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Challenge of Champions: Rashan V Cuthbert

I think I am here.

Battle Poll:  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think will win?

    • Rashan/ITIAH
    • Cuthbert/LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian

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@I think I am here.'s character:


Name: Rashan Caer

Investiture: A-Chromium/F-Steel Twinborn. A Leecher and a Steelrunner.

Weapons: Short Sword and Blade attached to a chain, both encased in Aluminium.

Weakness: Freaks out easily over almost anything unusual, mainly other magics he had no idea existed. Mostly evades instead of attacks and constantly underestimates his abilities. Also, commonly writes in his notebook during combat, which distracts him.

Appearance: Standard Azish military unifrom, albeit heavily crinkled.

Physical characteristics: Oval face, black hair, lean, and brown-eyed. He is 5'9"

Relatives: No one as of current. His mom died a couple months ago, and was the only living relative he had.

Home planet: Born on Scadrial, raised in Roshar

History: He was born on Scadrial to what would seem to the public as a normal family. In reality, his father was part of a dangerous group of people and his mother was a worldhopper. The gang his dad was a part of specialized in torturing worldhoppers, and regardless of how much his father tried to hide his mother's worldhopper status, the gang eventually found out, and killed him and all of his 4 children, except for one, Rashan, who had just been born. His mother escaped Scadrial and found refuge in Roshar, where Rashan grew up, in Azir. He eventually figured out he had unusual powers where most didn't, and was even different from the radiants he'd seen. His mom told him the truth when he was 18, and Rashan later became a valuable part of the Azish military for the following years. His mom died a while ago, and her last words explained to Rahsan her secret of worldhopping. Ever since he's been travelling worlds, exploring, continuing to wear his old Azish uniform to remind himself of his Rosharan upbringing, regardless of actually being born on Scadrial.

NOTE: When I said he's scared and curious of other magic systems he didn't know about, I meant pretty much every other magic system. He knows nothing of the Metallic Arts apart from his own powers, and is pretty much oblivious on Radiant magic. He's clueless on that sort of stuff.

@LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian's character:


Name: Cuthbert

Investure: AonDor

Weapons: Has had two type 4 Awakened blades (one of them also has some other corrupted Investiture) bestowed to him by two separate guild leaders, which he dual wields, and Aonic bullets that he created.

Appearance: Elantrian

Weaknesses: Dyslexia (which sure helps him burn down his house every time he tries to light a candle with AonDor), and a deep love of waffles.

Special skills: Has friends.

Backstory: Learned worldhopping from a gentleman hemallurgist who helped him slightly with his dyslexia and taught him that breakfast food is excellent. From there he obtained a single spike that holds the soul of his brother, which he took when he was not able to save his brother’s body but they were so close that they couldn’t part.

The crowd goes wild!

Fabrial spotlights dance around the arena, lighting up the gargantuan crowd around it. 

People cheer, throwing up their signs and eating their hotdogs.

And Rashan stands in the middle of it.

His opponent, Cuthbert, stands on the opposite side, waiting to attack.

Rashan smiles. This battle will be over quick.

(Lopen has agreed he will fight tomorrow, and we both agreed to start the thread now. Can someone please volunteer to be a mediator?)

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First, either quote or color your text, second it depends. Not every Type IV awakened blade is nescesarily like Nightblood. If you've read Oathbringer: 


It could be more like Vivenna's (Azure's) blade which acts for all intents and purpose like a shardblade.



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8 minutes ago, Blazenella said:

First, either quote or color your text, second it depends. Not every Type IV awakened blade is nescesarily like Nightblood. If you've read Oathbringer: 

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It could be more like Vivenna's (Azure's) blade which acts for all intents and purpose like a shardblade.



As far as we know. Maybe it also has a voice screaming at her, and influencing her. We also don't know if it drains investiture.

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Cuthbert eyed his opponent. He could have used some of his mentor’s patented cookies for a bit of encouragement, but that wouldn’t matter. Before the battle began he noticed that this guy was a Steelrunner. Looks like he would really need his brother nearby during this battle. He stabbed his chest with his brother’s soul, after which he smiled. His brother loved to crack jokes, and the cold hand of death hadn’t put an end to that. His brother had always been able to construct a perfect pun, a side affect of reading so much. He had always joked that he had to read enough for both of them. Cuthbert's raucous laughter was often off putting to others, since the apparent lack of a trigger for this led others to think that he was insane. Maybe they were right. The voices in his head disagreed, although that may be because they wanted to be wielded, and a madman can’t wield swords. "Let’s get this party started!” He screamed, quickly throwing up an Aon Edo shield around him. 

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Rashan stumbled back, not from any attack or force, but from the sheer surprise that his opponent had just summoned a shield from drawing a pattern, of all things. he curiously brought his notebook out and zoomed about, cautiously analyzing the wall of light. He also looked at his opponent. The man didn't seem completely sane. Rashan zoomed towards the shield and poked it with his aluminium short-sword, not completely sure what would happen.


Sorry, I'm just not sure how to attack when he has a shield up, as I don't have any thing that can break it. All I have is my aluminium weapons, which I'm not sure what effect they would have.


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My Type IV Awakened Blades speak to me, drain Investiture ( though very slowly compared to Nightblood, and only affects those that it seems to be enemies, a term which is described by its command), and it cuts more like a Shardblade rather than like Nightblood, although it takes much more effort to heal ( 2 1/2 times the amount of Investiture as needed to heal a Shardblade blow). Regarding the Aon Edo shield; I think that it would not be affected by aluminium. I think that there may be a different flaw in the shield based on its main strength, although this weakness is not canon.

Cuthbert looked around with a dazed look on his face, taking a swig from a flask hanging off from one of his holsters. 'Let's see... Let's try a bit of this, shall we?' Cuthbert quickly started charting some symbols in the air, matter itself separating from his touch. He quickly started modifying an Aon, and when he was done, looked at his opponent awaiting their doom. Instead of the flood he expected a few raindrops fell from the sky. 'Merciful Domi...' he sighed, facepalming.

Edited by LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian
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Lopen, ITIAH, do NOT look at this. 


This is going to be the mediator "cheat sheet". This is a reference for damage and abilities for myself or another mediator if they take over. 

Name: Rashan Caer

Investiture: A-Chromium/F-Steel Twinborn. A Leecher and a Steelrunner.

Weapons: Short Sword and Blade attached to a chain, both encased in Aluminium.

Weakness: Freaks out easily over almost anything unusual, mainly other magics he had no idea existed. Mostly evades instead of attacks and constantly underestimates his abilities. Also, commonly writes in his notebook during combat, which distracts him.

The swords will do between 10 - 18 damage (They are just normal swords), and if thrown will do slightly less at 8 - 16. Chromium won't affect Cuthbert as the Dor is separate from him. In my opinion Aluminum would be able to get through an AonEdo shield and certain other Aons, but the Aons would resist them (Make them do less damage). For Feruchemy and Allomancy I'm giving a limit of around 15 uses (May vary)

Name: Cuthbert

Investure: AonDor

Weapons: Has had two type 4 Awakened blades (one of them also has some other corrupted Investiture) bestowed to him by two separate guild leaders, which he dual wields, and Aonic bullets that he created.

Appearance: Elantrian

Weaknesses: Dyslexia (which sure helps him burn down his house every time he tries to light a candle with AonDor), and a deep love of waffles.

Awakened swords will do between 10 - 25, Aonic bullets will do between 6 - 12. As for Aons it all depends on the Aon used and it's modifiers. I will determine that. Due to Cuthberts Dyslexia his Aons aren't as powerful and have a chance of failing.

Only the brave look here:


Rashan auto wins if he has Waffles


Lopen, keep in mind that you will be distracted by your blades draining your life unless you have an Aon for them to draw from, as they can't access the Dor through you.


Rashans blade pushes into the Aon Edo shield, but is resisted. No damage has been dealt.

Rashan: 100 HP

Cuthbert: 100 HP


Edited by Blazenella
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Well, this is anti-climactic.

Rashan notices the rain. He thinks of ways he can disrupt the shield, and has an idea. He zooms towards it and burns chromium, attempting to leech the Aon.


Again, no idea what would happen here.


Edited by I think I am here.
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Due to the aluminum sword, and the leeching of the Aon Cuthberts shield breaks. A side note: I'm leaning more in the direction that the alumium sword would break through the aon, but I'm making it resist it a little. To get through you would need a strong hit.

Rashan: 100

Cuthbert: 100


Edited by Blazenella
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Ah, alright.

Rashan grinned as the shield broke. It seemed his sword had done the trick. Rashan, aided by his speed, took out his second weapon. Long and slender, it was an aluminium encased chain, with a blade attached to its end. Tapping speed further, Rashan turned into a dizzying blur as he sent a flurry of his chain-blade attacks at Cuthbert.

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