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Brandon's Next Book

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Interesting question. Short answer is, we don't know precisely, and I don't think Brandon is 100% sure either. Here's what I know for sure. He is writing Firefight right now, so that will certainly be out next. After that, last I had heard, should come Rithmatist Two, and then Calamity. After that, things start getting foggy. Peter anticipates Stormlight 3 to be out around fall of 2016. Brandon ideally wanted to get Shadows of Self in before Stormlight 3, but that may not happen. For a long time, we'd heard that the second Mistborn trilogy would come after Stormlight 5. But recently, I've heard that it may begin after Stormlight 3. Brandon's talked about Warbreaker and Elantris sequels for a while now, and those seem to be coming later rather than sooner. And then there are still wildcards. He's been talking about doing Alcatraz 5 for a long time. He also just read a passage from Silence Divine, a book he wasn't even supposed to be writing yet. So, long story short. We know what's coming soon, but long-term things are still in flux.



So there was a bit of a miscommunication, as well as some new information. The second Mistborn trilogy will still come after Stormlight 5. Shadows of Self and Calamity have been pushed to after Stormlight 3. I'm relatively pleased with this new line-up :)

Edited by Windrunner
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So, the as far as we can tell, the current queue is:


1.- Steelheart 2: Firefight   (3rd Draft: 50%)

2.- Legion: Skin Deep        (1st Draft: 70%)

3.- Rithmatist 2: (untitled)

4.- Stomlight Archive 3: Stones Unhallowed (working title)


I am happy with the line up, Steelheart 2 is more than half done, the last few drafts usually don't take very long. The Rithmatist books aren't very long, since they are for youth-adult audience. I think it wont be very long before work starts on SA 3. I am sooo excited!

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sanderson has many stories in his head that he would like to write. what he does is sitting down at his desk and writing whatever he feels like at the moment. that's how he can write so much, by writing what he feels like and not what he feels compelled to. Still not sure how that can work, to me it would be like resting from carrying a boulder by carrying a different boulder, but it works for him.

So, despite having a sort of schedule, and some contractual binds, he may at any moment want to write a chapter of something else, and then he will like it and will make it a new book.

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At the signing today he said we would be seeing Firefight (Reckoners #2), then Rithmatist #2, and then Stormlight #3. He didn't specifically mention the Legion sequel but maybe it will show up sometime earlier.

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His website shows him as currently writing Legion and is 70% through with the first draft so will likely be released between firefight and Rithmatist #2. Short fiction like Legion usually is considered a side project for him and don't get mentioned when he talks about his next book projects.

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\o/ Praise be to gods of scheduling \o/. We must sacrifice virgi- bulls in thanks for thier kindness in pushing forward The Stormlight Archive 3.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wicked happy to read that SA 3 had been pushed up!


Timing-wise, Firefight Draft 3 is now 100% done. I am guessing after his WoR tour is over, Brandon will tweak that up a bit more. Then Rithmatist 2 should occupy another few months for him. Let's say that he will be done with that by around September/October of this year, maybe even sooner. IIRC, WoR took him about a year and a half from the beginning of writing to publication (that might actually be totally wrong, I really have no idea), so we could conceivably see SA 3 in early 2016, as opposed to fall.

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Eh. This guy, you know, is a monster. He writes around 3000 words a day, so assuming Stones Unhallowed will be 300k (if it truly is shorter. Then again, that's what he said for Words of Radiance, and we know what happened there :D), then it's only four months, tops, for the first draft. And for Brandon, the first draft is the biggest deal.


I honestly would not be surprised either way. The only disappointing thing is hearing Shadows of Self was pushed back... I was really hankering for some more Mistborn between Stormlight...

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