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Long Game 3: Blackwater Village

Peng the Just

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Joe stared at the Note in his hands. Information he had bought from a Street Urchin. Someone Else was selling Allomantic Metals In town? How Dare they! Joe had come here first with Cyrus! He quickly closed and left his shop and headed over to Forager's Shop. He would Regret Trying to Steal the Market From Joe.

I like to write in White sometimes too.

In all serious though, I'm laughing, Just Role Playing. Good luck Selling your metals though, I'm a Well know Metalurgist. 

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"Oi can put yer up for tha noight Mabi. As long as yah can stand meh snoring, meh dog and meh brewers droop". Wark said as he scratched himself.  He haoicked and spat out a wad of black flem. "Oi'll evan cook yer brakfast.  Oi cud do wif a new pare of hot pink trousars though if yu'd be ahbliged.  Near bin run ova stagarin' 'ome twice this week"


As Wark continues down the street - you can't tell whether he is staggering ot shuddering - a faint sob can be heard.  "Jak, Kale.  Oi'm sorra lahds. Maggy, Gurls forguv meh, fur Oi can't"

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Dangit, just re-read through Wark's accent and figured out what he was saying about those pink trousers


Mabi followed Wark at a respectable distance, neither looking forward to tonight nor dreading it with any special loathing.  Wark's appearance, temperament, and other characteristics were by far less than ideal, but then again there were worse people for company.  He was a rather tragic soul that had been destroyed by the harshness of the world.  She herself had almost succumbed to it, but those were memories better left in the past.


"Of couse Wark, I'll help you with a pair of trousers" perhaps run some through a dying vat, should I visit the tinker or the tanner? "And thank you for your kind offer for shelter and a meal."  She paused, "I'll accompany you to fetch your trousers, but I'll work on them outside where I still have some light.  I might stop by one of the taverns to get some dinner though, and see if I can't get some more work.  A girl's got to earn her keep."  The smell of his house was rather pungent with the reek of alcohol, and she would like to better prepare herself if possible.  Also possibly a passerby would invite her to a home that was a better option than Wark.

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"Excuse tha smell, 'nd tha mess Mabi"  Wark said as he lifted a pile of unwashed clothing from the floor.  "Now far a toor, as yeh can see, it's open plahn livin' at it's foinest.  Thus be Baldrick, me dag, he has a penchant for the foiner thangs in life, squirrels, turnips and the loike.  Asla likes it if yah scratch 'im be'ind has ears.  Tha sleepin pahlat is in the cornah, next tah tha bottles.  Some ain't evan emptah 'elp yersalf. Now if yah don't mind Oi'll pass out"  With that Wark collapsed on the pallet, a slight, sad smile on his face. 


In his dreams his sons were alive.  In his dreams he wasn't broken. In his dreams he was free.

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By the way, Forage, how do you prevent Odium from tainting the writing? :P

Well, you see to be mixing shard worlds. ;) This is Scadrial and Ruin contaminates, not Odium.

be much greater then even Forage's strongest Ryshadium horses could carry.

"If you have Ryshadiums," Maw, the farmer, said, "you have a much more valuable currency than even Lerasium. If you have Ryshadiums, world hopping must be a skill you know. That would be worth purchasing."

As Maw saw Mabi walking behind Wark, he called out, "Oi! Mabi! If you need somewhere to stay, you can stay in my guest house, if that makes you more comfortable. It is small though, and My house is also open to you, though you might not be as comfortable with the one bedroom."

Edited by Mailliw73
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Forage would not do such an undignified thing as "hopping" from world to world: moreover, he finds the possibility of its feasibility as dubious. To jump between planets over many lightyears of space would require more force than Forage's poor, sore leg muscles can muster. Even his prize rabbits would have difficulty hopping that far. Forage instead chooses to walk demurely between the various Shardworlds the rooms of his shop are built on. It is considerably better for his legs.

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Alas, though he may cry deep tears at your misfortune, there is no price that could make Forage open his doors between the worlds for another. If he let others pass, then why, there'd be a massive flood of travel in between. How could Forage earn his keep as a dealer of stuff if his dastardly competition gained access to his cunningly and painstakingly formed trade routes? While Forage has no doubt a man of such impeccable moral fibre would not intend to open the way for his competitors, the result would still be inevitable, for they are persuasive and always plotting, unlike the innocent Forage. It is also likely that Cultivation would be displeased at the invasion to the land she has grown, and Forage has no wish to disappoint such a frequent customer.

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So is Forage's shop in Shadesmar?

"Alas, that is a reasonable reason. I will accept that excuse. As long as you work for your food, unlike that old man, Clan. Lazy man. Same with that Wark. Drunk all the time? No reasonable work gets done then.

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That's a cool shop

"But, Joe, can you provide Lerasium? As I understand it, Forage is a conessuir of the rare and you are a merchant of common metals. Am I wrong?"

An old, old memory flashed into Maw's head. He pushed it away instantly. This is not that Joe. This is a different Joe. A good Jow, hopefully.

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Truly, Forage is much aggrieved at your plight. But it is the nature of Forage's shop to include all of the various forms of stuff there are, even if they may overlap with that of other merchants. Metals are but one of many remarkable goods carried by Forage's ever-expanding store. There are exquisite Nalthisian flowers and rugs, lovable crustacean pets of Roshar, Forged vases to decorate your home, even a Shade-in-the-Box as a delightful toy for your children! He has a copied signed by Nohadon of The Way of Kings, and even that most deadly of bludgeoning weapons Words of Radiance (banned in 42 countries for excessive violence). He has Awakened items with a dazzling array of Commands. But this is only just scratching the surface, for if Forage was to recite all his wonderful goods then he would exhaust even his considerable supply of stamina. All other stores are made obsolete by Forage's Foraged Goods. It is this quality that makes his store first among all others.

But Forage has no interest in causing harm to such a noble man. As a fellow metallurgist, perhaps you might be interested in this Aonic forge, capable of much higher temperatures than standard forges and a steal at only 2000 Boxings?

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I'll give you 1900 boxings, and a promise of free metals if you're a misting!


And this godlike figure named JasonPeng came in yesterday and bought all my Lerasium and Atium for 10,000 boxings, he said he was going to make a bunch of people into Allomancers, and use the Atium to See the Future...

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Stopping his wagons next to Bartson's tavern, Alon quickly ordered the stablehands to start unloading the various casks and crates of alcohol.

While the wagons were being unloaded under the watchful eye of his second in command, Alon headed over to Forage's shop.  Once there he handed Forage a box containing some strange stone plates that seemed to glow slightly.  "Your package Sir.  Don't know what these are but your contact was right where you said he would be."


As he headed back to his wagons he caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a small ribbon of light twirling around above the sign over Forage's door.


You might want to keep your door closed Forage. You seem to be letting in some things that really shouldn't be here.


Maill, by all means use the Elimination count. Glad you like it.  I'm a little jealous that you already have some stats while I'm still waiting to get my first. Hopefully I can get a green count soon.

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Meta stumble through Forage's door and somehow tangled himself in a net that was supposedly from a place called Purelake. As he fought his way free, he happened to swipe one of the supposed Lerasium beads everyone was talking about. He palmed it and put it in his mouth, swishing it around as if it was gobstopper. He tossed the net aside and took out a magnifying glass. He studied the Aon glyphs, glowing with a iridescent light. 


"Hmmm," he said to himself. 


Finally, he turned to the waiting group, who watched him stumble through the store. "My fwiends, I 'ave etuces..." 


He paused and spit out the Lerasium nugget. 


"My friends, I have deduced that you are all being swindled. The net is made of nothing more than typical horse hair, likely from a stock from the southern plains. The coloration and texture is slightly different than those found elsewhere. These glyphs do not glow from the inside, but are coated with a mixture of fireflies and paint. I believe that the effect will fade within 48 hours of purchase. And finally, that is not Lerasium. Lerasium has a very identifiable taste to it. That ball tastes more like someone has coated a steal bearing with a layering of glitter and copper. 

In conclusion, he is indeed a seller of stuff. He just failed to declare what kind of stuff he was selling."


He stopped and waited for them to applaud his investigation skills. He stood a little straighter, already basking in their compliments. Instead, they just stood there, looking at him as if he were crazy. As the seconds passed, he felt himself deflating. 


"Very well," he mumbled. "I'll just go find some other mystery to solve, shall I? Yes, that's probably for the best."


And with that, he made a bee-line for the door. 

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Mabi turned in response to Maw.  Both Wark and Maw were both farmers, although Maw was higher up in management of farming.  HIs comment about the single bedroom was a moot issue as Wark's 'humble' abode was smaller and less lavish.  But she didn't want to offend Wark especially when he offered her breakfast the following morning.  While Maw would be more pleasurable and appealing company, the offer for a meal was not to be dismissed.


She backtracked a bit catching up to Maw sauntering the last few steps, "I'll be by a bit later." She whispered, "And besides, the prospect of a single room is no bother to me, and two people in the same room is much cozier and warmer, especially with the nights getting colder.  It's also a more efficient arrangement."


Before he could respond she dashed off catching up to Wark before he could notice in his self absorbed ramblings.  When he reached his abode, the stench of a lived in hovel assaulted her senses nearly demanding that she leave for fresh air.  As Wark gave his introductory spiel, mentioning his dog and the pallet on the far side she noticed that he was becoming harder to understand through his alcohol induced slurring.  He promptly passed out.


That left the dog.  She regarded the dog calmly.  Baldrick. Who in the Lord Ruler's name give a dog the name Baldrick? She wondered idly.  The dog seemed more interested in his - or was is a her?- master.  She found a relatively clean woven basket and picked through the soiled linens and assorted garments, she would wash them tomorrow.


That done she closed the door behind her, as to not let Baldrick out.  She left the basket near the door so she would be able to pick it up easily the next day.


Off she went, working towards the taverns.  Hopefully she would find someone better yet than Maw's offer.  The after seeing the place Wark's living circumstances were even more lacking than she had thought possible.  Still it was better than some other places in Luthadel that she had lived in, but those memories were not to be dwelt on.


If she did not find a better offer than Maw, she'd need to find a way to be compensate him, and later soothe the ego of Wark, possibly by cleaning his place up.  Of course, if there were more pressing or enjoyable uses for her time she would follow through with that instead.


She was brought out of her reverie as she found that she needed to choose between Dyring's tavern and Bartson's tavern.  Then she saw Alon's young, athletic, stablehands working busily at Bartson's.  Bartson's it is.

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Woken by Baldrick licking his face.  Wark notices his clothes were missing.  Was he talking to someone on the way home?  He couldn't remember  Wark opened the door to let Baldrick do her ablutions and propmtly follow suit on the nearby crops.  Sniffling as he pulled up his trousers he called Baldrick to heel.  Turning back towards his shanty, he noticed his clothes in a basket by the door. 


"Weel ain't tha summit.  Oi useually foinds 'em in tha trees, bast tak'em insoide, don wunt 'em stol'ahn"


Dumping the clothes back on the floor he turns the basket upside down uses it for a seat. He pulls a package out from under his pallet, lays it on his makeshift table and gently unwraps it.  Clutching the contents to his chest he sobs three loud heaving cries, rewraps the package carefully and returns it to its hiding place.  Grabbing a half finished bottle he uncorks it and downs the contents, lies down next to the dog and falls asleep. 

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Well, even though he might be lying about godmetals, I believe I still need a good Walking Stick. It may come in handy if it had, say, a knife inside that could be ejected. I get it from you or if not, I can get the tinkerer to build one. I have the schematics.

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But Forage has no interest in causing harm to such a noble man. As a fellow metallurgist, perhaps you might be interested in this Aonic forge, capable of much higher temperatures than standard forges and a steal at only 2000 Boxings?

Hey! This Aonic Forge isn't Working! it says it only Works in Atlantis! Oh, wait, Elantris! I want my Money Back!!!

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Just as Meta was about to walk out the door Mac grabbed him by the collar and asked with a grunt, "Honest words?". 

Instead of a response Meta just blankly looked at the 7 foot giant, his face turning a little purple. At this moment Mac realized he had lifted the investigator a foot off the ground and was choking him. Mac quickly dropped him and walked out the door in embarrassment.

Joe, I love your signature. Our googledoc was the best. ;)

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Am I just imagining thing or is this sign up more active then the game currently running?


Dane hurried to welcome Vizzini, the noble that decided to life in their Skaa community of all places. "My my, welcome lord Vizzini. How about a welcoming dinner at my mansion? I know that this village is not exactly big but the land is quite peasant, don´t you agree?" By now Dane learned to control himsef when interacting with nobles, even without the help of Cryus. Still having to constantly fool a noble would turn tieresome and soner than later most likely. Plus, searching around in that Forage place sounded a lot more appealing, however he had to keep up cover, so his formal acting had to be priority right now  I can only hope that he moves away before he uncovers our secret.

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If Forager was Lying about the Lerasium and Aons as Meta says, How do we know he isn't Lying about the Rest Of his Supplies? After all, My Aonic Forge didn't Work. Though those Horses look Real. 


I'll Believe him if he Can get me Take-out from T'Telir.

Hey Clancy, Can I use White Words too Sometimes?

Well, to be fair. I think this thread already has more people in it than the other game has left. XD

They only have 7 active players, most of Whom are in this Game too. And Does anyone know Why Aether Stopped Posting?

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