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[OB] Rock for Bondsmith 2020(1?)

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Inspired by the Navani Bondsmith thread, I was thinking about it and I think that Rock is going to be a Bondsmith. Or at least has the potential to move in that direction. Lets look at the Evidence


  • Likely the King of the Horneater Peaks
    • One of the goals of his brother was to Unite the Horneater Peaks, a goal which Rock could easily take up.
  • A high awareness of spren
  • Very pious and respectful of the spren
  • Already Radiant
  • Does not prefer to engage in combat
  • A hub for Bridge Four, 
    • Everyone likes him
    • great advice
    • makes it possible for the unit to bond over food

So this is largely a crackpot theory at the moment, but at least from a cursory glance, to me at least, it seems to hold water. I would love to hear other people's thoughts and input, so get in here and try to break this theory.

Edited by Furry-And-Lovable-Grover
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That's a very cool idea. I wouldn't say it's crackpot either, though I'd say right now I'm more "I'd love to see Rock as a bondsmith" side rather than the "I'm convinced Rock will be a bondsmith". All of the points you raise are solid reasons why Rock is a good candidate to be a Bondsmith. Bit as there can only be three Bondsmiths, and as they each have to bond a specific God spren, we need more than just a list of attributes that might make them a good candidate. Can you find any clear instances where this might be foreshadowed? 

I'm assuming that you think he'll bond the Nightwatcher. There is some connection with Cultivation already, given the fact that her Perpendicularity is in the Horneater Peaks. After meeting the Nightwatcher face to face in OB, it would certainly need to be a brave individual with a strong character to even consider bonding her. Off the top of my head, I can't really think of anyone else who'd be more suited to that than Rock.

I also like that being a Horneater, Rock represents a closer bond to the Singers, through their shared genetic heritage. 


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Your point about the Perpendicularity was one I meant to include in the points I gave earlier, it was actually one of the seminal pieces of evidence that sparked the idea, but I forgot about it by the time I was able to sit down and write it. 

I don't think that Rock will actually end up as a Windrunner, for the simple fact that when there's the scene with all the Honorspren on the ridge, none of them seem very interested in Rock. 

The mixed heritage was another thing that I thought about, and it makes sense if we decide that the other Bondsmith is Fen. That covers the East and West of Roshar and Rock's heritage would be completing the Venn Diagram so to speak in that it covers both the Listeners and humans. 

I posted this sort of spur of the moment, and Rock only has a few POV scenes in any of the books. I don't have OB in front of me at the moment. I'll try and scrub Rock's scenes this weekend and see if I can't turn this into a respectable theory before MLK day.

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18 minutes ago, Furry-And-Lovable-Grover said:

I don't think that Rock will actually end up as a Windrunner, for the simple fact that when there's the scene with all the Honorspren on the ridge, none of them seem very interested in Rock. 

I counter this by pointing out that when Rock made his offering of Stormlight to the assembled spren, the leader accepted his offer and consumed the light.  Between being a Windrunner Squire already - therefore already being of interest to at least one Honorspren, and that he made an offer that was accepted, I think it is clear he will be a Windrunner.


I think he will have the most difficult Oaths to swear.  "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves, even if I must use weapons and kill to do so."  That will definitely craack his soul to let a spren in, if Shardbowing Amaram didn't already.

Next would be: "I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right, even if I hate myself for doing so."

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1 hour ago, Furry-And-Lovable-Grover said:

The mixed heritage was another thing that I thought about, and it makes sense if we decide that the other Bondsmith is Fen. That covers the East and West of Roshar and Rock's heritage would be completing the Venn Diagram so to speak in that it covers both the Listeners and humans. 

Just want to point out Fen is Queen of Thaylen, thats no out west, that's South.  Almost due south of Alethkar and former natanatan, it's below the Frostlands.

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19 minutes ago, Chinsukolo said:

Just want to point out Fen is Queen of Thaylen, thats no out west, that's South.  Almost due south of Alethkar and former natanatan, it's below the Frostlands.

You are right and that is what I get for theory crafting blind.


@Stark That's a very insightful reading reading into Rock's character. I forgot all about that offering, and it makes sense for Rock to be a Windrunner when you look at it that way. I don't really have any sort of way to dispute that at the moment.

Edited by Furry-And-Lovable-Grover
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  • 2 years later...
On 12.01.2018 at 4:49 PM, Varion said:

I'm assuming that you think he'll bond the Nightwatcher. There is some connection with Cultivation already, given the fact that her Perpendicularity is in the Horneater Peaks. After meeting the Nightwatcher face to face in OB, it would certainly need to be a brave individual with a strong character to even consider bonding her. Off the top of my head, I can't really think of anyone else who'd be more suited to that than Rock.

I also like that being a Horneater, Rock represents a closer bond to the Singers, through their shared genetic heritage. 

The Horneater peculiar physiology probably comes with some spiritweb weirdness and he's also a cook, both of which fit nicely with Nightwatcher's magic.

Overall, I like the idea very much :)

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