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Re-reading Alcatraz, on book 3, noticed this: "I blushed. It now seemed silly. 'I figured... well I thought if I could break Gravity, then I could fly.' Grandpa Smedry chuckled quietly. 'Break Gravity, eh? Very bold of you... a very Smedry-like attempt, but a bit beyond even the scope of your power, I'd say. Imagine the Chaos if Gravity stopped working all over the world!' I don't have to imagine it. I've lived it. But we'll get to that. Eventually."


Spoilers (Books 5 and 6)


We know that Alcatraz is going to follow Biblioden to the WorldSpire. The WorldSpire is pretty much confirmed as a major location in the next book, right? (Ya know, it's in the title and stuff.)

And in book 2, we learn that the worldspire reaches all the way down to the center of the earth, which is made of glass.


Hypothetically, what would happen if someone or something were to break the core of the Earth? how would that affect gravity?

EDIT: Also from book 2: they regard me as their savior, but I only fixed what I broke in the first place. (loosely paraphrased)

Edited by Roadwalker
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Too bad all the arcane theorists and stuff are hanging out in Cosmere Q&A.

And all the fun, QuIrKy types are hanging out in the Random Threads...

Maybe I could read a manual on coding and compromise the site, then set up some redirect links...

Or I could just change my sig!

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On 5/17/2018 at 10:27 AM, ElephantEarwax said:

I doubt it works on a planetary scale.

The worldspire is connected to the core of the earth, we do not know how big that is. (In real life, not in your librarian-controlled geology textbooks.)

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If all gravity got switched off, even for an instant, we would all pretty much die. The air pressure wouldn't be countered by air weight, so the atmosphere would explode into space. Unless he breaks the gravity only partially. Like his ancestor broke time around his tomb.

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  • 1 year later...

so... the world spire



Alcatraz breaks the world spire!!

if just hitting it gives people a headache, what would breaking it do. on second thought, that would probably just kill a random amount of people on earth, probably better not to do it.

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