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Sixth of the Dusk Speculation


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There is a WoB about this and no, apparently it would not work on a human.


In Sixth of the Dusk, the Aviar, they [ate all those worms]. What happens if someone else eats the worms on Patji? Do they get powers?

Brandon Sanderson

Has-- It doesn’t work for a human. They’ve tried that. But there might be something more there.

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I guess the real question is if it can't work for a human, can it work for a Kandra that has engineered his body to host the parasite?

Also, the aviar don't drink metal vials. There needs to be some sort of channeling for the magic to work (Aons, metal, stormlight etc.). From what I see, the parasite is the channel itself, and since it can't be controlled by the host or turned on and off at will, being a parasite host would be a completely new form of investiture, where the investiture flows freely, such as always having an allomantic power unable to turn off and no metals required. Fascinating stuff.

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@I think I am here. It is fascinating, but I think it would only work on a few worlds. Taldain, any world that Autonomy has Invested in, and with some hacking, Roshar and Sel.

If they found some species of bird/Aviar that could replicate Steel, Iron or Tin you can keep that away from me. That would be super annoying to be unable to turn it off.

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Wait, it's been awhile since I've read SoD.   Do the abilities ultimately come from the worms or the fruit plants?

If it's from the plants, could seeds be taken and cultivated on other planets?  (Holy moley, that would be an ecological disaster, the crazy death plants of Patji loosed on other worlds).  Or are they tied to the world like many forms of investiture?

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it comes from the worms living in the fruits of the plant. I have no proof of that, but i think that the place where the aviar get their talents is also a perpendicularity: it would explain why all the aviar go to that specific spot to get those worms and also Dusk tells that "All minds in this place are invisible, always, regardless of Aviar" so definetly a special place, that on shard worlds often means perpendicularity, but obiouvsly i can be wrong

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  • 3 months later...

Missed this when it was posted apparently. It's been tried, and doesn't work. 



On Sixth of the Dusk, First of the Sun, if humans eat the fruit or the seed of the worms, will they gain Investiture?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

No. They tried that. Someone has tried that.


Has Hoid been there?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

That's a RAFO.



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16 hours ago, Invocation said:

Wait a second. Does that Aviar have a power that it is actively bestowing? You know the one. If you don't, beware. Clarification under the spoiler cut.

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Mraize's Aviar. Does it have a power that Mraize is using?

That Aviar does have a power, but we don't know what it is.  

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