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[OB] Wax as a skybreaker

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So I was rereading era two and I thought wax would make a pretty awesome skybreaker. He said he always told on other children when they broke the rules and the fact that he is a lawman could make it work.

Combining it with being a crasher would be amazing

There will probably be mistborn spoilers and possible oathbringer spoilers since we see the skybreakers there

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Wax as a skybreaker

My first thought was NO, but because I like Wax and don't like Skybreakers. My second thought was, well maybe. But my third thought is no, he wouldn't. Wax believes in Justice, not the law. Now, he's generally for the law, order helps increase justice. But he's too willing to bend rules to be a skybreaker. I think he'd be more in line with Windrunners. That said, 5th oath skybreakers become Law, so maybe he'd fit in there. 

Edit: Changed "Justice" to "Law" for skybreaker's fifth oath.

Edited by Wandering Investor
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I actually agree that he could make a decent Skybreaker. So far we've only seen Skybreakers that follow Nale's line of thought but as we've learned from Szeth, that isn't an absolute and that they can devote themselves to something other than The Law.

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I don’t think Wax would be a skybreaker because if I remember correctly (let me know if I am wrong) the Skybreakers do pledge themselves to the law, no matter what, it just depends on what/whose law, and like somebody mentioned earlier, Wax likes to bend the rules to much. Also, wandering investor said that they become justice with their 5th oath, but actually they become the law, not justice. There is a difference.

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I don't know if we have a wob on this, but I don't think that everyone fits perfectly into each order. 

Didn't somewhere it say that rashek would be an okayish skybreaker? 

People are to complex to completely have the ideals of one order. Wax would probably agree with some of the ideals of the skybreakers and would also agree with the ideals of the windrunners

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24 minutes ago, Ishar said:

I don’t think Wax would be a skybreaker because if I remember correctly (let me know if I am wrong) the Skybreakers do pledge themselves to the law, no matter what, it just depends on what/whose law, and like somebody mentioned earlier, Wax likes to bend the rules to much. Also, wandering investor said that they become justice with their 5th oath, but actually they become the law, not justice. There is a difference.

Szeth doesn't pledge himself to the Law but to Justice I swear to seek justice, to let it guide me, until I find a more perfect Ideal. Because of that I think Wax would fit.

Although a friend of mine pointed out a different theory of his own that Wax would fit in as an Edgedancer and I think that also has merit.

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18 hours ago, Ishar said:

Also, wandering investor said that they become justice with their 5th oath, but actually they become the law, not justice

Good catch.

17 hours ago, StanLemon said:

Szeth doesn't pledge himself to the Law but to Justice I swear to seek justice, to let it guide me, until I find a more perfect Ideal. Because of that I think Wax would fit.

Although a friend of mine pointed out a different theory of his own that Wax would fit in as an Edgedancer and I think that also has merit.

Keeping justice and not the law in mind, Wax would fit in more. Edgedancers on the other hands are about listening to people, something Wax is very good at not doing.

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7 hours ago, Wandering Investor said:

Good catch.

Keeping justice and not the law in mind, Wax would fit in more. Edgedancers on the other hands are about listening to people, something Wax is very good at not doing.

They are also about Remembering others, at least as far as Lift's Oaths go. Wax is very good at that, he even followed up on what happened to the guy who got a loan from his uncle when he was a kid. Personally though I would go with Skybreaker as the more likely of the two he would be a part of.

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I've posted this elsewhere but I think it's worth reiterating with specific regard to Wax:


I tend to think that the impressions we have got of the Windrunners and Skybreakers worldview are overly positive and negative respectively. To my mind, the essential philosophical difference between these two order is the extent to which they trust their own instincts to determine what is moral. Windrunners believe that they can determine what is the right thing to with essentially exclusive reference to their own personal morality, while Skybreakers do not believe that they are capable of determining this so rely on external moral codes, primarily the law. Both of these approaches can be good and can be bad and in real life, we rely on a mixture - sometimes hard and fast rules won't be situation appropriate and sometimes because of imperfect information if we ignore rules to follow our own view of what's appropriate we end up doing bad things. The reason we have such a one-sided view of this is because of the characters we have viewpoints for and because the current Skybreakers are led by an insane person but which of these approaches is actually better really depends on broader philosophical questions about human nature itself.

Wax, I think isn't suited to be a Skybreaker because he trusts himself rather more than Skybreakers are want. Wax is a lawman but is not legalistic, the tension between these is shown by the conflict between him and the more formal arms of Elendel criminal justice system, he wants to do what he sees as the right thing not follow rules and process and so on. Wax is a lawman as an extension of his confidence in himself and his judgement (especially in the Roughs where there is essentially no Due Process) and when he loses his self-confidence after killing Lessie he can no longer be a lawman. This isn't to say that Wax should be a Windrunner but rather that he follows his moral instincts over societal constraint when he thinks appropriate, which is very Windrunnerish.


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Wax is a lawman in a Far West context. So he is more a paladino/Knight than a policeman/guard.

I see him more as Windrunner, in that he would be' great, he probably shows also the potential for Skybreaker but I don't think he would be' a great Skybreaker, Just an ok One. (Like Rashek)

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I think it's the other way around. Wayne is very self aware. He knows who he is, he recognizes the the things he's done, and the mistakes he's made. He does have the blue-orange morality thing going on, so I can understand where your coming from.

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I think that Wayne has already accepted his truths and could very easily be a lightweaver, but at the same time I think Wayne could be an edgedancer scince he has an awareness for people and he really cares for people in the slums of the city.

I think it is important to remember that people aren't linear and that they have multiple beliefs, I don't think most people fit perfectly into one order.

But we are going to try anyways

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I don't know about Wax but I think wayne will be a worldhopper because the he does with accents and people just screams Shallan, allbeit less broken.

As for Wax and Skybreakers, we're basing it off Nale's twisted version and he, one step removed, just pledged to Odium.

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