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Anyone else remember that part in WOR when Wit, Kal, Adolin, and Shallan were in the carriage and Adolin told Wit to stick to woman his own age?

''Well, that might be a little harder. I think there's only one of those around these parts, and she and I never did get along."

Anyone know who he might be referencing?

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Yeah, it's got to be Cultivation's currently unnamed Vessel. Hoid is old, really really old. The only person in the Cosmere who's older is the person who's exchanging letters with him in WoK/WoR and the only people other than that who are anywhere near Hoid's age are the Vessels. And since Hoid knew all sixteen before they Ascended, his mention of 'She and I never did get along' fits perfectly.

Contrast with Honor's Vessel (Tanavast) who Hoid apparently got along with quite well, per his comment to Jasnah at the end of Words of Radiance.

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