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Quick Fix Game 29: Passionate Rationalism


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I’ve got nothing to lose. If this turns out to be village-killing by revealing information, oh well. We’ll die no matter what if we don’t get an elim.

I’m the Fear Rioter. Therefore, @Steeldancer Is the Anger Rioter.

No one can kill other than an eliminator. Everyone, target whoever you think is an elim (including me if you want) and let Steel pick which one to Riot.

Target whoever you think is an elim, including him. Good luck and try not to die.

I know this isn’t info that is super useful, but I may as well put it there.

Merb ran of the desperate. The others were of the suspicion, and of voting. Again. This time, Merb would not be of the survive. Breeze, you must find those obligators. Nothing else matters. This operation is crucial.

And my Street didn’t help me live in the crew. It helped me on my missions. Maybe...if I escape into the streets, could I avoid death?

But how would that help the rebellion? No. I must stay here, and die.

Long live the Survivor, and the rebellion.

Edited by Walin
Fixed a bit of grammar
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Mac looked out the soot covered city, Thinking to himself, about the last few nights and the massacre last night. "Last night was a blow, but we are still here. Fighting valiantly, even though most of us are probably inquisitors. We will die soon and the world will move on."

"So this is how the crew ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper," At this moment, Mac knew he should've gone into writing. That was quotable right there. Sadly it was too late in life for any change in profession, baking was all he knew.

Though who knows, maybe the gods of luck and chance will pull through and a mass lynching tonight will solve all of our problems. Sadly, after last night Mac had lost all faith that the gods of luck and chance were on his side.

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1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

Who knows, maybe I'm the only villager left and you guys are all laughing at me in a giant group message.

I can assure you, you are not the only Villager.

Walin, if you are Village, please vote on Ari to tie it up.  We can at least try and buy ourselves another cycle.

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Voting on livinglegend, just so there’s one on almost everyone except Mac, Alvron, and Steeldancer.

EDIT: Sorry Alv, I think that the best way is to have a vote on everyone. That way we have the biggest chance.

Edited by Walin
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"We think that Merb is a Plant! He's probably talking like that so none of us can understand him!" the remaining crew yelled and shoved Merb towards Breeze.

"Alright then" Breeze said. "Merb, come with me." Breeze motioned to some of Ham's Thugs to escort Merb to the back room.

An hour later, Breeze stepped from the room. "It seems that Merb was not a Plant after all." he said with a solemn look on his face. "You have failed me for the last time. I cannot trust that the spies don't already control what remaining loyal men may be left, so I am dismissing you all. Do not try to contact any of our group, or you will be dealt with as if you're working for the Steel Ministry. If any of you are loyal, I am truly sorry." With that, Breeze and the Thugs left the building.

"Well, it looks like there's no more reason for us to hide." said Gio. "You two are the only ones we need to take care of before we get our reward," he said, turning to Mac and Arinian. They both stumbled back as the three traitors drew hidden knives from their cloaks and charged.

Mac was killed by the eliminators! He was a Passion Soother!
Arinian was killed by an Anger Rioter! He was an Anger Soother!
Walin was lynched! He was a Fear Rioter!

The Inquisitors Plants have won! Congratulations to Alvron, Steeldancer, and livinglegend for not losing a single member and completely wiping out the village!

Full player list:


1. Jax Sangrin Lekal(Darkness) Joy Rioter
2. Mac(MacThorstenson) Passion Soother
3. Lopen(Drought) Anger Soother
4. Cactus(Devotary) Fear Soother
5. Maybe Merb(Walin) Fear Rioter
6. Sabine Seidel(Joe) Passion Rioter
7. Pestis(Pestis) Joy Soother
8. Steeldancer(Steeldancer) Anger Rioter
9. Gio(livinglegend) Fear Soother
10. Nils(Kynedath) Passion Soother
11. Sickly Prickly(Guava) Joy Soother
12. Valens(Kasimir) Joy Rioter
13. Monmet(MonsterMetroid) Fear Rioter
14. Arinian(Arinian) Anger Soother
15. Farron(GreenRover) Joy Rioter
16. Mr T. Foil(Alvron) Anger Soother

Rioters - Darkness, Walin, Joe, Steeldancer, Kasimir, MonsterMetroid, GreenRover
Soothers - Mac, Drought, Devotary, Pestis, livinglegend, Kynedath, gauva, Arinian, Alvron

Game thoughts: I actually thought I may have given the village the advantage to start the game, since I gave them a Seeker and only started the elims with 3 players, but then the elims killed the Seeker on Cycle 1 and didn't get much resistance after that. I still think the village had a fair shot, but inactivity struck the village pretty hard in this one. The most notable actions were Joe's scan on Steel Cycle 1, but of course he died right then, so he wasn't able to tell anyone(Alv was protecting Steel from scans, but it still would have looked suspicious I think), and then Mac roleblocked Alv on Cycle 2 so Alv couldn't kill anyone with Steel's Rioting. It was disappointing how little the pairing system was used and how little players even used their actions, but again, inactivity was really bad this game. That's pretty much all of my thoughts.

Here are the docs:

Eliminator doc
Spectator/dead doc

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Daaaaaaangg it! Alv, you messaged me! And I trusted you!...Well played. It was a good move.

At least I voted on livinglegend before dying. And yeah, I didn't do a great job of making myself have a village read.

This was a fun game.

RP'ing in High Imperial, with a doge dialect, was fun. I should have put out more RP. And @Kasimir, you and Kynedath had some amazing RP! It kept going, even when the rest of us weren't giving prompts and such at a comparable rate, combined.

Alvron, Steeldancer, and livinglegend. Good game, eliminators were great.

Thanks @TheMightyLopen!

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The voices were gone now.  Finally there was peace and quiet.

Praise be to The Lord Ruler.  He gave me the knowledge and means to silence the voices and it worked.

For years the others in Breezys gang had been yanking on his emotions, making him do their bidding but that was all over now.  Now no one could steal his thoughts.  For the first time in years, he was finally free.  Free to do what he wanted.

A very nice game Lopen.  With each vote having the chance to kill it became important that the elims didn't gain any votes.  And that was made a lot harder since we had no vote manipulation roles.

I am sorry Walin for deceiving you but I really wanted you to tie up the vote so there was little to no chance of Legend dying.  Thankfully, the Gods of Luck and Chance continued to smile on me.
Kas, I meant what I said.  I was really looking forward to pairing up with you.  We would've made a great team.  Although I'm glad you died when you did as I don't think we would've had such a clean win if you were alive that last day.

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4 hours ago, Darkness_ said:

Great game to not pay attention to at all :P 


Well, I'm sure village was able to play much better. I was able to play much better... in fact I have great amount of free time(wasted all time on rereading Mistborn and playing Skyrim:D(I never should install Skyrim again... never, too many mods too many time wasted :P) right now and not paid enough attention as this game deserved, I hope Lopen will forgive me  that.

Also want to say that all this roles and voting system is really cool! I like something so... hmm... random?:P

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3 minutes ago, Arinian said:


Well, I'm sure village was able to play much better. I was able to play much better... in fact I have great amount of free time(wasted all time on rereading Mistborn and playing Skyrim:D(I never should install Skyrim again... never, too many mods too many time wasted :P) right now and not paid enough attention as this game deserved, I hope Lopen will forgive me  that.

Also want to say that all this roles and voting system is really cool! I like something so... hmm... random?:P

I was pretty much doing the same Arinian xD

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I was thinking a lot during that last cycle trying to figure out who it was. The biggest problem that I faced was that 2 of the 3 inquisitors didn't post much flavor. Alvron was the only one who posted a lot of flavor but he didn't screw up. Also, I trusted you Steel! Well played. It makes sense, we should've seen it sooner. Find the people who are trusting, then kill them, so more people are unlikely to pair up, making the inquisitors job easier. Walin, sorry for killing you, but your comment seemed out of place and it was the only thing I could latch onto.

While I haven't played this game before and had really no idea what I was doing, the ability to mass lynch seemed really cool.

All in all this was a really fun first game, thank you all.

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This was fun, and I enjoyed my personal challenge, which was to do everything in RP, and nothing else. Congrats to Team Foliage, and thanks for a great and fun game, guys! Hope to catch y'all around in SE sometime again, though I'm currently on my way out for a while ;) I'd kinda hoped to survive to the last round, 'cause Skaa Bro and I had an awesome idea for how Valens's character arc was gonna end, but I know these things happen, and I was actually pretty much expecting to be lynched on D1, so that idea will just have to remain an idea :P

Special mad props to Alv for being cool and RPing in our PMs, and to Kynedath for playing along with my RP. I really did not expect anyone to engage me in RP (since I was doing it in PMs as well) and I have to say you changed the entire trajectory of Valens' character from my initial plans!

And most importantly, thanks for GMing and your patience with my questions, Skaa Bro. I'll probably be heading off the site for a while again due to life and reasons, but am glad to have had the amazing experience of this game :>

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I should apologize to Lopen and the village. My phone was out of batteries most of Friday and Saturday, but before and after that it was completely my fault. I might join another Sanderson Elimination game one day because this one was entertaining and interesting to look over (props to Lopen for the rules), but that day probably won't come for a while so I can learn to prioritize better first. Good job guys! And by guys I mean all active players and Lopen.

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