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I guess I'm supposed to do this...

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Hey. I've read all the Cosmere other than White Sands and Warbreaker. Also, I'm a writer, which you probably can't tell from this awful introduction. My brother made me join. He's literally reading over my shoulder as I write this. He thinks he's hilarious and is currently getting his laptop ready so he can be the first to comment on this. So...he'll probably be the first to comment. I introduced him to Cosmere though (with Mistborn), and by extension Sanderson in general, so I'll accept responsibility for any resultant insanity. 

And...now he's typing his comment out ahead of time so he can copy and paste. To be clear, I don't accept responsibility for all of his insanity. 

Yup. I think I'm done now. Cool. 

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All of the above is true. She's also read Rithmatist and Reckoners, and knows that neither are Cosmere. She did introduce me to the Cosmere, but I know more about it, finished it first, and have read more, so I win. I also introduced her to the Shard, so I win again. Mentioned resultant insanity is utterly and completely present, though as she said, she isn't responsible for all of it. That would be ludicrous, and I would be offended if she said she was. Also, sorry @Voidus. She isn't Nerd1.6180339.

Edited by Nerd3.14159265358979
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Welcome to the shard! My personal insanity is also quite considerable, which you could probably tell if youve seen any of my posts! As your brother is a sharders I presume he has warned you not to take spiked cookies, but let me remind you, he is supposedly insane, so you shouldn't listen to him on this topic. Here's a cookie and an upvote! Who's your favourite character? What's your favourite book series? 

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1 minute ago, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian said:

Welcome to the shard! My personal insanity is also quite considerable, which you could probably tell if youve seen any of my posts! As your brother is a sharders I presume he has warned you not to take spiked cookies, but let me remind you, he is supposedly insane, so you shouldn't listen to him on this topic. Here's a cookie and an upvote! Who's your favourite character? What's your favourite book series? 

I think spiked cookies might cut my mouth. Favorite character...I don't know. Either Lift or Vin. Favorite series...depends on my mood. 

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The most important two questions: have you finished the books and is your name not not not not not not not not not not not not not not  not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not Alicia? (Even I haven't counted the nots).


Edit: @Nerd3.14159265358979 you might want to check what you've written in your interests section for spelling mistakes. 

Edited by LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian
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It won't let her post again...so here's what she answered: 

@LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian Everything but Warbreaker, and she's read most of the short stories, too.

@Archer Something about Windrunners. Awesome gravity features.

Edited by Nerd3.14159265358979
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8 minutes ago, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian said:

Maybe it's because she hasn't given any interests, so the site has determined she's a bot?)


Funny thing: It says not to post just smiley faces or lols (neither of which people follow very well) and not to double post in the spam section of the rules, both of which I've kind been doing on this thread, and it's giving her problems. I find that hillarious.

Edited by Nerd3.14159265358979
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Sounds to me like you're using the same internet. If your IP is the same, you might have been flagged as having made two accounts (which would be against the site rules, so it would try and hinder you). You just need to get a mod's attention and tell them you're two different people. 

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1 minute ago, Archer said:

Sounds to me like you're using the same internet. If your IP is the same, you might have been flagged as having made two accounts (which would be against the site rules, so it would try and hinder you). You just need to get a mod's attention and tell them you're two different people. 

And since my account came first, it thought hers was the duplicate! Of course!

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