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That's all there is to it. A thread pops up every now and then, but it never survives, so I renew it and hope all the anime Sharders keep it alive! Discuss your favorite anime, what you are currently watching and what you recommend here.

Personally I've just finished Steins;Gate and now I (like the whole anime community) am watching Violet Evergarden. It's the most beautiful anime of all time - and this isn't just rave

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I still can't decide yet whether or not I should continue with Violet Evergarden. Yes, it is beautiful but the plot seems a little boring and there are other shows that are gorgeous and have a little bit more to them. Loved Clannad, scratched that romance itch quite nicely by have a romance pass the point of them realising their feelings. Unfortunately, now I'm just waiting for the spring season of sequels like My Hero Academia, Food Wars, Tokyo Ghoul :Re and then Attack on Titan in the Summer

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9 hours ago, Merrickz said:

now I'm just waiting for the spring season of sequels like My Hero Academia, Food Wars, Tokyo Ghoul :Re and then Attack on Titan in the Summer

That's exactly what I'm doing...the anime horizon is looking thick right now. Between Steins;Gate Zero, Tokyo Ghoul: Re, Boku no Hero, and Food Wars, my midyear exams (which are in your spring but actually our autumn - I'm in Australia) are gonna all be flunked :P:P 

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Well, Steins;Gate is still on my 'To Watch' list. The visual novel is one of my favourite things ever, to the extent that I seriously considered doing a thread about it so I could re-play and analyse the story, character beats, etc.

As for shows I am watching though? Right now, I'm trying to keep up with Dragonball Super. I'm holding out hope for a third season of Konosuba! I've heard a few recommendations from people of currently airing series which are great, but I haven't gotten around to actually watching any of it yet...

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Better get on to Steins;Gate @Quiverbecause this spring (or autumn, if you're in Australia like me - I think you are) Steins;Gate Zero is coming, which is basically an alternate plot-line to the original anime. Also there's a whole ton of anime coming out now that are worth a look at, but dunno if they're really worth a watch.

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I've been having a good run of solid anime, recently.  I mentioned Land of the Lustrous on the last thread.  (And I'm still listening to the soundtrack, even right now)

I'm also caught up on March Comes Like A Lion, which has just hit the second half of its second season.  It's a really good drama show, which is a bit of a departure from the shounen action stuff that I tend to watch.  It's a show about a high-schooler Shogi player (Japanese relative of chess) who struggles with depression.   Apparently it's comparable to Your Lie in April?  I haven't seen it, but I've seen a number of comparisons made between the two.  

Despite being a show about depression, though, it's fairly upbeat most of the time: in fact, the first episode is actually a bit whiplash inducing: the first half of the episode is very somber and subdued and quiet, while the second half is cheerful and colorful and frenetic. That whiplash, along with the medias res opening, made the show a bit challenging to get into, but it's something I've really appreciated about the show: instead of just being constant depression, it's a show of contrast, with the cheerful bits contrasted against the sometimes depressing subject matter. 

It's overall style took a bit of getting used to, too.  The art is generally very nice (it's animated by Shaft, of Madoka and Monogatari fame), though it frequently shifts into different art styles for bits of imagery or for jokes (it even shifts into 8-bit RPG graphics for one joke), and it's the most direct manga adaptation I've ever seen: episodes are broken into chapters, corresponding to the manga chapters, and it has lots of the manga onomatopoeia and even some footnotes.

But for all that it's one of the stranger shows that I've seen in some ways, it's likely my favorite show that I've watched in quite awhile.  It's filled with memorable characters, some genuinely good humor, and it manages to be a "feel good" show in the best sort of way.


Meanwhile, my wife and I are watching Princess Principal.  It's a steampunk setting of London that was split by a civil war (in a East Berlin/West Berlin sort of situation), in which a group of schoolgirls act as spies infiltrating the other half of the city.  Despite the title and absurd premise, it's a pretty serious show, there's genuine tension, intrigue, and drama to the show.  We're halfway in, and I'm really interested to see where it goes.

It's not the sort of show I would have checked out, if not for the good reviews it was getting (and frankly, because I thought it would appeal to my wife's interests), but if it sounds at all interesting, you might try the first episode.  It's available on Amazon Prime (in the US, at least), now that Amazon's paid anime streaming service bit the dust.  


I'm also watching Rage of Bahamut: Genesis, which came out a few years ago, and is a shockingly good "adaptation" of a mediocre mobile game.  It's a fairly standard D&D setting, but it's just a fun adventure romp that doesn't take itself too seriously, with a main character reminiscent of Captain Jack Sparrow.  It's been a pretty fun watch so far, and there's a sequel ongoing right now.  


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On 1.2.2018 at 3:05 PM, NamelessThirteenth said:


That's the right one. So I took your advice and started Durarara instead,  and it's looking good. I finished Assassination Classroom, it was enjoyable.  I also finished Danshi koukousi no nichijou, but it was a bit disappointing.  I expected it to be like Nichijou only with boys, but it didn't even come close, though it was entertaining. Also, I've finally caught up Violet Evergarden an I love it. The art style is amazing and the story seems promising. I started Fate/Extra as well, and it was kind of weird. I didn't really understand what was going on, but it was only one episode so I guess it'll all be explained later.

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7 hours ago, Storming Radiant said:

I finished Assassination Classroom

How are you feeling? If you need therapy because of that ending, PM me... :P 

Oh and fate/extra is kinda weird, I started but never really got stuck into it. 

I just finished Zankyou no Terror (very thought-provoking), and I'm looking for a short and spicy twelve-episoder tat I can juggle with studying. Ideas?

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36 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Darling in the FRANXX (for the plot!)

LOL :D It's funny how you have to put for the plot next to it so yu don't get judged. I'm watching it as well, great animation and plot, but I just can't shake off the weirdness - I mean, pistil and stamen?!

Is a place farther than the universe any good? I heard about it, but not much. It seems understated...


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17 minutes ago, NamelessThirteenth said:

Is a place farther than the universe any good? I heard about it, but not much. It seems understated...

If you like light comedy I admit it's really relaxing. It's visually very nice and made me laugh quite a bit. Definitely worth a try. The last aired episode had a first a bit more serious moment, but nothing heavy. It has a good rating on My Anime List and many positive comments on Crunchyroll :) I really enjoy it!

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44 minutes ago, Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper said:

I've only watched Death Note, and a few other less notable stuff (like SAO). Any recommendations for moi?

If you don't mind, I'm mostly going to just quote a previous answer to a similar question from the previous anime topic:

On 1/20/2016 at 2:28 PM, Retsam said:


This is, if you're not aware, something like asking "Hey, I'm interested in books: I've read The Hunger Games and Lolita, where do I go from there?"  I'm not trying to disparage you for asking, just pointing out that the scope of the question is pretty massive.  


This chart is pretty good:

  Reveal hidden contents




Personally, my usual recommendations (things that are good, widespread appeal, not too "sketchy") are:


  • Trigun - My personal favorite; a bit hard to describe, it's sort of a post-apocalyptic space western?  It starts off as comedy with a bit of drama, and shifts to be mostly drama with a bit of comedy.  It's fairly old (1998); but it's great.  Some of the themes remind me of some of Sanderson's books.
  • FullMetal Alchemist* - This one just feels like a good fantasy book.  I've always felt that the monologue at the beginning of each episode did a great job selling the show.  (It's what hooked me, at least)  
  • Steins;Gate - A bit newer than either of the above, Steins;Gate gets pretty goofy at times, and takes a bit to get going, but it's the best time-travel story I know of.  

*There's an evergoing debate whether to recommend the original 2003 version of FMA, or the newer remake ("Brotherhood"), which has the same beginning but goes in a different direction (follows the original manga).  My answer is that you should watch both eventually, but start with the original 2003 version


FYI, there's an updated version of the flowchart, that's way too big to include here, except as a link.

The specific recommendation I'd add to the above is Code Geass.  It's something of a natural follow-up to Death Note, in my opinion.  They've got lots of similarities, and also came out at basically the same time (so they're on the TvTropes list of Dueling Works).   

Like Death Note, Code Geass also about an egotistical teen genius who gets a superpower which he uses "for Justice", who may or may not really be a villain, depending on who you ask.  

Personally, I happen to prefer Code Geass over Death Note, and have it in my top five anime, but it's the weirder of the two shows: I've described it before as "a political, sci-fi mecha show about terrorism and racism with magic and slice-of-life romantic comedy".  There was a recent thread on the anime reddit to "sum up an anime with a single screenshot", and this picture from Code Geass had the most points:  



It's also got one of the best endings in all of anime, which they're going to totally ruin later this year with a Season 3 that nobody asked for.

So if you really liked Death Note, and want more of that, I'd say Code Geass is worth taking a look at.


Edited by Retsam
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