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The Shardhunt is coming


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So...I think I get the gist of what a shardhunt is in so far that anyone participating is looking for particular information to enter onto the website. This is done to unlock....something. Are there any examples of exactly the kind of things we would be unlocking?

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Hi everyone. Perhaps I am just a bit dense, but where would one find the unique code?  I have the Szeth cut out that came with my book, but I have not been able to figure out what to put into the site.

Edited by Mike
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Usually, yes. There are contests on Twitter and facebookj, like "take a picture of yourself with WoR", etc. I expect it to be similar in this case.

And of course, I expect our staff to create something like, ahem, shardhunt.

Hello, I'm new to the Whole Hunt thing, So How does this link Work? Who Wrote it?

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Hello, I'm new to the Whole Hunt thing, So How does this link Work? Who Wrote it?


This is actually a few months old, during the release of Steelheart and Brandon's subsequent book tour. If you found all the codes you then had access to some unpublished material, some from Words of Radiance. However, I believe it's all been published now, either in the book itself or in the sidebar on his website. If you want, you can go on the hunt for fun!


This new Shardhunt is well, new, and we'll get more goodies from it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up that we should be getting some new content soon... :)



153 codes unlocked -3 to go until the next unlock.



Anyone have an ETA on when new items appear?


Edit: nvm, Alloy of Law annotations are up!

Edited by Ephemera
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  • 2 weeks later...

So it isn't like the hunt last time where anybody could participate by figuring out clues?

No, since now codes are not necessary to view content, only to unlock it. So a single code per site is pretty much meaningless.
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It's unfortunate naming. When the Steelhunt was announced, the 17S created the Shardhunt, the site's own version of it - one based not on finding cards in bookstores or going to signings, but on... solving problems create by the staff. Now Brandon's Steelhunt 2.0, the Shardhunt (again, all about going to signings and pillaging bookstores for Szeth cards), has the same name and the terminology is messy. The status of the respective hunts is:

  • Steelhunt - complete
  • Shardhunt (17S) - complete. The pages and hints might still be there, but the content you could get from it was the same as the content from the Steelhunt, and that's publicly available now, so there is no point in doing it
  • Shardhunt (Brandon / Steelhunt 2.0) - in progress. It comes with all the Steelhunt content we unlocked, visible "out of the box," but also has 4 (for now) entries exclusive to it, again publicly available
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is there any way to participate of the shardhunt if you live in the other side of the continent? :c

I just had a flashback to the hunt Brandon did in 2010 when Towers of Midnight came out - I was so glad to be studying in the US because it meant getting the book on the very day it came out for once, and then it turned out that the last code had been in my country, only a few hours from my house. My karma sucks.

And yep, this has obviously nothing to do with the Shardhunt, but the thread made me remember and now I'm feeling frustrated at the memory all over again.

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