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Well hey. This is a thing that I did. Just in case you all would like to talk about my further descent into madness, I figure we ought to have a thread for these things.

I'm on mobile and I don't know how to make my link pretty without the rich text editor, so I'll just post the raw link: http://www.17thshard.com/news/shardcast/the-splintercast-reads/the-splintercast-reads-words-of-radiance-episo-r156


Oh hey look pretty link here now woo!

So, has anyone been listening thus far? What do you think?

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I'll finish the book before I indulge in... other things (the time I would spend listening to this would be better spent reading the book, at least the first time around), but I can help you with your URL woes!

[url=google.com]Pretty Link to Google[/url]
Edited by Argent
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My internet has been phenomenally terrible for uploading episodes (like .5Mbps for all of us in this house. It is awful)... But I'm hoping airport WiFi tomorrow will be good enough for me to do that!

Otherwise episodes will resume Sunday. I only really had two day's worth of additional episodes, and I can attest Feather has been phenomenally busy this week. There would have been a break in daily episodes regardless of my internet status I think.

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I have to admit I really, really love listening to your reactions, Feather! For most of them, I took out my copy of WoR and read along. Which is fun but also mildly irritating because until then I thought I was a pretty fast reader but it turns out you're either super fast or editing things together? ...I have no idea how podcast-thingies work.
Anyway, I'm also completely on board with Kaladin/Petty Rivalries. Especially when certain nicknames (that aren't supposed to be adorable but totally are) are involved.


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My new favorite Audacity commands: "Amplify" "Noise Removal" and the beautiful wonderful feature that is "Truncate Silence. I have informed my boyfriend that I might be cheating on him with Audacity's "Truncate Silence" feature. Let's all give "Truncate Silence" a round of applause, shall we? After that I just have to go through and delete any coughs, sneezes, door slams, or sniffles that slipped through the filter.


Glad y'all are liking them so far!

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These are fun to listen to, and I think it could also be fun to perhaps use these threads for chapter by chapter discussion.  I saw something like that way back for 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'.  I believe that was on a site called 'The Sugar Quill'.

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