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Hi everybody, so now that Words of Radiance is out and im guessing everybody on here has already read it i wanted to make a thread about the third installment of the series. There was so much in the second book, Ghostbloods, epic fight scenes, the meeting between major characters and their growth as individuals, so much new info and hints of things to come.


I just wanted to know what you are most looking forward to in the next book personally im looking forward to,


  • Szeths past and his progress in the Skybreakers.
  • Hoid and his road trip with Jasnah.
  • The secret societies and their numerous plots.
  • Axies and his various and inconvenient incarcerations.
  • Finding out what that damnation code means!!
  • The Unmade
  • Kaladin finally bringing a girl home to meet his parents and the reunion between him Roshone and Laral.

The whole point of this thread is just what you want and what you suspect will happen in the next book




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This should probably be moved to the WoR subforum, or at the very least have some spoiler tags and a more vague title. Not everybody knows about (WoR spoilers, mostly already in OP)

Szeth and the Skybreakers, Kaladin heading home, Hoid being near Jasnah, and basically everything we could possibly discuss regarding the third book.


However, I think we'll be treated to a few Eshonai interludes, about her bringing about the desolation and all that jazz, since I highly doubt a chasmfall would be enough to kill a stormform shardbearer.


I also think something will have already gone down at Hearthstone. Either his parents moved already, Roshone is gone, Roshone has gotten way better since then, or something like that. I guess I've just kind of come to expect angst from Kaladin, and there's pretty much no way this trip can go well.


Stormfather will make a terrible spren for Dalinar, because he's a jerk. Still, he'll be a huge source of Cosmere nuggets.

I swear, if you knew nothing about the Cosmere and read WoR, it'd be an introduction all on its own.


Szeth, Nightblood, and Vasher will be doing a lot of awesome magic-melding, the first we've seen so far, and Szeth will be all mad because he can't do lashings or whatever. In the end, the showdown at Shinovar will be saved for the end of the book, because it can't be saved for the next one if this is his book.

Huh, actually, he'll probably be more than just an interlude character now, maybe? I don't know. 

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I'm also looking forward to Kaladin finally bringing a girl, even though it is Syl. :D.

I also can't wait to see what happens to Adolin, who suddenly became one of my favourite characters and, in my opinion, one of the most interesting ones at the end of WoR (after... yeah...).


Plus, Kaladin going manmode in Kholinar, maybe taking over the city, saving the Queen (who I imagine he hates, or will hate) etc.

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With regards to Kaladin, I think his next ideal will have something to do with leading, as two of his four are already about protecting. Maybe he takes charge of Kholinar and prepares it for the everstorm? Szeth is now just annoying, so hopefully he grows up or gets killed off by the end of the book. Dalinar is in a pretty good place mentally and emotionally at the moment, so his role will probably be about organising Urithiru and exploring his bond with the Stormfather. I think Shallan and Jasnah will have to go their own ways. Jasnah will probably stay in Urithiru while Shallan investigates the Ghostbloods/returns to Jah Keved/follows Kaladin to Kholinar via Oathgate.

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With regards to Kaladin, I think his next ideal will have something to do with leading, as two of his four are already about protecting. Maybe he takes charge of Kholinar and prepares it for the everstorm? Szeth is now just annoying, so hopefully he grows up or gets killed off by the end of the book. Dalinar is in a pretty good place mentally and emotionally at the moment, so his role will probably be about organising Urithiru and exploring his bond with the Stormfather. I think Shallan and Jasnah will have to go their own ways. Jasnah will probably stay in Urithiru while Shallan investigates the Ghostbloods/returns to Jah Keved/follows Kaladin to Kholinar via Oathgate.


Makes sense that the next one will display Leadership.  Kaladin has finally accepted he is a KR, a windrunner of old, born to ride the winds and control the sky.  He's going home to help his people survive what is coming.  He will take charge.  He will also go to Kholinar - he won't have any light left to "fall" there, but anyone else want to bet his father has kept the goblet of spheres as they are Kaladin's birthright?  And Kaladin will then take charge there...


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- Wit will wear a wig while talking to Adolin.

- Jasnah will end up with Kaladin for most of the book (this is mainly because there are too many PoV locations otherwise and it's still too early for Jasnah to interact a lot with Shallan)

- Jasnah will end up with Szeth near the end of the book

- Kaladin will have to deal with rioting darkeyes resenting him in Kholinar (in a reflection of his attitude from before) - might be where Tarah arc is resolved

- Kaladin's Fourth Ideal will be about letting those capable put themselves in harms way to protect others (one of his major remaining hang-ups)

- Shallan will find out about Kaladin killing Helaran early in the book (too much obfuscation in WoR and too many people know at this point)

- Kaladin and Shallan will not interact for most of the book except indirectly (necessary to make previous point relevant)

- Lift will become KR

- Jez's Honorblade will be used by Dalinar, then Adolin, and later stolen (probably Ghostbloods, maybe with Shallan's help) - I don't think the Honorblade can really be left floating around

- Part of Adolin's arc will be Honorblade addiction as Adolin thinks he needs to 'keep up' to be useful

- Adolin will kill Amaram

- There will be a falling out between Renarin and Adolin

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Those...are actually really cool predictions.  I like how you opened with Wit wearing a wig.


Well, the funny thing is that Hoid probably is already wearing a wig or the equivalent, since Wit has black hair while Hoid naturally has white hair. I still want to see him show up to Adolin in a red wig though and ask him something particularly gauche.

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Anything to do with Szeth will be interesting. The character was built up on pure awesomeness. It will be nice to see how it all started.


Perhaps not in the next book, but I think Adolin will get killed. Kaladin will be there for a shoulder to cry on. Perhaps then Kaladins and Shallans romance will develop.

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I was reading TWoK today, and one of the death rattles stuck out to me:


52: A Highway to the Sun


"I'm standing over the body of a brother. I'm weeping. Is that his blood or mine? What have we done?"

      - Dated Vevanev, 1173, 107 seconds pre-death. Subject: an out-of-work Veden sailor.


I'm thinking this may be a prophecy related to the potential "Adolin-Renarin Falling-out" that was mentioned earlier...


EDIT: Also, @Seloun, Hoid has Lightweaving abilities, so he's changing his image, not wearing a wig. ;)

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