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Knights Radiant and Surges Endsheet


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The chart that Issac Stewert created, showing the ten orders of Knights Radiant and the ten surges shows lines connecting the various glyphs. Below I have a picture with the lines highlighted in different colors:




Green = Surges for each of the different orders

Blue and Orange = A "racetrack" type of organization for Orders and Surges respectively

- - (Although, I'm not sure. If that were the case why not keep all the Orders on the outside, and Surges on the inside? If it were rearranged that way it would look like a wheel with the red lines becoming the spokes.)

Red = ...No idea. Decoration perhaps? Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Edited by semper_sursum
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The red lines give us three pairs of orders and one quarter. Not sure what that would signify, but I think it will have something to do with the type of spren rather than the orders themselves. Maybe the types of spren of red-connected orders are similar, or even the same?

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Considering how Syl feels about Cryptics and Their opposing points on the table I sort of assuming they represent the opposite ideals, while the orders near each other have something in common. For example Elsecallers were probably pretty close to opposite in temperament as skybreakers, while what's right and what is the law often, if not exclusively, overlap.

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Considering how Syl feels about Cryptics and Their opposing points on the table I sort of assuming they represent the opposite ideals, while the orders near each other have something in common. For example Elsecallers were probably pretty close to opposite in temperament as skybreakers, while what's right and what is the law often, if not exclusively, overlap.


That could suck for Dalinar (Bondsmith) and Renarin (Truthwatcher), who have opposing glyphs, if that's the case.

Edited by semper_sursum
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What's also interesting is that not all the orders have two connections, only orders 1, 4, 6 and 9 have two; these of which connect all to each other. This would mean Windrunners linked to Edgedancers and Lightweavers, Edgedancers linked to Windrunners and Stonewards, Lightweavers linked to Windrunners and Stonewards, and lastly Stonewards linked to Edgedancers and Lightweavers. 


In terms of certain temperaments the orders have, including spren, I don't see too much of a correlation? 


Perhaps they mean nothing, and instead the Voidbringer version of this diagram would be the flipside, like shadesmar? Random thought. 


Something must be going on here I think, Brandon doesn't just leave things for no reason. 

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This is basically one giant spoiler. Sorry if I get off track a little bit.


Well, whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's not a coincidence that there is a line connecting Windrunners to lightweavers. Shallan to Kaladin.


There is also a line connecting Dustbringers and Willshapers. Here is a quote from the very beginning of The Way of Kings.


Smoke curled from the occasional patches of growth or heaps of burning corpses. Even some sections of rock smoldered. The Dustbringers had done their work well.


Sanderson, Brandon (2010-08-31). The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive, The) (p. 15). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.


Notice that Kalak is the Willshaper herald. He is also the source of this quote. I don't think that line was coincidence either. It was probably foreshadowing.


Here is something else, there are certain acts that, while appalling to some spren, are very acceptable to others. One example is the Adolin. His actions at the end of the book might have been appalling to Syl. To another spren it might have been completely normal behavior. This is also why I think Adolin is going to be a surgebinder. He picks seemingly hopeless fights and wins them. He has strength and he is dependable. He also has an impressive resolve and is stubborn to a fault. I also think that whatever spren needed to become a stoneward would be fine with Adolin's actions.



Now, Lets assume that Adolin is a stoneward and Kaladin is a Windrunner. Guess what other order is connected to Lightweaver. Stonewards. If we are assuming BFF's... The conflict heightens!!!


Then again, Windrunners are also connected to Edgedancers via red lines!  My guess is that Shallan will marry Adolin and Kaladin will marry Lift. Ahem, she is going to be a major character in the second part of the series!!



Plus there's this,


The stone ridges and mounds bore numerous scars. Some were shattered , blasted-out sections where Surgebinders had fought.


Sanderson, Brandon (2010-08-31). The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive, The) (p. 15). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.


Sanderson is amazingly vague when it comes to who the surgebinders were fighting. At first I thought they might have been fighting the Heralds. Now I'm wondering if the fought each other sometimes. If they didn't I'm almost certain that they would have if it weren't for Ishar and his threats. Skybreakers and Windrunners never got along very well.


I think part of the story will be how Dalinar has to pull the group together.


Notice how in this chart there are five Female heralds and Five male Heralds. Remember how Shallan was asked Jasnah if there really were Female Knights Radiant. Jasnah replied, "A statistically appropriate number" She then went on to say something about how spren aren't sexist.

What if that statistically appropriate number was half. One theory was that half the orders have females and the other half males. Then Renarin became a truth watcher and blew that theory. Jasnah, Shallan, Lift and Kaladin all fit the theory. Everybody does except for Renarin.


Here is another Theory. Keep reading! They are connected!


Kaladin, Jasnah, Shallan, and Lift all have a spren of the apparent opposite gender. Guess who doesn't fit this pattern. Dalinar!


At first I wondered if it was simply because the spren didn't search out Dalinar to bond with him. He had to do some coaxing. Then I noticed how Renarin didn't fit with the pattern either.


Notice how the Truthwatchers and the Bondsmiths have their special little place on the diagram. My guess is that there is something about these two that is different then the other orders. Also notice, they are connected by red lines! Somehow these two orders were also connected.


Here is the chart, 




What do you guys think?

Edited by Pinpoint
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This is basically one giant spoiler. Sorry if I get off track a little bit.


Well, whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's not a coincidence that there is a line connecting Windrunners to lightweavers. Shallan to Kaladin.


There is also a line connecting Dustbringers and Willshapers. Here is a quote from the very beginning of The Way of Kings.


Notice that Kalak is the Willshaper herald. He is also the source of this quote. I don't think that line was coincidence either. It was probably foreshadowing.


Here is something else, there are certain acts that, while appalling to some spren, are very acceptable to others. One example is the Adolin. His actions at the end of the book might have been appalling to Syl. To another spren it might have been completely normal behavior. This is also why I think Adolin is going to be a surgebinder. He picks seemingly hopeless fights and wins them. He has strength and he is dependable. He also has an impressive resolve and is stubborn to a fault. I also think that whatever spren needed to become a stoneward would be fine with Adolin's actions.



Now, Lets assume that Adolin is a stoneward and Kaladin is a Windrunner. Guess what other order is connected to Lightweaver. Stonewards. If we are assuming BFF's... The conflict heightens!!!


Then again, Windrunners are also connected to Edgedancers via red lines!  My guess is that Shallan will marry Adolin and Kaladin will marry Lift. Ahem, she is going to be a major character in the second part of the series!!



Plus there's this,


Sanderson is amazingly vague when it comes to who the surgebinders were fighting. At first I thought they might have been fighting the Heralds. Now I'm wondering if the fought each other sometimes. If they didn't I'm almost certain that they would have if it weren't for Ishar and his threats. Skybreakers and Windrunners never got along very well.


I think part of the story will be how Dalinar has to pull the group together.


Notice how in this chart there are five Female heralds and Five male Heralds. Remember how Shallan was asked Jasnah if there really were Female Knights Radiant. Jasnah replied, "A statistically appropriate number" She then went on to say something about how spren aren't sexist.

What if that statistically appropriate number was half. One theory was that half the orders have females and the other half males. Then Renarin became a truth watcher and blew that theory. Jasnah, Shallan, Lift and Kaladin all fit the theory. Everybody does except for Renarin.


Here is another Theory. Keep reading! They are connected!


Kaladin, Jasnah, Shallan, and Lift all have a spren of the apparent opposite gender. Guess who doesn't fit this pattern. Dalinar!


At first I wondered if it was simply because the spren didn't search out Dalinar to bond with him. He had to do some coaxing. Then I noticed how Renarin didn't fit with the pattern either.


Notice how the Truthwatchers and the Bondsmiths have their special little place on the diagram. My guess is that there is something about these two that is different then the other orders. Also notice, they are connected by red lines! Somehow these two orders were also connected.


Here is the chart, 




What do you guys think?

Not much to add about the order connections but the Kaladin/Lift ship would definitely be entertaining. Talk about opposites. Though I'm still holding out for Lopen/Lift. Those two would be all sorts of hilarity together, possibly deserving its own spinoff.

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Red = ...No idea. Decoration perhaps? Anyone have any thoughts on this?


I have some discussion in this on a thread in the WoR spoiler forums, but -


As mentioned by others, most of the red lines are just indicating the Order's 'opposite' (those are the lines that go through the exact center. All of the Orders have at least 3 edges connected to other Orders (two adjacent Orders, one opposite).


The real mystery are the 'extra' 2 edges shared between Windrunners <=> Edgebringers and Stonewards <=> Lightweavers. However, with those lines, the entire diagram then has a vertical connection for every Order (i.e. all 5 Orders on the top half have a connection to an Order on the bottom half). Note also that the top Orders' Heralds are all male, and the bottom Orders' Heralds are all female.


Edit: It's actually not necessary for the vertical lines to exist to have the 'one top, one bottom' pairing (the point-symmetric lines are sufficient for that); the point is that adding the two edges provides a second symmetry.

Edited by Seloun
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I assumed the shape was entirely aesthetic - it forms the double eye of the Almighty - but I think there's something to lightweavers and windrunners being opposite on the chart and somewhat opposed in ideology. If the elsecallers and the skybreakers are similarly opposed, what might that mean for the elsecallers' temperament or oaths? The skybreakers seem to practice a strict adherence to the law, perhaps the elsecallers have strong proponents of moral relativity? Jasnah seems to fit this...

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It looks like the red lines depict orders with inverse Cultivation/Honor make-ups. If each order is part Honor, part Cultivation; and if the two "eyes" are the orders that nearly "pure" Honor and "pure" Cultivation then that set up makes sense. The two orders that are closest to the Bondsmiths (share a surge) are Windrunner and Stoneward. Their red lines connect to the Lightweavers and Edge Dancers, the two orders that share a surge with Truthwatcher. If make your way around the wheel then each Order is balanced by another order.

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