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[OB] At what point did you spot Vivenna?

Necessary Eagle

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I listened to the audiobook for the first part, so I thought her name was 'Azur' right up to the moment she said the phrase 'like white on black', at which point I realized that a. she was Vivenna, and b. I needed to listen to names more carefully.

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I don't know why this was the point, but when she's talking with Kaladin up on the wall and they're trying to figure out who each other are. Then the Fused attack and they just look at each other, nod, then run off in opposite directions to defend the wall. The nod is the point I was like, "Wait. That's Vivenna!"

I was aware she'd be showing up, so while none of that scene really screams Vivenna...that's just when my mind finally put it together that the mysterious female with the odd behaviors was probably Vivenna. And I immediately also said, "Her name is storming Azure! How did it take me this long!"

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On 12/2/2017 at 5:30 PM, Kk- said:

I'll hold my head high and say that until the end of part 3 I was utterly convinced she was Betab in disguise, and busy attributing everything to her being a herald who had acquired a shardblade.


Hey man, I had the same thing with Teft. Not sure how exactly, but I was certain he was Jezrien is disguise and that he had somehow along the way partially bonded an Honorspren who he had left for dead years ago.

And then nothing ever happened to confirm it and we saw exactly what Jezrien was up to the whole time.

For Azure, at least, I didn't pick up on it just from the name (which I should have), but the first time she used a colorful idiom it slapped me across the face. I knew to watch for those from the Vasher/Zahel remarks in WoR.

Prior to that I thought she was a Surgebinder of some sort.

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I'm not sure exactly when i realised it, but it was before shadesmar as i slowly became convinced that her blade was neither a radiant blade nor an honorblade, and eventually realised it was Vivienna.

I was convinced she was a new windrunner, as she was leading a group so well.

Edited by Blacksmithki
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Not until after I finished the book and went on here. I don't remember the dialogue or references to Vasher, clearly (nor how Vasher talked, though not recognizing him in WOR was a different matter entierly) I don't remember the hair either... BUT I saw Vivenna mentioned as being in OB within 2 seconds of being in the SA section of the sight and was like "Oh crap, that was Azure, wasn't it?" Big ol facepalm there.

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I was expecting Vivenna to be in the book, so I was actually wondering if it was Evi for awhile (some of her idioms don't translate properly to Dalinar), but her character didn't seem right (too meek, maybe a little dull). But the second Azure showed up with an odd sword, I was pretty sure, and then Brandon kind of beats this one into you so there is no doubt. 

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I knew as soon as she showed up and we got the first description of her, but not for the reason you might think. It's actually fairly dumb of me but it worked?

1. I knew Vivenna was going to show up so I had my eye out for her.

2. When she's first described, I think it's pointed out that she has orange eyes, but for some reason I read it as orange hair, and didn't even question it. I just thought it was odd, and I was like "Hey, you know who has really odd hair? Vivenna." :rolleyes:

I kept thinking that when Kaladin asks her why her men call her by Sir/he/him and she just kinda shrugs because that was their doing, she doesn't care. Given that women = no fighting on Roshar, she had to be a worldhopper. Then her sword turning people grey confirmed it. Funny enough I didn't catch her use of the "white on black" one, even though I was specifically looking for her to use color idioms like Vasher.

On 12/2/2017 at 4:17 PM, Ookla the Eagle said:

I don't think anyone was expecting Nightblood 2.0.

*raises hand* I was! I was! Though to be fair I wasn't expecting it this book or with Vivenna. I was just thinking at some point someone was going to at least try to make a Nightblood 2.0 to try to counteract or maybe even destroy Nightblood itself, since that sword could very well cause a lot of problems.

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Pffft. I spotted Vivenna back in WoR. 

Oh...you meant accurately spotted her.

In all seriousness though, by the time they finished up her description with a sword I was like "YOUNG LADY I HAVE SCRUTINIZED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU AND YOU HAVE THE GALL TO JUST STAND OUT IN THE OPEN LIKE FRESH BLUE PAINT ON A WALL? RUDE!"

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On 12/3/2017 at 0:30 PM, Ookla the Eagle said:

Why? We already knew she was going to show up before OB came out. If anything, putting Azure's name in the title would be the spoiler.

I had read the one sample chapter from Kaladin waaaaay back when on his trip to Hearthstone, and that was it.  I had very carefully avoided any place that might have any potential spoilers for the story, so that way I could get a fresh read and clean experience.  There is a lot to be said for how knowing the general path a thing takes and some of the twists and turns to expect can lead to a greater enjoyment of a thing--but there's also a lot to be said for going in completely blind and experiencing it for yourself first-hand for the first time as it is happening.  When I can, for things that I am 90% sure I'll love, I try to do it that way.  After all, I can always read the book again or see the movie again to get the 'familiar' experience.


On 12/2/2017 at 11:47 PM, Elsvette Mintyfresh said:

Like a lot of other people, for me, it was the moment she said "like white on black." I'm fairly certain Vasher said that exact phrase to Dalinar in part one. 

SO, I had no idea Vivenna was in OB.  But at this point I knew that it was someone from Warbreaker-land like Vasher.  It wasn't until Nightblood was talking to Szeth about Vivenna that I realized who it must be.  Finished book, came to boards, saw that I was actually right--and had missed about a dozen other Worldhoppers (or maybe more).

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Spent the first 2 parts and interludes scrutinizing everything about scenes expecting to see her in the background somewhere. 

Did not expect to be hit with a shardhammer labelled "This is Vivenna" in part 3. Repeatedly. I knew Azure had to be a something different immediately but I thought it couldn't possibly be that obvious. Then we get her description and it really was that obvious.

I mean, all that work trying to look for sneaky Vivenna and she's just like...in control of an army being so completely Vivenna like and using color idioms and a sheathed shardblade. It would have been a bit sad if she wasn't so amazing. 

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