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I've been a Sanderson fan for a while. I was introduced to Elantris and The Way of Kings a few years ago by my brother-in-law and so far haven't found a book I don't like, which is saying something, since there are several series now (by various other writers) that I've come to hate by the time I was halfway through the last book (or sooner).


I figure that this looks like a good place to confirm whatever easter-eggs, cameos, or other surprises I find while I read, as well as catch up on whatever theories there are. So, here I am, I guess. 

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I've been a Sanderson fan for several years now and somehow I have still not read the Rithmatist. I got the digital version narrated by Michael Kramer. It's pretty great so far. It only cost's $7.00 on audible right now. I can't help but get the audio versions of these books, they are so fantastic and allow me to enjoy the books while in the car or doing chores. I highly recommend it. 

Welcome to the forum @Grishhammer, what are some of the series that you couldn't get through? 

Edited by Lanny
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@Lanny Most of the time I'm able to finish the series, because I get into the stories, but some of them I got really sick of, just because the writing style of the author started to bug me, usually because I notice that they constantly, redundantly describe something the same way, or I get sick of their preferred style of metaphor. Some examples are the Codex Alera, by Jim Butcher, or the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini. I tend to be a marathon reader if all the books are out, so maybe It's a side effect of reading too much of something in a short time.

R. A. Salvatore used to be my favorite author, but in his case, I think I just grew out of his books. I've decided that most of his characters tend to be pretty one-dimensional, and I can't just read another extremely detailed, yet fairly generic fight. This is a case where I haven't actually been able to finish a series because I just don't even care what happens in the story anymore.



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@Grishhammer, I'd be interested in what you would think of the Wheel of Time series. Have you tried it yet? I loved Robert Jordon/Brandon Sanderson's 14 book series, I thought the characters were interesting and the story had a lot of depth. I know there are people out there who didn't like it as much but I thought it was fantastic. That being my humble opinion. We all like and dislike certain things in books/Authors.

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@Lanny I haven't been brave enough to try Wheel of Time, yet. I was warned away from it, but then again, that was before it ended. I should give it a try. I totally understand about people having different tastes, though. My wife has read Sanderson, and can't quite place why she doesn't like his books as much as I do.

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It is a big commitment, but it is also worth it. I didn't read them all straight through, I found it easy enough to come back and remember the main points of the previous books after reading something else. 

I can't get my wife to read the books I like. I just want to share the things I love with her. I am a huge sci-fi and fantasy reader and she only likes reading non-fiction and an occasional young adult novel. What can you do.

Another series I highly recommend is the Darker Shade of Magic series by V.E. Schwab. I thought the characters had good depth and the writing wasn't repetitive. 

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