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[OB] Kaladin's love life ?


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5 minutes ago, FuzzyWordsmith said:

No need to be so harsh. It was a better ship than Siri/Susebron, at least. And I'll be honest, Syladin was probably a better ship than Shadolin, all things considered.

True, I'll admit. On all points.

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I dont know but it sounds like miss Jasna wants to be "blessed" by the "storm"...


I would happily cuddle skyeels captain if your team would imitate them...


Anyone else read that as Jasnas attempt at flirting whilst trying not to be to peeved that this passionate man is calling her heartless and questioning her scholarship.!

You know, Jasna being Jasna shes not very good at displays of emotion and human interactions outside of scholarly context. Im thinking in a better world she may have said; "Captain, maybe if you were a skyeel.."

And its not a far fetched idea to think she would be impressed by the man called Stormblessed, who "killed" the assassin who murdered her father, who saved her uncle, cousins (adolin twice) and her brother amongst all his other accolades of heroism. And wouldnt it be just fun if lil ole kal with his issues with lighteyes hooks up with the storming queen!

I think syl would be happy for him ;)

!~ HIF ~!

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On 11/19/2017 at 5:31 AM, Stromblessed said:

Now that Shalladin has fallen through , what's gonna be the direction of Kaladin's story ? Since that whole affair is done and Kaladin seems to have dumped his emotional baggage about Roshone , Tien and Amaram he's actually free to live like Syl wants him to.

It's obvious that he no longer has any feelings for Laral ( that whole chapter was kinda disappointing).

Maybe Brandon might pull a Dalinar-Navani in the later half of the series ? 

Of course most of us would hate to see anything happen to Adolin 

Personally I would love to see Kaladin and Jasnah get together . They're like perfect opposites of each other. Kaladin's decisions are driven by his emotional and passion while Jasnah makes cold , calculated decisions. Then there's that moment they shared in Urithru never seen Jasnah banter with anyone like that. Or am I just reading too much into nothing? Of course there's just the tiny problem of the huge age gap xD


We got more of Kaladin's backstory in Oathbringer which I thought SHOULD have been in WoK. His girlfriend Tannah or whatever her name was? It seemed like Brandon just tried to throw her in there to give Kaladin some kind of experience with women, like it was just a second thought and not really thought out. This is one thing that Brandon seriously needs work on IMO, which is intimate relationships between men and women. They are the weakest part of his writing and character development.

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If Brandon wrote erotica, I'd love a menage with Kaladin and Adolin being lovers of each other and Shallan.   However, he wouldn't write that and many readers would probably freak out.  The ancient Greeks had both wives and battle buddies though, so it isn't out of the realm of human relationships. I would guess it wasn't uncommon in a lot of societies where men spent years away at war. 

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1 hour ago, Cenanin said:

We got more of Kaladin's backstory in Oathbringer which I thought SHOULD have been in WoK. His girlfriend Tannah or whatever her name was? It seemed like Brandon just tried to throw her in there to give Kaladin some kind of experience with women, like it was just a second thought and not really thought out. This is one thing that Brandon seriously needs work on IMO, which is intimate relationships between men and women. They are the weakest part of his writing and character development.

Tarah has been mentioned since WoK, so she’s not a new character. The memory in OB is just the first time we’ve seen her “on screen” so to speak. I agree that the romantic arcs are sometimes the least nuanced of Brandon’s storylines, but so far at least (given we don’t know how SA’s storylines will conclude), they haven’t just been plucked out of midair. 

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I feel like I am in the extreme minority here..

NONE of the characters that I have seen in Stormlight are anywhere close to capable of romantics.


If there is a Kaladin ‘Love Story’ or if Shallan and Adolin do not have massive failures in the next 2 books I am completely done with the Cosmere.

Dalinar/Navani are possible.. POSSIBLE.. exceptions.

There are entirely too many introspective problems for every single POV character for romace to happen.

I hope that Shallan/Adolin and Dalinar/Navani are the farthest extent of romantic interaction in Arc 1 SA.

Romance is a very bad thing for Addicts and people working through Depression.


I know this is going to be a very unpopular post, but experience is the worlds best teacher.


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6 hours ago, Hoids Imaginary Friend said:

I dont know but it sounds like miss Jasna wants to be "blessed" by the "storm"...


Yeah, when i read that little section of dialogue i was really confused. I mean, if Jasnah replaced "your team" with "you" it would be 100% straight flirting. Even with "your team" it sounds like an awkward attempt to flirt. And Jasnah "curiously smiled" before dropping this sentence. I guess in her life men usually tried to pick her up, and only Kaladin openly show his indifference to her. That might be intriguing for her. I wonder why no one even brought this scene before. Its really an interesting one.

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Dude. Sanderson plays it close to the chest, BUT HE DOESN'T LIE.  Yes, anyone who has ever considered Syladin for more than a hot second knows that it would take a LOT for them to be together. Our man is not saying anything we don't already know.  Frankly, Sanderson could easily have said no there is no chance for them to be together. He. Didn't. If he had said a typical RAFO he might as well have given the whole narrative  away---that is, if Syladin is in the narrative. And again, to repeat my past posts, I think Kal is going to have to at least flirt with a human relationship first. At the risk of  repeating myself ad nauseam, I'm not sure that's the direction I truly want this to go... but I (still) think it is highly likely. 

PS. I really want Rysn to radiantly get the use of her legs back. I know that suffering and I cried when it happened for Hobber.

PSS. Mostly dead. Lol. Nice 

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 I feel like Tarah's name being dropped in the first two books meant I expected so much more when she finally arrived. The scene with her was a bit of an anticlimax, much to short and sparse. 

So part of me wants her to appear so we can get more of the story, but another part would be happy with a new character for Kalladin. After All, we have many more characters we will meet, particularly KRs!

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Came across another relevant WOB on this topic (link). I think our thread here proves it to be true. :D



Is Kaladin shipped with anyone? 




That is the correct answer.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

I think basically Kaladin’s shipped with everybody. 


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On 01.12.2017 at 11:26 PM, straits said:

This is also not necessarily true. In fact, thus far in the series, it is Kaladin's difficulties with relationships that gives more depth to his character. Not every individual in this series (or any) is necessarily enriched by a relationship. For some, it is a way of escaping their problems.

If he does enter a relationship, I suspect it will either be a slow buildup that develops into something more concrete after the 5-book time gap. That, or a fling. Although the latter doesn't quite go in line with his personality.

I don't think I expressed myself well enough. What I belive is that the more layers you add to a character the more complex and fleshed out that certain character becomes, because you see him/her in diffrent instances and interactions. I wasn't insinuating that a romantic relationship for Kaladin would necessarily be a happy one or he will find his happiness in one. Even the failed relationship with Tarah, although brief, showed another dimmension to his character. I just think it's interesting when different types of relationships are explored. 

On 01.12.2017 at 11:49 PM, Meghan1Q84 said:

1. Szeth. He spent 28 years as a fully integrated, respected, and grown man in Shin society. It's diminishing to say that he has the mind of a child and if you were a character in the book that would be a particularly insulting assessment because of all the Shin slurs accorded to them because of their racial configuration...but you aren't, and it is only a book, and this is where I sincerely hope I have not offended you.

But, he didn't spend half his life this way, it was 7 years after reaching full adulthood. He didn't skip social experiences, he doesn't have the mind of a child--goodness gracious he is extremely intelligent, thoughtful, discerning (remember the purelake prison sequence), and he is loooooonely. I know you were kidding on this next part, but Nightblood really does seem to be the closest thing he has to a friend, and while NB is an entertaining parasite... I think we can all agree that NB is not exactly a "healthy" friend to have around. I don't even care if we ship him with a pal...this poor guy needs a connection. Maybe it will be his spren? Szeth is many things, but he is also the one man who is more like Kaladin than anyone else in the novel, and if we are comfortable shipping charismatic Kal, even with his PTSD, we should ask why it's uncomfortable to consider Szeth-- and I do acknowledge that it is uncomfortable. Even with just a very close friend. 

Well, maybe I didn't express myself well enough. I wasn't comparing Szeth's mind to a child's, because of his phisical features, I don't know how you jumped to that conclusion, because I didn't think I was insinuating that there is a connection between his intellect and appearence. Why I compared his mind to the one of a child and assumed he skipped over some basic social interactions, was because the vibe he gave me whenever I read him. I don't have the first two books with me otherwise I would go back to his chapters to point out exactly what made me think so, but I don't think there is any shadow of a doubt that he is not right in the head, or a bit on the path to insanity (at least before he died). By that I don't mean that he is not intelligent or thoughtful. He is one of my favourite characters, I don't say these things to dimish him or make him look weak, but by the way he interracted with Lift, his blind obbedience to the Oathstone, his rambly thoughts and him talking to himself, made me read him in a certain way. Maybe the comparisson with the mind of a child is not the best one, but he definetely isn't sane, so it's not so wierd that one doesn't automatically think of him in a romantic relationship. I would say that would be wierd considering we don't know much about his character or his past. With Kaladin, Shallan or others it's different because we've been more in their mind and we followed them for 3 books now.

On 01.12.2017 at 8:35 PM, Rainier said:

I completely fail to see how that isn't just waging the shipping wars on Kaladin's behalf. How, exactly, do you intend to discuss Kaladin's possible romantic interests without, you know, discussing his possible romantic interests? Shallan is one of those possible interests, and there's enough textual evidence for me to continue thinking that there will be more between them. It's not my fault Brandon decided to put his most obvious love interest in a betrothal with another character, and it's not my fault the last topic got closed. To be fair, we've got about 25 pages to go before we reach the length of the last one. 

I stand by previous posts: the best love interest for Kaladin is Shallan, there is significant textual evidence to support this pairing and undermine her actual marriage, and there's no way to have a topic about Kaladin's love life without it being directly involved in the love-triangle. I don't intend to fight anyone over it, and perhaps my phrasing as the great ship war was provocative (I don't think so, but maybe this while forum is as prudish as the author it's dedicated to), but talking about the love triangle simply has to be on topic.

I debated a bit if I should reply to this or not, but I will add something before I let it skip. First I am sorry if I came across to harsh or if I offended you. I do agree this is a thread about exploring Kaladin's romantic posibilities and everything that supports a certain theory can be disscused, but at a certain point I also think we have to take a step back and see if what we add something new to the conversation or not. It's not like this is a "must" or I've always thought about adding something, but in a topic like this, after all the talk and arguments that have been made in favour or against that particular subject, I was a bit tired of going though all of that again and I felt that's where the thread was going. I do think everyone should be able to express their opinion here and not be censured, but that topic is such a broad one and has so much base to it, that I feel it's better served on its own thread, rather than including it in one that briefly approaches different posibilities. Hope this explains better where I was coming from :)

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Instead here is an image of verbal and visual symmetry that probably has profound cosmere implications.  

I pride myself for staying on topic. Cat memes? Always salient.


Edited by Meghan1Q84
Post deleted because it was subtractive rather than additive. If charitably described as reasonable, better described as grouchy rather than insightful.
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On 12/1/2017 at 4:01 PM, Rainier said:

His return to Shinovar could mean he meets someone he knew long ago, such as an old flame

A little off the beaten track.... What if Kalashin...I mean Szeth... was married and becoming truthless ended that... O-o  and if Szeth's ex (let's call her Imaginarya) had  subsequently married one of the corrupt or at least willfully ignorant, leaders?

If it were a telenovela, Imaginarya might have been pregnant and found out only just after Szeth left, forcing her to get married again very quickly for protection or possibly for the sake of a son's "legitimacy" in a society where everyone is named "XY son Bill" or "XX daughter Patty".

Truthfully, I think that Mr. Sanderson is much too original an author to go with that entire battered old hat of a storyline. But I wouldn't be surprised if a girl that Szeth had been interested in (or maybe a sister?) is now married to someone he has to kill. He just isn't isolated or angsty enough yet, you know?:p

Does anyone know from Sandersonian Q&A whether legitimacy is an issue for offspring within Shinovar

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 12/2/2017 at 5:40 PM, FuzzyWordsmith said:

So, my hopes for Syladin have been well and truly bashed. I'm sad now.



Is there even the babiest tiniest little bitty babiest chance of Syl and Kaladin ever being able to be together?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

That would take a lot.


But itty bitty babiest chance?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Itty bitty babiest chance? Sure.


On 12/3/2017 at 2:10 AM, Meghan1Q84 said:


Dude. Sanderson plays it close to the chest, BUT HE DOESN'T LIE.  Yes, anyone who has ever considered Syladin for more than a hot second knows that it would take a LOT for them to be together. Our man is not saying anything we don't already know.  Frankly, Sanderson could easily have said no there is no chance for them to be together. He. Didn't. If he had said a typical RAFO he might as well have given the whole narrative  away---that is, if Syladin is in the narrative. And again, to repeat my past posts, I think Kal is going to have to at least flirt with a human relationship first. At the risk of  repeating myself ad nauseam, I'm not sure that's the direction I truly want this to go... but I (still) think it is highly likely. 

PS. I really want Rysn to radiantly get the use of her legs back. I know that suffering and I cried when it happened for Hobber.

PSS. Mostly dead. Lol. Nice 

So just want to point out that another thing that Brandon said "would take a lot" is reviving a dead shardblade...


And looking at the brief discussion on age, we have heard from the BS blog that years on Roshar are 500 days, so if you were factoring ages to earth years, you need to look at your math again. 

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On 12/2/2017 at 6:49 AM, DimChatz said:

Do they have a reputation or am I missing something? I though Bavland was like this semi-autonomous region in Jah Keved where people speak a Scottish accent of the equilevant of accented Veden, judging by the the Graphic Audio audiobooks. I just think it'd be interesting to have a Bav as I think we haven't seen much of them and they kinda stand out from the rest of the Veden.

In WoK there is a scene in Bavlands where the women in the bar had completely naked safe arms. Scandalous!

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 9:51 AM, Harbour said:

Jasnah in my opinion is too radical adept of logic and cold calculations. Kaladin need someone who can use logic better than him but tone it down a bit, living on the the same mental wave. Thats why i always find Shallan a good partner for him. She is quite a good at logic, but also pretty empathetic for Kaladin to understand her and not be irritated.

If Shalladin wont happen in the following books, then i wish him to find Jasnah-Lite.

Or, if Jasnah will become a little bit more empathetic, then she may suit Kaladin too.

That's kind of why I feel Kaladin and Jasnah could make a good match for each other.  Kaladin cares to much, and Jasnah cares to little, they can balance that out in each other.

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48 minutes ago, Wolven said:

Kaladin cares to much, and Jasnah cares to little, they can balance that out in each other.

That could also be really toxic to a relationship.

Kaladin: I love you.

Jasnah: Can you pass me that book.

Kaladin: Aren't you going to say it back?

Jasnah: No, pass me that book.

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3 hours ago, Wolven said:

That's kind of why I feel Kaladin and Jasnah could make a good match for each other.  Kaladin cares to much, and Jasnah cares to little, they can balance that out in each other.

Of all the (unmarried, female) characters we've seen*, I think Jasnah is the only one who might work with Kaladin. I'm not sure if the lack of a viable alternative might be coloring the general perception of the pairing. It has it's merits, but the biggest problem with it is that it doesn't seem like either of them is at all interested in any sort of relationship - I can picture them being an absolutely perfect pair but nonetheless completely ignoring each other because they're focused on other matters. 

Ultimately, I think the age gap tears it. They're almost fifteen Rosharan years apart, meaning Jasnah is sixteen or so standard years older than Kaladin. That might be odd to us, but a man with significant status marrying a woman sixteen years older would be downright bizarre a basically any pre-industrial culture, especially given that Kaladin has no discernible interest in becoming Prince-Consort or other political desigins he might advance with such a union.

While neither of them is particularly concerned with social conventions, it pays to remember that characters will approach any given matter with their own set of preconceptions and prior assumptions. Accordingly, it seems unlikely that Kaladin would be consider a woman quite plausibility old enough to be his mother as a romantic prospect at all. 

3 hours ago, aemetha said:

Kaladin: Aren't you going to say it back?

Jasnah: No, pass me that book.

This would obviously be the moment for Kaladin to pass her the book with the addition of a Full Lashing. 


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I'm not sure who he should be with. Maybe a new character will be introduced? There will be more Radiants popping up I'm sure, so potential new characters there. Though I do hope if he does end up in a relationship with a Radiant that it's something other than a Windrunner. Or maybe he'll just be single for a while. I don't want him with that Tarah though, so I really hope that does not become a thing in the future. There is something about it that gives me "this is going to be very boring and dull" vibes about their relationship. 

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  • 10 months later...
On 12/1/2017 at 10:41 PM, Meghan1Q84 said:

You know you bring up a separate point that I hadn't really considered before. Jasnah is a heretic and so is Dalinar. And the ruler is the head of the Vorin church as well as state. There is going to be some serious, high sparrow level religious upheaval to deal with...until now I was too caught up with screaming "slay Jasnah slay"


And now you have given me a crazy and great awesome idea. Jasnah and Szeth working together to create the idea of establishment of legal seperation of curch and state in Roshar. After bringing up the idea of shipping them I like it even more with this idea.


Also on the subject of Jasnah I’d like to bring to attention something I’d brought elsewhere in this forum.

someone wrote a Tumblr thread compiling the evidence for Jasnah being Autistic http://caduceusstea.tumblr.com/post/170277307278/autisticjasnah-masterpost

I also bring it up because I thought of Kaladin and Jasnah like this. They are two of the most emotionally driven characters in the series they just DEAL with their emotions in Radical different ways. As such while they might SEEM similar on the outside I wouldn’t be surprised if once you peel back the layers they are more similar than they appear. Even if they don’t become romantically involved I look forward to them interacting for that reason alone.

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