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(OB) Who will have a bigger role in SA 4?

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Easy question. Is there any character you expect to step up and have a bigger role in the next book? Venli, Lift and Odium defenitely took that step in OB, and you could probably argue that the same was the case with Navani, Elhokar, Moash and even Amaram, to an extent. So, who do you expect to take up a more major role in book 4?

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Navani (loving the Sibling idea), Jasnah (as queen), Adolin (doing something other than being there for everyone), the people of Rira (next great struggle in unification of Roshar), Cultivation (hope we find out her name and get some back story with Tanavast), lots of listener/singers due to it being Eshonai’s book, Taln and Ash (captured by Jasnah) - fast forward time please to next book release?

Total aside not as all related to this, but it’s been bothering me - do we know Kaladin’s real last name before everyone started calling him Stormblessed? I assume he had one?

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2 minutes ago, Dreamstorm said:

Total aside not as all related to this, but it’s been bothering me - do we know Kaladin’s real last name before everyone started calling him Stormblessed? I assume he had one?

We don't, but darkeyes generally don't seem to have last names, so I personally doubt he has one. 

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9 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

We don't, but darkeyes generally don't seem to have last names, so I personally doubt he has one. 

Hmmmm from a pure record-keeping perspective that seems challenging. But thanks for confirming I wasn’t missing it! (And sorry for the derailment everyone :))

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25 minutes ago, Dreamstorm said:

Navani (loving the Sibling idea), Jasnah (as queen), Adolin (doing something other than being there for everyone), the people of Rira (next great struggle in unification of Roshar), Cultivation (hope we find out her name and get some back story with Tanavast), lots of listener/singers due to it being Eshonai’s book, Taln and Ash (captured by Jasnah) - fast forward time please to next book release?

Total aside not as all related to this, but it’s been bothering me - do we know Kaladin’s real last name before everyone started calling him Stormblessed? I assume he had one?

So...is Book 4 now going to be Venli’s book? I assumed somewhere along the way in writing Oathbringer, it went from being Eshonai’s book to being Venli’s book.

Unless Kelsier is about to get some company from another shadow...

I think we can add Renarin to the list. I think he’s going to end up occupying a lot of Jasnah’s on-screen time!

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  • Renarin , now that his secret is out 
  • Vyre
  • Bridge Four
  • Important Fused
  • The Unmade we haven't seen yet. I suspect there will be something about it the singers trying to find and unleash Ba-Ado-Mishram
6 minutes ago, Sparks said:

So...is Book 4 now going to be Venli’s book? I assumed somewhere along the way in writing Oathbringer, it went from being Eshonai’s book to being Venli’s book.

Brandon has said that flashback characters can be dead in their book. So Eshonai is still set to be the flashback character, but Venli will be the focus of the book. 

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My own hope/guess would be Mraize and Iyatil. We need to see some activity from the Ghostbloods soon, since they have been slowly set up for three books now. In addition, I suspect we will get more Cultivation, and also more Ash and Taln. I also think we will see Ishar for the first time. 

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8 hours ago, Dreamstorm said:

Navani (loving the Sibling idea), Jasnah (as queen)...

I agree that Navani will have a larger role in the next book, but I'm not sure about Jasnah.  I feel like Jasnah will be present in many scenes, but that she won't actually have a lot of viewpoint chapters.  Being the monarch is sort of a sedentary role - she will probably just stay in Urithiru, organizing meetings and making decisions, while the actual action happens elsewhere.

I see Navani taking a larger role in relation to the Sibling (I'm pretty sure she's going to be the Sibling Bondsmith).  I also wouldn't be surprised if Dalinar is dialed back in Book 4, since he was the focus character in Oathbringer and there are lots of other characters (Renarin, Szeth, Lift, Venli, Navani) who will have increasingly important roles moving forward and will need to occupy much the space that Dalinar filled.  For some reason I don't think the same about Kaladin, Adolin and Shallan - I think they will remain central characters, while Dalinar will be less prominent.  

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2 hours ago, Llarimar said:

I see Navani taking a larger role in relation to the Sibling (I'm pretty sure she's going to be the Sibling Bondsmith).  I also wouldn't be surprised if Dalinar is dialed back in Book 4, since he was the focus character in Oathbringer and there are lots of other characters (Renarin, Szeth, Lift, Venli, Navani) who will have increasingly important roles moving forward and will need to occupy much the space that Dalinar filled.  For some reason I don't think the same about Kaladin, Adolin and Shallan - I think they will remain central characters, while Dalinar will be less prominent.  

I feel like Dalinar will still be a prominent figure in Book 4. With everything that happened to him in Oathbringer, especially at the end with Honor’s perpendicularity, I don’t see how he could be moved more into the background. I think this would be doubly true if there were a new Bondsmith, even if it is Navani. My thought is that he’ll still be a prominent character but he’ll take a less active role in the story although he might be just as active because even though Oathbringer was primarily focused on Dalinar, there was a lot going on with Shallan, despite the fact that she was the focus character in WoR.

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I think Shallan will take a step back and have a story arc of similar size to Kaladin in OB. Brandon made Kaladin's depression be a central theme in WoR, but he toned it down for OB. He made Shallan's personality issues a very central theme in OB, I expect he will tone it down in book 4. Since book 4 will likely focus on Venli, I expect her character, the Fused and the Parshendis in general will have an increased role. The major three Dalinar/Kaladin/Shallan will share a smaller story arc, probably around the 70K words each.

Onto the other characters, I would expect Rlain to have an increased role with the focus being on the Parshendis. I would expect to see moderate amount of Jasnah, Renarin and Navani, but neither will have a strong story arc, probably of similar size as in OB.

I no longer expect anything out of Adolin, so I am going to assume he'll be around whenever he is useful to be around. He may or may not revive Maya, but I don't expect to read much on this front. With the focus on Shallan likely diminishing and the rise of the other characters, we are likely to see much less of him. He will be the Highprince, so he'll probably spend most of his time, off-screen, doing political stuff. He probably won't fight so much as Highprince don't really engage into battles. I expect his viewpoints to be more sparse as we move into the story.

I'd love for Rira to play a role, but I have come to believe whatever I expect won't happen, so Brandon probably has other plans.

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As maxal says I think/hope Rlain since the book will feature the Listeners.  Also, will Thude make an appearance? Eshonai claimed he would die but I am not sure I believe it.  Dalinar promised Rlain he would help any survivors.

I also hope to see more of Rysn, as I want to see what her larkin can do.

In terms of a new "where," I am calling on the island of Akak.  Wild hunch, but I want to get this idea out.  It's been mentioned in both WOK and OB. According to the map, it is part of Alethkar, yet since Dalinar conquered it from the Reshi, I don't think it belongs to either of the two closest princedoms (Sadeas and Aladar).  It's an island that could serve as a place for refugees.  Dalinar has already inferred that windrunners could do damage on an approaching fleet, making it more defensible.  My prediction is that Akak becomes the center northern Alethkar.

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3 hours ago, maxal said:

He probably won't fight so much as Highprince don't really engage into battles.

Actually, Highprinces do engage. It is a very individual choice. Some, like Sebarial, doesn't fight at all. Some, like Aladar, fights at times, but prefers not to. But both Dalinar and Sadeas were seen fighting a LOT in WoK. Adolin is a skilled general and a great Sharbearer, and he knows it. He wouldn't really be one to sit home and talk politics with the Azish. I fully expect Adolin to act as a field general and warrior, because that is where his strenghts lie. 

45 minutes ago, AerionBFII said:

Honestly don't care what happens. I just want to see Mraize and his invested Chicken.

This guy knows what's important :-D

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48 minutes ago, HoidsRock said:

I also hope to see more of Rysn, as I want to see what her larkin can do.

Me as well, I think Rysn is a really interesting character and I would like to see more of her.  Although I wouldn't be surprised if she remains a background character for awhile longer, just because there are so many other important characters circulating in the plot.

About Rysn, I've wondered if she will regain the use of her legs if she becomes a Knight Radiant.  I think it's very interesting that Kaladin's slave brands have never healed and are apparently unaffected by Stormlight - it's almost like the Stormlight realizes they're an important part of his identity, and that he should never hide them or forgot how he received them. In the same way, I wonder if Rysn being crippled is also an important part of her identity - something that she needs to own and accept.  Especially after Lopen grew back his arm and one of the bridgemen (don't remember which one) regained his legs, I think it would be very interesting if Rysn remained disabled.  

And I'm also looking forward to seeing what her larkin can do, and whether it will grow into a full-scale dragon creature.  It might be possible that Rysn will not become a Knight Radiant, but that instead she will become prominent in the story as a sort of dragon-riding warrior (larkin-rider), flying on his back with a special harness for her legs.  

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On 12/10/2017 at 1:34 PM, AerionBFII said:

Honestly don't care what happens. I just want to see Mraize and his invested Chicken.

6th of the Dawn Chickens? Chick-Fil-A profits are going to go through the roof! Maybe that's Mraize's game...

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May Aladar! 


Actually really hoping to get more Jasnah. More Szeth/Nightblood/Lift would be very welcomed as well. I am really trying to convince myself I care about Venli and the rest of the Listeners but it is hard. I do not know why I just have a hard time caring about them. Hoping book four changes my mind. 

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I think that Szeth will have a big role in this next book. We got to see him a lot more in OB but I think that this next book might even be his book. (Kind of like how WoK was Kal's and WoR was Shallan's and OB was Dallinar's) I think it would be nice to see his flashbacks. I also think Navini will play a MUCH bigger roll. The Ghostbloods are going to be bigger to. I wouldn't be surprised if we had some new characters introduced that will have big roles as well.

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