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So when is Lopen going to start making his own sound effects?

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26 minutes ago, Jehoiada said:

Hey! Welcome to the shard. I have no clue, but as soon as I read that I imidiatly thought of the Emperor's new groove when Kronk does his own sound theme music.

Lol, that’s exactly what I thought too. :lol: And Lopen doing his own theme music would probably be hilariously amazing.

Anyways, welcome to the Shard! We’re glad to have you here. Who’s your favorite Sanderson character?


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I have read every cosmere except warbreaker. I have also read the Alcatraz series, the Rithmatist, and The Reckoners series. Sorry for crappy spelling. I really like Kelsier, Wayne, and Rock. Thanks people. Just wondering, how do you get a reputation title?   

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@eleventh of the moon the orange rep titles are based on the amount of upvotes (bottom right arrows and hearts on posts) you have received. The more your posts get, the better your title. For example, when you get 7 you'll become a spearman. 

Staff members also get special titles in addition to their rep one. Arcanist and global moderator are some examples. 

Edited by Archer
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