at all? Could it be that they literally rotate and reflect lines however the storm they want, and the extra lines are just EVEN MORE screw you lines?
  12. Okay so at school today I had a greater and more detailed look at the glyphs (I saved the images to my phone) and what's weird is that the 8th order (the last purple one) is quite conceivably Talenelat. Now it could still be Kelek/Kalak (I think they're using the Vorin names, as those are the symmetrical ones). And indeed, now I'm looking for it, on the simplified versions, it does appear to be Talenelat for the ninth one. I will do a match up and see if I can see all of the heralds and then if so compare the rotations etc with yours and see if they're similar, and propose new ones. Sidenote: I was drawing out more simplified, straigh-edged versions of them, and at one point the girl sitting next to me asked why I was drawing vaginas and insisted on referring to the glyphs as vagina-ish or vaginese. I found it a little humorous and it is believable that I was drawing vaginas if you saw how I simplified them. Edit: I did not have to get very far to see that these are not the Heralds. It is probably mere coincidence that the last ones seem similar. But I also don't think that they are the two surges. I think it will have to be the alethi words for Windrunner, Skybreaker... Bondsmith. Do we know any of the names of the surges? This lack of glyphs with transliterations is really quite annoying, especially as we have so little experience in reading these it makes it quite difficult to interpret them.
  13. Yeah but glyphs aren't really designed for readability - they're supposed to look pretty which is precisely why there are screw you lines and symmetry, and these would make interpreting the glyphs easier, if we knew alethi or how glyphs were supposed to be written or literally anything about glyphs. (exaggeration, but you get my point) Now the next stop in checking heraldishness would be seeing if the ninth one can be seen as Tanat or Talenelat. Can anyone see that? Edit: Are they even in the correct order?
  14. I can see the last one being Ishi, which is that symmetrical nickname for Ishar, Herald of Luck. If I could use image editing software with any degree of decency, I would highlight the parts of it that look like the Sh, but I can't. Instead I'm gonna say that there is a Sh with a line in the middle, that looks like either an oSh or a Sho (depending on how you read the chart) or a Sh* with * being a vowel that I think is i (and this is if you think there are 11 forms of a consonant - one with each vowel before, one with each vowel after, and one with neither). I think this means that they are names of the Heralds, but I may just be a terrible glyph reader.
  15. The red lines give us three pairs of orders and one quarter. Not sure what that would signify, but I think it will have something to do with the type of spren rather than the orders themselves. Maybe the types of spren of red-connected orders are similar, or even the same?
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