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Nightblood vs. Master Sword


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This just popped into my head randomly. Both are swords made with the distinct purpose of destroying evil, both are sentient, and let's be honest, they both annoy the crap out of their wielders. What do you guys think. How do you think they'd matchup?

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The Master Sword, based on what it knocks back in the games and the sheer length of time for which it has existed, appears to be indestructible. But I don't think it could destroy Nightblood. So a draw for me in terms of both swords surviving. But Link is probably super dead when he gets touched by NB whereas whomever he is facing could survive a blow from the Master Sword

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15 hours ago, IndigoAjah said:

The Master Sword, based on what it knocks back in the games and the sheer length of time for which it has existed, appears to be indestructible. But I don't think it could destroy Nightblood. So a draw for me in terms of both swords surviving. But Link is probably super dead when he gets touched by NB whereas whomever he is facing could survive a blow from the Master Sword

Not necessarily. I'm not really sure on the Master Sword's powers, but didn't it turn Ganondorf into stone after you stab him in Wind Waker? If so, the MS must have some sort of magic that damages/hurts the enemy.

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18 hours ago, IndigoAjah said:

The Master Sword, based on what it knocks back in the games and the sheer length of time for which it has existed, appears to be indestructible. But I don't think it could destroy Nightblood. So a draw for me in terms of both swords surviving. But Link is probably super dead when he gets touched by NB whereas whomever he is facing could survive a blow from the Master Sword

Nightblood doesn't hurt people who are pure of heart right? If anyone is pure of heart, wouldn't it be Link. Honestly though, wasn't really thinking about a fight between the two, just how they compared.

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Sheathed, Nightblood itself won't hurt a 'good' person but it doesn't care about the morality of anyone or anything it hits. And unsheathed it will happily kill its wielder if they don't have any other source of Investiture with which to feed it. The Master Sword is only seen doing weird things to people hit with it who are 'evil', though it works on an entirely different standard than how Nightblood judges morality. In at least one timeline it has its own way of punishing unworthy people who try to use it.

So I figure that Nightblood is probably more dangerous to get hit with for the most part (unless you're Ganon, in which case you'd be screwed either way), you really wouldn't want to use either sword unless you're sure it's not going to be hazardous to your own health and if the two blades themselves clash, it would probably cause the universe to divide by zero. Which, spoiler alert, is actually the true cause of the Zelda franchise's multiple timelines.

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Unless you count that it was the key to the time travel that made the events that split Zelda's timeline possible, no. I was just having some fun with what would 'really' happen if Nightblood and the Master Sword came into contact. :D

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1 hour ago, The One Who Connects said:

Why dodge when you can destroy? You already unsheathed Nightblood, why not make use of it.

Stormfather wouldn't be to happy with that, but not much he could do to stop it lol. 

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Just now, Kered said:

Stormfather wouldn't be to happy with that, but not much he could do to stop it lol. 

What's he got to complain about? Rocks are just rocks. If he didn't have any complaints about [Spoilers] using an Honorblade against people in WoK/WoR, then using Nightblood on rocks is fine.

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I feel that Nighblood using the stormlight of highstorm as fuel(more so than the average surgebinder) would rub him the wrong way. I imagine it in my head of him just grumbling to [spoilers]. I also imagine that if it ever got to the point where Nightblood was un-sheathed in a highstorm he would be out of control to point where he might try and "attack" the Stormfather. I don't think anyone would be able to control Nightblood if he was absorbing that much Investiture. That's all just wild speculation though. 

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